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Everything posted by Berto

  1. I had a similar-ish problem There was a rubber hose in the back of engine. In the middle but closer to the passenger side. It has rubbed through. I was getting a lean condition fault. Might be worth looking. I found it spraying starter fluid in the engine bay. Worth a check.
  2. Look at the 'North Texas Truck Stop' just south of Dallas. Do a lot of internet sales. http://www.northtexastruckstop.com/ I got my 04.5 4 yrs ago with 135k miles on it for $15,500 If you have q's on the process let me know I know not 4x4, but its what I was looking for. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c192/BertoBizkit/Tail%20of%20the%20Dragon/302735.jpg
  3. Don't get too excited Mike. I had comcast and it was absolutely terrible. I got so mad once I even emailed their CEO (found address online, lol). Getting rid of comcast was one of the best days of my life. I still get excited when they call to try to get me back and I get the satisfaction to tell them to push a rope. I have Metronet now (local fiber) and its been really good so far. Good luck.
  4. I'm due for a PAPs soon. All jokes aside I have a hard time trusting doctors. I go to them, no doubt about it! but finding a good doctor is getting very hard to do as well. My dad has an auto immune disease. I remember going to my doctor and saying hey I've noticed similar symptoms that my dad's doctor described in my urine (TMI?) can you run a screen? Had me pee in a cup then just looked at it and said 'nah I don't see anything' and dumped it out. Dude...send the stupid thing out to a LAB geez Still trying to find a doctor I like
  5. Its a trap, this is how it starts then as soon as you know it, you have a baby. Be careful with passion projects.
  6. With the firepower OSU is getting together I'm not sure Meyer will allow for a rebuilding season. He's sour on those two losses.
  7. Berto

    Medical Update

    +1 for Joe dressing up like a nurse and visiting you.
  8. So glad I don't have to hear about the SEC for at least another year. Good game, glad I could enjoy it without completely eating all of my fingernails and toenails.
  9. Try to keep your chin up. If there is anything positive out of this is that you are getting the right tests and subsequent treatment. I know it took docs 2 yrs to diagnose my dad (another disease) and it almost cost him his life. Sending positive vibes your way.
  10. Fitting for the game to end in a sack. Hats off (or visors?) to stoops and his team. They did work.
  11. I was at around 28% a few weeks ago. Pretty happy with that. Its nice to see after a few yrs of investing its finally starting to look like i'm making some money.
  12. No, its just intolerable. Since it jumps on trains it should have no problem jumping the curb in the drive through.
  13. Oh hai Nebraska, thanks for win vs SEC team. Welcome to the big10, you are worthy (I know its been a few yrs).
  14. No shame in taking help. Your family wants to help, great. Strangers want to help, great. The programs you'd helped fund over the years....sign up for them. If you wait till everything is gone it will be that much harder to get out of the hole. It sounds like you feel a degree of shame with using gov aid. Thats actually a good thing IMO. It guarantees that you are using it only temporarily till things turn your way, it drives you to get of them. At this point you owe it to your family. Keep a roof over their head and food on the table. Medical bills are the #1 reason for bankruptcy, its real.
  15. That kick off return was dumb, then they let them score on 3rd and 8 with a QB scramble.....dumb.
  16. Minnesota lost a game they should have won. ARRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  17. Black Mountain is private. I think all you need is a bill of sale i you do want to go on public ground. Just write one up from the DMV site and have him sign it.
  18. I'm heading down to black mountain the weekend of the 27th-29th. Was going to see if anyone would be interested in going. Going with a group of RZR's and one of them knows the off park trails well which is a unique opportunity to put in a 60-80 mile ride. If anyone is interested in going let me know fairly soon. I am hoping to bring someone and offset fuel costs to get down there. I have a car hauler so plenty of space for just about anything If you've never been, you aren't living. Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Meetings and events? Daily Ride? Dunno
  19. Those look like great matchups. Hope Big10 can bring the heat. The one I am most worried about is Iowa/LSU.
  20. Oh and lets not forget 2 yrs ago this was a 6-7 team on NCAA sanctions. I'm thrilled with coming out of that on a 24-1 run!
  21. Man I am incredibly disappointed but we can't forget about the great season we had. I agree the play call was absolutely ridiculous. We were in the hole 17 pts. Got back u, took the lead. We had the lead in the 4th quarter and lost it. There were pretty severe breaks in the defense. Like many said on here I am almost happy it happened here and not at the NC. I don't know how much our program can handle getting schooled in the NC again. We already have a stigma of choking. If we choke again it is bad for us and the conference. I really hope at least MSU and OSU can do work on the bowl games vs ranked respectable teams. I did end up going to the game with my sis-in-law which is an MSU fan. Even though we lost I did have a good time. I ended up on the MSU side, the fans were really nice, no one exceedingly rowdy. We ended up scoring club tickets 20 rows up from the field 5 mins after kickoff at the 30ish yard line. The atmosphere was incredible. Also when we were doing O-H-I-O, being I was on the MSU side I really do think I might have been one of 3 people standing up giving the 'H'. I have no voice today. MSU well deserved. I know this pic isn't great, the guy taking it couldn't stand still. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c192/BertoBizkit/Miscelaneous/GoproBIGStadimedited.jpg http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c192/BertoBizkit/Miscelaneous/PanoramaLucasOil.jpg
  22. Still rocking my flip phone so nothing live. I am taking my new gopro hero 3 though....
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