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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. I've done that with a Toyota forklift. I didn't mean to, it just took off and the brakes didn't work...
  2. M203 is the mounted launcher, the '79 is the older, self-contained predecessor, AKA the Bloop Gun or Blooper. BTW that thing is actually the new Air Force version of the M-forgery. You don't shoot it, you drop it from a Viper.
  3. Wait, are Alky cars running geared transmissions again? It sure sounded like there were two shifts during the run, maybe clutch stages coming in and pulling the revs down a little? Or something with the recording?
  4. And easy targets, in any sense of the phrase.
  5. I had an Escort GT like that, mine was an 89 though. Not a bad little car. Not enough power, but with Pirellis on it the handling was definitely there. No neons on it though.
  6. Crash testing you want, crash testing you got: Planes: Trains: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJflu7z4QyI
  7. I'd love to see the high-speed film of the truck... "Mythbusters" thread-jack! Splitting car in half: The ultimate car-crusher: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ato6zuUkhfQ
  8. I had one for a little while (about a month, actually), it had a little rust, but other than that it was a good little runner. Mine was a 1.9 SDI swap by the previous owner, with the 1.9 TDI upper half in the hatch (never installed it though). It was good off the line, in fact I'll bet the 60's were AWESOME for a street car, but after shifting to 2nd it fell on its face. An n/a 1.6 is going to be SLOW, and a 1.5 might well get passed by fully loaded semis... I got it for CHEAP, the PO had electrical issues and wanted shut of it. I sold it for ready cash, kinda wish I'd kept it.
  9. It doesn't. Note the vehicle listed in my info <--- for added irony and humiliation.
  10. This happened with a Hyundai Genesis coupe a month or so ago. Dealership ended up honoring the deal after the buyer contacted just about every form of media that could be read or viewed in their area.
  11. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/78/Burningmonk.jpg/800px-Burningmonk.jpg Asians do know how to get the point across....
  12. SO...the guy in the video was driving a car with a stuck throttle on public roads INTENTIONALLY? Hmm, no... He was trying to replicate the EFFECT of a glitching controller, but merely duplicating the symptoms without the actual problem. Sort of like using model rocket engines to ignite a gas tank...
  13. Yeah, it kinda does. Think it's just the street wheels and tires on it though. Dunno if you CAN lower an H1, no idea why you WOULD.
  14. There was a guy at the Mopar Nats a few years back with a mid '60s four-door Ram, one of the LONG bed ones that the Air Force used. He did basically the same swap, but had it set up with Rockwell axles for 4WD. It was actually pretty subtle, it basically looked like a slightly lifted truck until you started looking at pieces, and then you got the "Holy Hell" moment.
  15. The S'Kool Bus. Very punny... It's been around in various forms since the 70s. I had the Hot Wheels car when I was in kindergarten. The original version had an aluminum body, and is in a museum somewhere.
  16. I have to wonder how this'll react to heel-and-toe shifting. Might be the end of the downshift blip.
  17. Unfortunately, that 43% increase is from "same month 2009", and Ford 2009 sales were a case of "just not as bad as everybody else." They were down a mere 15-20% (can't remember the exact percentage) when everybody else dropped 30-50%.
  18. Yeah, the 78+ Z-28 is a GREAT looking car, and the Bandit-era Trans-Am is pure badass.
  19. http://www.nastyz28.com/forum/showthread.php?t=168544 Just about every possible '79 color combo possible.
  20. Yeah, sorry about that. Dunno what the hell happened, apparently I left my brain at work. Be damned if I know why, I don't use it there either.
  21. Forsure...if he set the camera down, he'd be DONE by now. On the other hand, have you ever had somebody ask you how you did something on your car, and wished you had a pic? He's COVERED for that.
  22. HOLY..... http://www.impalas.net/forums/showthread.php?t=686
  23. Turns out that you don't actually NEED a boat to go water-skiing... http://www.ehowa.com/ythd.shtml?movie=hFaCTqbkG-Q
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