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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Shit man, I KNOW your're buildin. You got nothing to prove to me. I figure the only chance that most of em have is that you not build so they can catch up, but that ain't about to happen. Let em keep guessin, sand bag em all, beat em by a fender, then when two of the actual fast cars run, play "camera man' and put bus lengths on em.
  2. This would be a foot race right? And you didn't answer the question. Mind you, the Camaro is on the second engine, been caged, rear end gears changed, rewired, rewired again (it worked the first time, I just didn't like the way it was, and no it didn't burn up either) It continues to be a work in progress, the latest mods were new heads, that I reworked before setting them on, and I think I been through 4 intake changes. And there are other things going on with it, it continues to evolve and get quicker and faster. And there is some sort of a trailer queen sitting out here as well, but that's all you or anyone needs to know. BTW, what is the point? I haven't seen Coltboostin start a thread, or any of his nutswingers for that matter about how bad his car is. It does however seem that every thread is getting raided by this very bullshit. I don't know, but it would seem to me that unless people get teh hell off the computer, and start working on their cars, yall gonna be running the same stuff that you were in the fall. But that is just my observation.
  3. Scott, are you the slightest bit jealous here?? What do you have that goe's 12's let alone 10's ? Better yet, give me a list of all the project cars that you have actually completed, and run under their own power. After being complete mind you, I know you have bought several things that were running when they went into the garage, got took apart to be built, so it applies to something that you actually built.
  4. desperado

    Who am I?

    :finger: :finger: :finger: Nuff said.
  5. desperado

    Who am I?

