I work for a strange company, but most Telco's are strange. Anyway, I have this Sr. Manager that is really, really, bad at managing people. He believes we should all just be happy we have jobs, rather than try to get anything out of our jobs like respect or career advancement.
So, we have been really busy. Most companies are spending the last of the '04 budget and they are buying services left and right. This means that our already understaffed group is getting slammed with orders. So, rather than augmenting the staff with more people, it is his belief that we should just work more hours (we are salary) and that will make up for it.
So to make sure we are working more than 8 hours per day he had this little application installed on our desktops. One ICON says log in, the other log out. It reports back to a central server so we can all be watched like children.
So should I
a. write a vb script that will log me in and then out in 8 hours, then back in after 16 hours has expired?
b. start setting my system time to 0730 when I come in at 0800 and then setting to 1730 when I leave at 1700?
c. log in with my system time set to 1700 and out with the time set to 0800?
Just trying to illustrate a point to the pointy haired boss (Dilbert reference)