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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. http://chivethethrottle.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/muscle-add-1.jpg?w=919&h=690 I should know what these rims are from....but I just can't think of it. I want to say late-80s 300zx, but these are four lug. Anyone know?
  2. Menards has always had a good corporate culture. LOTS of community involvment, lots of charity work...now if Paul Menard could learn to drive ANYTHING...
  3. No issues here. Calls might sound a little scratchier maybe, but honestly I'm pretty damn deaf anymore....
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMRMW1FXSHw :bangbang:
  5. Two rounds fired, two holes in the phone...how is that a miss? I wasn't trying for laser accuracy there, but if you want to you can supply another EnV and I'll demonstrate why the K.31 has the reputation it does...
  6. http://gonneville.smugmug.com/Military/Freezin-der-Heinie-Off-2010/DSC01227/771762514_gWhyk-M.jpg http://gonneville.smugmug.com/Military/Freezin-der-Heinie-Off-2010/DSC01228/771763126_8NrK6-M.jpg Two rounds of 7.5mm Swiss Gewehrpatrone-11 at 50 yards.
  7. You can make a little hawk silhouette to hang in the window to cut back on the kamikazes.
  8. They won't be on BBCA until (If I remember right) two weeks after each particular episode airs in the UK.
  9. SPOILER ALERT!!!! Remember the episode with the off-road truck that they raced over a lake in Greenland? Apparently, it's back...this time on LAVA. Really.
  10. Wow, I gotta get to next years event. Looks like some BEAUTIFUL planes. BTW anyone else see 'Liberty Belle' doing laps around town today?
  11. A rendering plant basically takes all the leftover stuff from butchering, along with dead carcasses from roadkill, and expired meat from groceries, and the contents of grease traps...and turns it into "useful" products. They boil the stuff, the fat rises to the top of the water and skimmed off for various uses, then the water is drained. The leftover stuff is used for animal feed. The water from that process is supposed to be treated, but mostly gets dumped into the Scioto. That place has KILLED a few people. Couple of suffocations from fumes, a steam explosion, and one poor bastard got killed while cleaning a jam in a tank. He was in a dry suit at the bottom of the tank clearing the pipe, and pulled out the remains of a monkey skeleton from the labs at OSU. Apparently it freaked him out (they kinda look like human infants...), he puked in his helmet, and drowned in his vomit.
  12. Huh, an (apparently) turbo 3.8 powered Cobra...that's certainly different!
  13. Inland Products...it's a rendering plant. You'd PREFER a glue plant over that.
  14. I was behind a guy in a 360 powered 70 Duster with my 98 Voyager on a Hocking Hills run once...on straightaways or coming out of a corner he would get away from me, but I was having to REALLY dial it back in curvy sections to keep from buying him a bumper. To be fair, I knew the road and he didn't (out of state plates, at any rate) and for all I know he may still have had front drums...
  15. Rickenbacker also has a Naval Reserve station.
  16. Rice works, but pure alcohol works better. Getting the water off of the circuitry without leaving deposits of impurities is the key.
  17. Why is it banned? Because using the word "banned" in a video title increases the number of views, and thus becomes a more effective advertisement. It's like calling foods "organic" or "natural"...it doesn't actually MEAN anything, but it sounds like it should.
  18. That was my first thought...if that thing got T-boned, there just is no way the driver is going to survive. There simply isn't enough structure to absorb the energy of that kind of crash.
  19. http://www.2theadvocate.com/news/latest/95967244.html?showAll=y&c=y Read the WHOLE article...
  20. It's amazing how LITTLE damage there was to the aircraft...the wheel spats, the wingtips, and the right aileron. Plus his flight suit. The roll rate on that puppy is incredible!
  21. Don't use the term "black hole" to a Russian astronomer. They'll beat you to death with a samovar. Seriously. Apparently, the literal translation comes out to something like "asshole that sucks everything".
  22. I've fired one...it's big and heavy and expensive, ammo is insanely expensive, and they break a lot. Huge bang though...it's a range gun. If you want the same effect, buy a Springfield XD .45 Tactical, order a 23lb recoil spring and a .460 Rowland conversion barrel... 1,500f.p.s. with 200gr, 1,400 with 230gr...and it's half the price of the Deagle.
  23. Unless there is some sort of Nagant style moving cylinder, then the gap between the cylinder and the forcing cone is insanely wide...
  24. He was hooked on some sort of painkillers, if I remember correctly. One of his doctors was busted for basically handing out prescriptions for medicinal cocaine, and claimed that he did lines with Ganahl...
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