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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. I don't SEE lines run...not saying there aren't though. Heck, if you wanted to, you could calculate rough horsepower from that rig as it sits...you'd need a ton of math, and the results would probably be sketchy at best, but it could be done. After all, a dyno derives horsepower by how long it takes to accelerate a known mass from one velocity to another...and yes, I realize the practical reality is much more complicated, but at its most basic...
  2. It's a feature youtube has now...you can set a specific index mark to start the video at. No idea how you managed to do it inadvertently, 90% of the time I can't get it to work properly at all.
  3. The interesting thing is that the side window glass all looks to be intact. Hell even the hatch glass is fine....just not attached to the car anymore.
  4. Now in CONVERTIBLE! http://www.eatliver.com/i.php?n=7268
  5. Fuckin' made me hungry. BRB after I find a cow.
  6. Yeah, that video was sadly lacking in the "car thief meets bridge pier" department.
  7. I think the stretch between 270 and Norton is 35 now, with 40 from there to Galloway. Too much traffic from side streets and parking lots is my guess as to why people go slow...I can't count the number of times I've had to stomp to avoid the usual turning idiots. That, and people seem to think New Rome still exists...
  8. Make sure you stand very close to him. Maintain eye contact AT ALL TIMES. Lean towards him while you speak. Use his full name in every sentence.
  9. They are pretty close to the same size, the Starship has more wingspan though. Definitely a unique sounding plane...the only thing I've heard that sounded similar was a C-123K with 2 radials and 2 jets.
  10. My brother saw one of the Piaggio Avantis flying into Port Columbus yesterday...apparently there is a regional feeder with a fleet of them. That Starship is an awesome plane, too bad it wasn't as successful as it was beautiful. Too unique, too expensive, bad economy...there are only a couple left in flying shape, although there is a guy in Oklahoma with a collection of NINE of them.
  11. Not weird...it's just that Germany actually requires a demonstration of driving ability to get a license rather than rubber-stamping anybody. Throw in a fine and sentencing structure that starts at "really expensive" and ratchets quickly to "we even confiscated the little tiny license plates on your Matchbox cars"....Germany also has a mass transit system that WORKS and people actually WANT to use.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Florida permit the seizure of property to satisfy debt incurred as the result of criminal activity? I'd take his car, and park it where he can see it from the prison...and let it ROT until the day before he gets out. On THAT day, I'd make sure the local car thieves know that THIS one is free, take what you want, just leave the shell sitting where it is...
  13. I got the same thing...plus email and snail. I was getting 25-30 emails per DAY, including multiple copies of the same thing, PLUS 3-4 letters. Now it's down to 3-4 emails and 1 or letters per week, and that's after FINALLY finding somebody to complain to. Frankly, I'm done with them. I figure they've used about twenty times the amount of my membership to bother me for more money.
  14. An LSx in a Vega or Monza would be an interesting car.
  15. And actually not easily done either...the pistol buffer tube is larger than a rifle buffer tube specifically so that you CAN'T fit it inside a stock. Swapping to a rifle buffer won't help either, since the mounting point is ALSO larger. SBR is only $200, right?
  16. Mall ninja gun is tacti-COOL... Seriously, what's the point? It's not good as a pistol, and not good as a rifle.
  17. Well, this April wasn't just the wettest April on the books, but the month with the most rain PERIOD in Columbus history. That's close to 200 years...
  18. Can anybody park a damn car anymore?
  19. I realize that we are "enlightened" and "civilized" now, that we have outgrown and moved beyond our barbarous and bloody past, and that we just don't do certain kinds of thing anymore...for the most part, this is a GOOD thing. However, there are times when "Goat-fucking son-of-a-bitchs head stuck onto a motherfucking lance jammed into the front lawn" is really and truly the best way to MAKE A FUCKING POINT...
  20. http://bigmarketing.files.wordpress.com/2006/09/kalash.jpg
  21. Lucky bastards! Their money is never going to be good in any bar forever!
  22. I'm assuming the .30'06 is gunshow reloads? Do you still have the load data for them? Should have been on a little paper in the bag.
  23. http://forums.gunboards.com/forumdisplay.php?97-Single-Action-Revolver-Forum http://www.coltforum.com/forums/colt-revolvers/ Short answer...I've seen them range from $500 for a "decent condition shooter" to $1,500 for perfect condition.
  24. Control should have called it the second time he crossed the line..."you burned out, you came back, you rolled through the staging lights...too bad, red light. Exit is over there."
  25. If there is ANY weak spot on the Garand, it's the wrist of the stock. At the last uncrate for the CMP, they found 4 or 5 fresh breaks just from them being shipped from Greece...which fucking SUCKS, since at least one would have been a "Correct" grade Winchester.
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