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Everything posted by desperado
http://www.vdare.com/pb/afl-cio.htm http://www.nwlaborpress.org/2006/4-21-06Immigrant.html http://www.numbersusa.com/interests/unions.html Heard an interesting story about undocumented aliens demanding $10 to $15 an hour for work done. And union AFLCIO is courting the illegal aliens to unionize them, both to keep them from scabbing and to raise their labor rate so that there isn't the cost difference in union workers and the undocumented aliens. It is interesting that our own labor unions are now trying to unionize these illegal workers and calling for their amnesty. This might acutally be a good thing, but it sure is happening faster thatn I expected it to. My comments always were 5 to 10 years, and it seems that it's already starting.
It's not that women can't drive. It's the way they react to it when you tell them they can't.
My wife isn't the issue, she just gets mildly pissed. I am talking aobut some girl that you barely know, and it seems the worse a woman drives the more attitude she has and the better she thinks she drives. Either way, it's just funny that when some asshat does something dumb in a car, it gets talked about here. Yeah, the rule of 7 applies (every one knows everyone else in a depth of 7 people) and they may hear that they were driving like a douchebag. But does ANYONE really believe that some one is going to suddenly start driving in a proper manner because their antics got discussed on CR.
Dude, seriously, have you ever commented about a womans driving, or anything else for that matter in a negative way. It's like sneaking in the gorilla cage and kicking the biggest age in the sack, it just goes bad that quick. Just thinking about it, all I can hear in my head is "Oh NO MFer, you didn't just talk about the way 'I' drive. And those other little Mfers,,, on the 'INTERNET'.... Where's my MFen computer, I got something for these Mfer's..... " You get the point. And no it ain't being whipped, it's being honest.... That old song about 'You don't pull Supermans cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Slim", well that Slim shit should have been you don't tell a woman NOTHIN negative about her drivin....
It's a joke, if they are counting the billions of grains of sand and thinking about it, they ain't on here posting stupid ass shit. And, if they are actually dumb enough to do it (some might be) by the time they get done, they will be to old to care any more.
Right,,, how silly of me. I am assuming that anyone that knows them is gonna drop everything and call them up and scold them for driving stupid in the parking lot. I can hear the call now..... Ring Ring. "Hello?" "Hi, I just read on CR that you were driving in an unsafe manner the other night at the Thrift store. What do you have to say for yourself?" After a brief pause,,, "What the hell are you talking about, I always drive safe, who said it, you tell em I said fuck off! They don't know what they are talking about." "Uh, well it was some guy on the board that posted about two girls in a Suby." "I DON"T CARE, I WAS NOT DRIVING UNSAFE, I DRIVE LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME!!!! You tell who ever it was that sid I can't drive to go to hell, they ain't my dad mf mf mf mf blah blah mf mf mf blah blah blah...." And tell me that this wouldn't be the reaction, at some point in your 32 years you have had to have commented about a womans driving. And this IS how they react, other than the obligatory 10 muthafuckers that come out of their mouth. Yeah, I want to make that phone call. I ain't disagreeing that the bitch should be on her knees taking a stiff one in the throat and not ricing around a parking lot full of people. But you ain't the only one that has made a post like this. I have seen people with a post count of 3 in here bitching about someones driving. It's just old,and the idea that someone here, would admit to knowing them, and then actually go talk to them about it is just funny. You want to deal with this shit right, follow their asses home if they seem to be under 18 or live with their parents and beat on the door. When their parents answer the door, tell em what you seen. I have done this more than once out here in Johnstown and have always had pretty much the same result, the kid gets to test out their walking abilities for quite a while. Most parents figure that if you are going to make enough of an effort to come tell them their child is driving like an asshole, then it's true.
