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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Yep...I find it odd that lawyers and politicians who are entirely capable of drafting a PRECISELY worded law somehow manage to turn out something that will result in years and years of court cases and campaign fodder...:gabe:
  2. I've actually seen one...it was beautiful, fully custom built with a MASSIVE boxlock action. The pricetag had 5 numbers in front of the decimal, and none of the were a 1, 2, or 3...
  3. MMmmm, think you would probably lose that case. You would be basing your case on the lack of a serial or "Oxford" comma between the word "airgun" and "or other instrument" meaning that those two terms are part of the same described object, correct? I'd take odds that the courts would rule that the law was intended to describe three separate types of device (firearms, airguns(,) or other instrument). Come to think of it, I THINK this wording was already challenged and upheld in a case several years ago...and I'm pretty sure that there was a change in the wording of the prohibition of blackened taillight covers on the basis of a similar argument regarding comma usage.
  4. No, that is, at best, a HYPOTHESIS of attraction...a law is something demonstrated by repeated and scientific observation to be universally true. And if you think the theory you've stated in universally true...
  5. Thread shifts to "Evolution vs. Creationism" in 3...2...1... If you have a cool and shady area, such as a barn, shed, or garage, you will have Black Widow Spiders in it. You just won't notice them because most of them are tiny...
  6. Track seems to be in Missouri...it does look like it though.
  7. LOL@2:55 in "doing it right"... We went up Pikes Peak on a family trip out west in '86...with a Plymouth Colt Vista. Driving that and the Beartooth Highway in Montana a week later kinda soured Dad on the concept of 4-cylinder vehicles...it only had 98hp at sea-level, so it was probably down to 40-ish at 11k feet.
  8. To a degree...the other side is if the first guy down the track has a fatal crash, racing is very probably done for the night...and the track loses a lot of money when people leave instead of buying crummy pizza at the concession stand.
  9. Weren't the convertibles limited to 119, no matter what engine?
  10. I inherited moderator status for a site that was down to myself and one other guy, the owner who was shutting it down. So I banned myself. Can't blame me though, I was being a jerk and had warned myself repeatedly...
  11. Whee...those Ruby-types are FUN to find parts for. Neat little pistols though!
  12. Glock or M&P...Springfield XD is another good choice. Taurus....mmm, I hear good things about their revolvers, but not-good things about their autos...no personal experience though. Hi-point....they are HORRIBLE ergonomically, and a pain to clean...but I know a LOT of people who have put large amounts of ammo through them without a problem. That warranty and their customer service are EXEMPLARY, if you have ANY problem ever, they WILL fix it or send you a NEW pistol...other manufacturers should DAMN WELL be taking notes there! I wouldn't have one as a carry piece myself, there admittedly are issues...but anyone calling them horrible has never owned anything with Lorcin, Bersa, or Rohm stamped on it.
  13. No...the one place I found that would even think about trying wanted about $75-80 per piece, with no heat-treat or bluing, minimum 25 pieces. PLUS a one-time of $125 to design the stamping tool, which they would keep...I gave up, honestly. And by odd coincidence, the mag I needed showed up on Gunbroker the very day I posted, so I now have two... Mahle, what are you looking for?
  14. You'd think a M80 would work...but NOOOOOOO...you start with one anthill and end up with individual ants EVERYWHERE.
  15. Vance's put Trijicons on my XD...can't recall how much it was to get them done, I think it was $25 but that was a few years ago. They did a good job, no scratches at all and they were dead-on accurate first time.
  16. I always wondered how one of the rated helmets would withstand birdshot at close range.
  17. It's just west of the auto shredder place on Refugee...nice yard, decent prices, and they turn over stock fairly quickly too.
  18. I've actually used my Mosin bayo to cook hotdogs over a campfire. And marshmallows.
  19. It's for a Polish Wifama wz.78, a little .22 military trainer from the early 90s. There were only about 2,500 of them made, fewer imported, and almost no spare parts exist. There are SOME spare mags...they are in POLAND, and the guy who has them will NOT sell them to anybody from the USA, or who he thinks might sell them to somebody in the USA. I fully expect it to cost a fair amount, but I would be able to recoup some of that cost by doing a mini production run and selling a few. It'd be a fairly simple piece to fab, three sheetmetal stampings, a couple of spot welds, and I've already sourced a spring that'll work. Just not enough demand for Tapco or Promag or Mecgar or even USA Mags to do a run, but enough for somebody to sell a few.
  20. Is anyone aware of a metal shop that can fabricate a small run of a fairly simple .22 rifle magazine for me? I've got the original to use as a master. I've been calling local shops, none of them seem to want to try as yet.
  21. So true...I feel I should be telling him of my computer problems.
  22. Looked like he utterly failed the 1-2 shift...I think he looked down because he actually missed the shifter.
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