    :finger: :finger:
  6. desperado

    SATA vs SCSI

    SCSI, and get a real RAID controller, not a software RAID for speed. RAID's will have a higher throughput speed as the number of drives increases. I just tested my setup to prove this to someone, I have 13 9 GB drives sitting on a Pentium Pro (Quad Processor) with 512 mb ram. I copied a 400 MB file on the raid and on to a server running a single 120 GB SATA drive, we then copied the file to another machine and timed it both from my RAID and his SATA server (his had a 1GB of RAM and a 2 GHz processor (10X faster than mine) I still beat his server for file transfer time by 10 seconds. Reason is that the bottleneck on reading and writing drives is the rate that the data goes to and comes off the actual disk. The electronics has the bandwidth to move the data 100X faster than the drives can write it to the disks. So when you are reading from or writing to a number of disks, they all share the data, a bit gets put on each one. So it happens faster, and remember, I ahve old assed 200Mhz processors in my server, the RAID card does the striping of the data, but it's old too. Is SCSI expensive, yes and no. Yuo can buy 50 GB SCA drives on Ebay for less than $50 shipped. RAID controllers, that are LVD or SCSI320 are reasonable, less than $50 in many cases. Only draw back is that if you stirpe with a RAID 5, which uses Parity, it slows it a bit and you loose a bit of the total capacity, but if one drive fails, you power down (unless you have a server that supports hot swap like mine does) and you change the bad drive. The data is never lost, there is no recovering from tape or any of that crap. And you can continue running with a failed drive if you need to. If a SATA single drive fails, it's just gone, and your data is to unless you are backing up.
  7. Baron, go get a book on quadrajunks, look it over, they ain't that difficult to mess with. They use a jet and rod setup that is MUCH more tunable than a Holley. Once you see how it works, go get a rod and jet kit. If the thing is not responsive at the hit of the throttle though, it's more likely that the acclerator pump is not feedig the motor the right amount of fuel. There again, not a big deal to tune, just have to read a bit and go with it.
  8. Good Luck man,,, if you find more than one let me know,,, Iam hunting one myself, the last one I saw needed rebuilt, it was 500 with no bell housing
  9. Actual thoughts... Damn it, I am the center of the universe. How dare they go start up a board and not include me! I have the bestest board in the whole world, it's mine, theres doesn't compare.... Now I have to find out what's on there, where's that list or usernames and passwords they know I have, I will try them so I can get on and see.. I bet they are talking about me behind my back,,, the bastards. you have balls admitting that you're chemically imbalanced, not that it was news to anyone, but coming out and admitting it took courage. No one cares about IPS, your personal dealings with IPS or any of this. I gotta ask, just how much of a kickback do you get from them to say that you no longer are pissed off at them. I said before, the folks that are gonna go to IPS are gonna go, and the ones that don't go, are not going to start going because you are no longer mad at them, at least until you have them build your car, then something happens and the shit starts all over again. Only difference I see is that Ricky ain't there any more, so he will not get bashed for it this time. Uhhhh, no... recently I have not been posting shit. I am to the point that I really don't give a shit for the board except for comic relief but your bullshit rant that I have seen now twice, both times when Hua started a board up and your "core group" went over there, I just couldn't help but to chime in. BTW, ask your brother where he got the idea for the South Park character as his Avatar. That is without a doubt the queerist thing I have ever heard one man say about another man. Tilley.. you better get you some steel plate underwear to wear around Anthony, it sounds like he's wanting to go mining for bum gold in your hole. That or he's just taken nutswinging to a lever not seen before on this board, either way, be careful, being anal retentive is not a gaurentee. It can be taken from you.
  10. Jesus Christ, this shit again? Anthony, quit taking usernames and passwords and getting on Hua's site it always goes the same way. You read something you don't like, so you put a big whiney assed post on CR about "someone" talking shit and how you are so sick of it and all the other bullshit. Then, it gets to the point that you direct it to one person, and people figure out you been lurking around on Hua's board.
  11. Damn I am gettin old. Thanks yall.
  12. Yeah, be amother raceclub, we all saw how long that lasted. You could be a few elitist's sitting around with nothing to talk about. That's cool. Biggest reason that being a pay for access board is that NO ONE else does it. So you get a small core membership, and no fresh meat, meaning no other money. Plus paying for access with only work for a year. With the wonderful way that everyone treats noob's around here, do you really think that anyone would pay a second time? Make the switch that all new members need to pay and see how many new members you get. The number of new members that last more than a week here is really dwindling anyhow. That should take care of it all together. And the elimination of the "less desirable posters", well if you do that what do you have left? you cut the membership from 3000 to 20 or so. What is $100 bucks a year gonna get you? You all better just pass the hat, but I would get some free event like a pizza party organized to pass the hat at. I seen the receint group size at the Gerro's meets, and even getting $20 a piece out of everyone there ain't gonna pay for much more than a going out of business banner.
  13. Well gee your right, and wrong at the same time douchebag. First off, yes everyone I said that silencers were illegal. And that's not 100% true. Now, that being said. This doesn't exactly sound like a legal transaction of a NFA Class 3 weapon to me. "Hook me up?" I assume that you mean to say "Chris, I have a NFA Class 3 permit, I assume that you do as well, could you please provide me with your FFL or your NFA Class 3 manufactures permit so I can file the necessary paperwork to obtain a silencer from you." Obviously that is what you meant to say right. Since you are such a stickler for federal firearms laws and are so well versed on them, you would never knowingly violate them, right? Keep digging doughebag, your a laugh a minute.
  14. I don't remember saying that they were. I at one time way licensed to posse DOT class B explosives. I can't now though. Automatic weapons aren't illegal either as long as you have the proper permits and paperwork from the ATF. So don't read more into what I said. I posted a link that specified firearms with silencers as a NFA class 3 weapon, that you can legally own as long as you have the permit for it. Read, and this is from the ATF web site, they would know http://www.atf.gov/firearms/faq/faq2.htm#m1 Here it says that silencers are NFA class 3 http://www.atf.gov/firearms/faq/faq2.htm#m8 Here it says that it's a $250000 fine and 10 years in a federal pen for having any NFA class 3 without a permit. Like I said, don't put words in my mouth, it will only get you looking stupid. Now, to give you an out and the benefit of doubt, I will say that gas porting a weapon, or installing a muzzle brake, is perfectly legal. But these are not silencers, they do nothing to mask or muffle the report of a firearm, only to control the direction of the recoil of the weapon. You may have been talking about flash supressors as well. Again, these are perfectly legal on most weapons. up to the point that the federal assault weapons ban expired, they were only legal on weapons that came with them, you could not legally install one on a weapon that didn't have one, but you could also not remove one from a weapon that had one installed by the manufacture. That ban has now expired and flash supressors are now legal to be installed on any weapon again. So, now all you need to say to save face is that you didn't mean a silencer, you were taling about gas porting of a flash supressor and you will not look like a blabbering idiot. Well not really, anyone on here with have a brain knew what you meant and probably laughed as hard as I did at your silly assed statement, so learn from it and don't say stupid shit, someone on here, even as dumb as many of these shits are, may actually know something about what you are trying to talk about without any real knowledge of it.