I am at a failure to understand why it is that when ANYONE see's someone do something stupid in a car that the dumbass is a member of this board. There are several posts, one about two split tail bitches in a Suby driving like cunts, and it's assumed they are members here. WTF? Not everyone that owns a car in the city of Columbus is automatically a member here, thank God. Especially the two cum slurpers in that post. And as far as the guy on Morse road in a White Camaro.... Fuck man, go count the number of white Camaros that go up and down Morse road in a day, better yet go count sheep, you need some rest. And the next time someone see's a fucktard do something dumb in a car, and you consider posting about it, go count the grains of sand on a beach, and take the time to consider that not EVERY fucktard, douchebag, nut sack and retard with a car is a member of this board, again thank God, we got enough of em already! We don't need any more.
This is the first and LAST time boating on Buckeye Lake
desperado replied to Nitrousbird's topic in Dumpster
There are places that you can walk across Buckeye Lake if you are over 6 foot tall and keep your head above water. And I mean from Buckeye Lake side to the Millersport side. I am supprized that you were not hearing (or feeling ) that much impact on the prop, but like you said, better the prop than the lower end. Are you running a long of a short lower end on that. I know guys that have reasonable luck running on Buckeye, but they are ALL running a short lower end and a skeg plate (think that's what they called it) that sits below the prop and keeps the prop off the bottom. But I havev been with the one guy on an occasion that we had to get out of the boat and lift the motor up because it bottomed and would not move at all. -
It will, sort of.... It will at least keep the parts from falling down on the track as the motor comes apart.
The funniest part is that you will NOT get the lower interest rate now. Per his final statement, you only inquired about the lower rate, nothing actually will get changed. And of course, that's a call that they will conviently not have recorded. So, remember to RECORD ALL conversations with the bank. Tell they it's being recorded so you can use it against them. Otherwise, you will just get what we have here, a failure to communicate. You did not understand that you hwere being told the only way that your rate was going to be changed was to buy their service. Failure to communicate.
screw that stuff... I leave on a flight Wedsnesday to get 8 reindeer that fly, gonna hook em to a sliegh. It will circle the globe and stop in every city, all in a night. you guys are SLOW!!!!
Yep, 500 yards from a POLICE STATION!!!!! Doooh!
Nicew find.... BTW, who was the backup singer for Christopher Cross. I know the voice I just can't put a name with it.
The chick actually starts crying near the end. Priceless, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToZQ4qbKJGs
Yeah, at this point, it would be. Not sure if the Camaro will run, and the Monte Carlo is engineless, so it would be entirely possible. But I think I already said that.
It's rediculiously unfair that guys with $50000 muscle cars get grouped into the same arena that the asshats with the fart cans do. But it happens just the same. I am not gonna say that all police officers group them, but a number of them do, and so does the general public. All they see is bright paint and a loud exhaust. It doesn't matter to them that one sounds like a pissed off chainsaw with no muffler. As far as the guys that choose to drive imports, modded of not, I really feel for them. They ride around in a big sign that asks police to come hassle them. Yeah, I realize you have a DSM, and you most likely get targeted for harassment on a regular basis as well. And BTW, I don't group everyone that drives an import as being a ricer.
Nope. Stone sober, and straight. Remember what I drive, 1980 Camaro with a 6 inch cowl hood. Muthafuckers in Geo Metro's with fart pipes rev on me trying to get me to run. It's boring, it's a 13 sec car, and I can't drive the thing from here to work without some dumbass wanting to race, and the sad part is, as slow as the car is, I am still faster than their shit. I have now been pulled over twice and jerked around about street racing because some fuckhead pulled up beside me, revved a couple times and sped off and a cop saw it and thought I was racing. Both times it was some fuck in a riced out shitbox, and explaining to the cop that if I HAD been trying to race the guy, I damn sure wouldn't have been behind him. And no, I ain't saying I am fast, but when you can read the morning paper through the douchebags fenders, the body kit he's running not only doesn't match the color of the car, but it ain't even for that car, you assume that it's not exactly a top fuel dragster next to you. So yeah, I said fuck it. I ain't taggin the car this year, and I doubt it will even get pulled out of it's parking spot, other than to mow the grass that is growing up around it. Because, as bad as it sounds, I really do have better things to do with my time.
