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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Very $$$ setup using multiple cameras in a very modified reconnaissance pod hung on the centerline drop-point...
  2. I think the Lancer uses the explosive pre-tensioners, which pull the belts tight when the airbags go off...but the Eclipse does not. Probably something to do with belt geometry in coupes vs sedans...
  3. Can it take it? Sure, it'll get off the line...the rest of the 1319 feet are problematic.
  4. We have them all over our lawn at work...I've been SEVERELY tempted to catch several and release them into the managers offices.
  5. Use come-alongs or strapping to secure it to the pallet, and cover the whole thing with a tarp or sheet plastic. I see a TON of engines and trans on LTL trucks, and this is usually how they are loaded. Make sure you read over all the policies and fees that the shipping company charges...some of them charge a fee if you can't unload the pallet yourself, and lifting a 300-400 lbs engine down from a semi trailer is NOT a one person job...
  6. I have to ask why you think it wouldn't be able to breed again... And box turtles universally LOVE strawberries. It's like red and juicy crack for them.
  7. Is there still going to be a turbo-4 version? I don't recall hearing anything about that since they introduced the concept.
  8. There is a big air-cooled meet every year out in Pataskala, same weekend as the Mopar Nats.
  9. The company I work for made the glass for the underwater viewing area...that stuff was FUN to do. It is MASSIVELY over-built, you could probably spend an hour with a shotgun in there and not get wet... We still have one or two of the rejected pieces sitting about the shop.
  10. They are claiming that it was Margarita pre-mix that was mis-labeled. Tells you something about the drinks at Applebee's I guess. And being drunk at 15 months is WEAK...I managed to be unable to walk straight before I actually COULD walk at all.
  11. And every drifting fan-boy just pee'd themselves after seeing somebody get sideways MID-AIR...
  12. Wait...how the heck does that thing NOT shake itself to pieces? You'd need one heck of a recoil spring to compensate for the loss of the barrel weight.
  13. Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in that car when the lugs finally let go...
  14. Or the constant stream of new arrivals who show up wanting to put up targets just as you go live from the last batch....
  15. Not really an issue...cobras don't strike upwards and out like rattlesnakes or most other snakes, pushing out with their coiled-up body; they strike downward and somewhat forwards, basically if you are farther away than the distance they have their body raised up, you're not in danger.
  16. EXCELLENT! *deedlydeedlydeedlezoop*
  17. What a shitty way to die...they must have been really pissed.
  18. How about the 1.21 jiga-candlepower project? Or did the Lancaster FD give you a "friendly tip" that setting the roadside ablaze with auxiliary lights would be "bad"?
  19. I've been behind that Sable a couple times..."small transmission leak" my ass, it couldn't pump more fluid if it was built by Sutphen.
  20. I decided I could have either fireworks...or ammo. Easy choice.
  21. Call ahead...they should be open by this time, but I think they had some flooding during those storms a few weeks ago. I'm sure they've got any damage taken care of, but it never hurts to call ahead.
  22. CarWhore, are you thinking of these?: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRaKmKh3GsnDL7m9ShcLJyWz_cXt4lEkqKpbhrlqwDnFJD_UWwZ I've given up...I'm pretty sure now that it isn't a factory wheel, so I spent an honest 3 hours digging around through my old issues of Sport Compact Car looking at wheel ads. Friggin' OCD...
  23. Hell, most bloggers can't spell blog... Forget requirements for a roll cage...I'd have one installed just because of common sense and a sharp desire to not get killed to death. It does have a hoop...but look how the windshield structure folded and the roof tore off. Not good.
  24. From a 1991 AMG Mitsubishi Galant:http://www.0-60mag.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/galant-amg-11.jpg I know that I've seen them as a factory stock wheel on SOMETHING Euro, but I cannot for the life of me remember WHAT.
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