  15. silencers huh???? Better go read this http://deadbangguns.com/NFA/ And I would advise you, as I have others, to STFU about owning, modifying or having knowledge any of any class 3 firearms without proper paperwork in any public place. for God sake shut your howling screamer about shit like this.
  16. Hmmm, Chris made a good point, taking a mans life means taking all he got and all he ever will have. You are taking away someone's son, brother, father or husband. Someone said that a sure fire way to get shot at is to pull a weapon on them if they have one in their hand, there is a more sure way, and that is to pull a weapon and not be mentally ready to use it. All that being said, Ohio's specifics about CCW are a pretty twisted mess. You have the right to carry a weapon, as long as you have completed the course and have the license, but the other laws that pertain to using a weapon in a crisis situation are still 100% in force. You have to take ANY out that you have before unholstering your wepaon, reguardless if you use it or not. You can only use like force, or the display of like force as a deterent. Meaning if someone trys to mug you, and they are not armed, you can't draw down on them legally, and if you shoot them it's a homoscide legally, because they didn't pose a threat to your life. So basically if you are being mugged by an unarmed person, you pretty much are legally bound, to fork over the money and not even branish the firearm much less use the firearm. I realize this is bullshit, but you will end up in from of a jury and if they are anti CCW then your ass is in a sling. Another oddity of Ohio CCW, make damn sure that it's 100% concealed. If someone see's it, see's the outline of it under your coat or whatever, they can call the cops, and you will be arrested. The antigun wrote that shit into the law, and then have told EVERY bleeding heart anti gun fuck out there to call every time they see someone the THINK is carrying, because they will be arrested for it and have their firearm seized. This little loophole is total bullshit, but it's the way the law is written. Ask a cop sometime how many calls they get about that, or how many times that someone walks up and says that so and so over there had a concealed firearm. Also, be careful to read and FULLY understand the law as it relates to transportation of a firearm. If the firearm is not on your person then it need to be unloaded and locked in the trunk, per the laws relating to transportation if you don't have a permit. So if it's poking you in the side, and you put it over on the passenger seat, or anyplace else in plain site or not, and you are pulled over. You become a guest for 1 year at a fine state run establishment with bars on the windows and really strong locks on all the doors. I am all for CCW, please don't let the things I have said here make you believe different. But Ohio don't have a CCW permit, they have a permit that opens you up to liability suits and jail time, and because you are required to be trained on the laws and sigh that you understand and will 100% follow them, there is NO leanency for people that screw up. And remember for those of you that live in liberal leaning areas, with liberal sheriff's, the sherrif has final say, and there is no criteria for who gets the permit's only who doesn't. This means that you can be 100% elegible and still be rejected, so find out how many CCW permits that your local sherrif has issued before you ever bother to submit your paperwork.
  17. Which one, the camaro or teh Gremlin? The gremlin lost the oil pan, cross member and twisted the frame when it came down. The Camaro, I don't know.
  18. Actually that would be an AMC Gremlin. The hold this every year, I will look up what track and post it, but CarCraft did a story on it this year. I believe that the Gremlin won for the last 2 years, but I don't remember for sure. There was a set of pictures in the magizine of an AMC spirit that got really wild but didn't end up on it's top, I was suprized that it wasn't on this vid.
  19. Dry Sump is used on most any max effort engine actually, while it ain't gonna do much for a 11 sec bracket car that turns 7000 RPM, the guys in the top drag levels, fuel, funny, prostock, pro mod and even the 8 sec guys are all pretty much doing the drysump thing. Big reason is even the 8 sec guys are turning small blocks in excess of 9500 and the extra oil (tank is typically 10 quart) run in them to not only cut windage, but to ensure ample oil supply and pressure at the staggering RPM they spin the motors at. Roundy rounders run them too of course, as do most of the track cars, for the reasons you indicated.
  20. Looks good Scott, but fot that money, I would talk to Tinman and see if he would be willing to build you one and what it would cost. I also don't know that I wouldn't have teh top throats have a smoother transision into the runner. The 90 degree turn the air would have to take might slow flow down a bit, where a funnel shape and a raised and radiused lip around the top of the runner, on the plenum floor might work a bit better, offering a smoother transision. Figuring that if you are either fabbing it yourself or having it done, why not go the extra mile. Hell I might even be inclined to have a twist machined into the runner wall, promoting a swirl effect as the air flows down the runner. If it could be done with sufficent results, the air as it hit the back of the valve spinning would possibly have enough centrificial (sp) force to be thrown out into the combustion chamber allowing for quicker cylinder filling than hitting it straight on and needing to slow down and turn out around the valve. Thing is that I don't know how it would effect fuel atomization. I figure that there is a pretty fine line between enough twist to get the air around teh valve head, and too much twist causing the fuel to come out of atomization and be thrown against the cylinder wall. With EFI, the atomization may be sufficent that it wouldn't matter, but I honestly don't know if that is the case or not. I also don't know if it would haev any pronounced effect in performance on anything less than a max effort engine that you were trying to squeeze every last horse out of. If the great doctor of fluid dynamics happens to red this and shed some more light on it I figure that Scott would appericate it.
  21. JB Weld isn't really the way to go unless you can ge the tank empty. It will break down in gasoline untill it's setup completely. And while I would pull the tank and braze it, I would not advise you to do the same. (Yes, I have, several times, but the tanks were full of CO2 gas.) There is a product that is specifically sold for doing this and it will apply to a surface that is wet with gasoline and stick. Autozone and such carry it. You need to make sure that you identify the location of the leak and if it's under the strap or not. surface prep as follows, and have a fire extinguisher handy. With a BRASS wire brush, clean as much crud off as you can then sand the surface with 60 grit paper. Remember that if the tank is rusting through you may create more holes, but better now when they can be fixed than later. Get the surface free of rust and paint. Then take some MEK, Acetone, or Xylene and clean the surface. Remember this shit is 3 times as flammable as gas, so be careful. Once you have done this the first time, locate any holes and run sheetmetal screws in them. Do NOT use and gaskets, these will temp plug the holes and get the flow of fuel to a minimum. If the leaks are really small, as you described before, don't worry about the screws, if you have a constant drip ot its running out in a stream, use screws. Do not run the screws in with a drill, just use a screwdriver. Once you have in the screws if you need them, get the patch mixxed up and ready to apply. Once its' ready wipe off the spot with the solvent again, let it dry for 10 seconds and apply the patch material. I know this is NOT what the directions say. And if you choose to follow them, you ahve a 50/50 shot at getting teh hole plugged. I have done more patches like this thanI care to remember and none of them leaked.
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