Hell, I don't know. Right now??? Barely. Carb is leaking because of a dried out gasket (I think), it needs plugs, the power valve is blown, and the left front no longer hold air and both rear's have wire sticking out of them they are so bald. And you know what, I couldn't really give two fucks less. How's your car running? I am curious, why do you even care? Remember, I am puffer. Nothing I say here other than STEAKUMS even registers with you any fucking way, so why ask? To reinforce your superiority complex? To reaffirm that my car is slow? GUESS WHAT EVERYONE, KEN WANTS YOU ALL TO KNOW THAT MY CAR IS SLOW. HE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO REMIND YOU THAT I USED SERVER CASES FOR A FIREWALL IN THE S-10. AND DON'T FORGET THAT I WILL NEVER GO 6'S, IN ANYTHING EVAR!!!!! And you know what, number one, it's all 100% true, and you know what else, I don't give two fucks. Your unrelenting bullshit is boring. I cleared out of here once, and didn't post more than maybe once every other month. I guess I have posted more than my allotted share in your eye's. There again, can't seem to bring myself to give a shit. Hold on though, let me.... gonna concentrate real hard... really stretching it here..... NOPE, I still can't bring myself to really give to fucks about your opinion of me. I honestly did try though, really hard even, for all of about 5 seconds, which is really about 4 more seconds than I feel that I should have. Oh fucking well.
It's shit like this that just reinforces the idea I had about selling all the hot rods and buying an old firetruck and just running it in the parades and saying fuck it. These asshat kids ain't got enough sense anymore to realize how far they are outclassed and get it in their heads that their slow assed cars will outrun a fighter jet. And the sad part is that the little butt plugs are out ricing their shit boxes around, then due to a lack of experience coupled with a level of stupidity that's not measureable by any recognized standard they are wrecking said shit boxes and hurting or killing people in the process. So of course, the guys with actual hot rods and muscle cars that do it right more of the time get zero breaks from the police because all they clump the hot rodders and the fucking little shitbags with the fart cans and and 4 cylinders into the same group.
It's shit like this that just reinforces the idea I had about selling all the hot rods and buying an old firetruck and just running it in the parades and saying fuck it. These asshat kids ain't got enough sense anymore to realize how far they are outclassed and get it in their heads that their slow assed cars will outrun a fighter jet. ANd t
Interesting story, literally there one minute and gone the next. Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
BUMP.... Will consider trades for whole package for Chevy or Dodge diesel truck 3/4 ton or larger with good driveline most be 2WD, I am looking for a diesel for my 1 ton. Must be turbo motor. 12 valve Cummins prefered (body can be shit)
I considered that, with both the dually and the trailer, but its' too handy to have, and I can't bring myself to get rid of the dually. I have wanted one since I started driving, I had a single cab with a utility bed once, but this is WAY nice as far as the interior being a custom conversion. And having the 6BT found and ready to pull, other than needing rebuilt (has some blowby but still runs strong) I don't know of a reason to get rid of it. Hell, the 454 in it now will put a 30 foot set of marks on the pavement (but drinks a gallon of gas doing it) so I have a home for that once the diesel is rebuilt and installed. As far as the trailer, I am thinking because of it being so long, that I am going to cut the tounge off it and make it a goose neck. The truck is setup for the gooseneck anyhow, and the only thing I am going to need is the neck ($100 at TSC) and a set of dolly legs that I will score from work. I don't know that even getting $2000 for the trailer would be worth it. And when it's done it will still be able to haul two cars and have a much higher weight capacity than a normal car hauler.
Gonna haul the cinder blocks to prop it all up on..... :finger: Actually, I have been wanting a car trailer for a long time, and for the price I couldn't pass it up. I will just use it for ahuling the car to the track occasionally once it's built, but mostly to go get lumber and stuff for the house.