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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Well, since I have a new house, I figured it was time for a new toy,,, and ended up with 3 new toys, for less than $2000 total for the three. First was a trailer, I have been watching for a good car hauler for a while now and nothing has shown up that was reasonably priced. I finally found a 24 foot enclosed trailer sitting in a guys yard for $150. No I ain't missing a zero. I hagle a bit and get it for $125, then the fun begins. I have NOTHING to pull this big bitch with. So a call to a buddy about his dad's dually pays off, I end up with an 89 Chevy 1 ton, crew cab dually that is a conversion (like a conversion van). All velor interior, power windows and locks, stainless running boards, windshield visor, aluminium wheels and all the other trimmings. Of course it's a 454 with a 400 Turbo behind it, making it fairly powerful but a gas hungry ride to be sure. That set me back $1000. It's got a couple rust holes in the rear passenger door and the rockers have to be replaced, but it's not bad over all. My buddy also mentions that he has an 89 F-150 with the inline 300 6 and a 4 speed. It has a bad caliper and is a bit rusty and had some sheetmetal replaced that didn't color match, but was in good shape, $400. I went to see it, drove it, and bought it to, I figure a brake job and some paint and it will either be a daily, or I will sell it for a profit and get something else. This has all gone down in the last two weeks so needless to say I been busy with getting stupid shit like brake lines on the dually and figuring out how to setup the trailer. It was an office trailer that was gutted and used for storage so all the wood is rotted, and the sides and top are shit, but I can't complain for $125 price that it cost me. I am planning to dove tail it, and lower it about 12 inches (the deck is at 30 inches currently) that and I will need to put a new deck on it, but I scored a freight trailer to strip the decking (oak tonge and groove) and the cross members out of to build the trailer. I also have found a 6BT Cummins diesel to go into the dually. It's an industrial motor (but is the same phyical design and size as the Cummins in the 3/4 and 1 ton Dodge pickups (12 valve those that are in the know) The motor is currently sitting in the frame old a SISU yard dog (little truck used at warehouses to move trailers) but has no transmission (was an Allison automatic) I am going to be looking for an NV4500 or 4600 trannie and the bellhousing to put it behind the 6BT and setting it all in the dually. I figure that 300 HP and 700 Lb Ft of torque will move the big dually just fine and get 25 MPG doing it, as long as I stay out of the throttle that is.
  2. Yep, It's a mortar round.... KEEP THAT SHIT AWAY FROM LUST!!!!!!!!
  3. Agreed. I got to hand it to Ken, that was some funny shit. That and the story about the guys truck getting stolen by the Klingon chick were to two best stories I have heard, and one of them is true. STEAKUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. :gives: crickets...... all I hear is crickets.... It's sort of like the tree in the woods falling in the woods and does it make a sound. Only this is sort of if a douchebag posts on a forum about something that's 2 yrs old and played out, will anyone care.... the answer seems to be..... NO.
  5. Stick welding ain't hard to learn, in fact I could teach you if you are willing to come out here to the house to learn and kick me a couple bucks for the electric. As far as a 'big industrial welder' a couple more bits of information might be useful. Typically an isdustrial welding power supply will domore than just stick weld. In fact most any stick welder can be used to TIG weld with to some degree, it just depends on what you have that will determine what capabilities it has. PM me a model number and manufacture and I willlook it up and see what it can do. But I am sure that it will TIG at some level if it is a stick welder. And if your pockets are deep enough, two of teh major welding manufactures sell a wire feeder that will attach to a stick welder (constant current power supply) and enable you to MIG with it (MIG uses a constant Voltage power supply).
  6. Hell,that was funny enough it had me laughin. Yeah, I did move out of Johnstown, sort of, still got a Johnstown address, but I ain't paying their fucking outragous water bill and taxes. And Kenny, if the only thing that you can think of is that truck, maybe you should buy it, it seems you are damn interested in it. Either way, you sound no different that a bitchy woman, bringing up shit that is old news trying to rehash it all over again. My wife does that shit, my mother did that shit to me growing up. And about every GF I ever had did that sort of thing. So are you a bitch? I mean seriously, it's a proven trait in women to do that, so you some sort of transexual or something, maybe a cross dresser? I would have to say that you must be pretty good at it cuz you got everyone fooled into thinking your a dude.
  7. What is the hook with the blowing chunks during sex???? I thought I had seen it all with the peeing, then the dogs, then horses, then poop, now barf. What the hell is next, a pigmy and a goat doing some bitch? The pimgy shitting on the goats head while barfing on the womans boobs as she is giving them both oral???? And then hurrling so the goat can lick it up joined by a dog and two cats?
  8. I saw that Pet Smart had the dog summer ware on sale. Lab's are a bit hard to buy for though due to their size. I just let mine wear one of my old shirts, till I realized he just pissed all over it. Truth is that little dogs with tops on are cute. Big dogs like labs are not really suited (pardon the pun) for wearing tops.
  9. Shit happens, if nothing else, when the guy is old and grey, he can tell his grandchildren how he got heckled by the president of the United States. It's not like that is something everyone can say.
  10. Forgot the aluminium radiator that also goes with the package deal, and a whole assortment of other things to put the car together.
  11. I am selling my project car. 1980 Monte Carlo, tubbed, 10 point cage. Has a old style 12 bolt front loader Chevy rear end. This is not the little bullshit corporate front loader, its' bigger than a Ford 9 inch. I am unsure of the rear end ratio, but it is a spool. I have both a set of slicks for it and a set of Pro-Trac street tires as well. The fronts are steelies. This is a drag car, there is no more wiring in the car than is necessary to operate the ignition system and one tail light, and the fuel pump in the back for the fuel cell. I have two fuel cells that will go with the car, one being a 5 gal the other is a 7 I believe. The car does need brake lines all the way around. I also have the Turbo 350 transmission that I got with the car. It has a manual valve body and a trans brake but I can't remember if it's a forward or reverse valve body. The trans was $3500 to build with the converter (which I don't have). I am looking to get $2500 for the roller with out the tranny and $3250 with it. I do have a 3500 stall 9 inch converter for additional cost. As well I have a 358 that needs assembled that I will sell with the car and trannie. This would include a FRESH from the machine shop 4 bolt block, rods, pistons, a set of heads (stock, mild port job) Pro Dominator tunnel ram with a pro shot fogger nitrous system that needs plumbed, complete with a 10 lb bottle. A set of large tube headers (nascar style) but will need new flanges welded on (I have the flanges). Carbs, Choice of MSD boxes (I have a 6AL and a 6BTM for a turbo setup). NOTE>> I am not going to sell this off piece by piece. The motor and other parts are for sale to the person that buys the car for additional money, I am not going to sell off parts for the project car without selling the project car its self, so please don't ask. I will part with the whole deal for $6500. I will consider partial trades.
  12. I keep seeing money being talked about. Money is possibly going to be meaningless depending on the level of a disaster that we might face. And guns are nice, but a good bow and a couple dozen arrows cooupled with several large knives will feed you alot longer than any gun. It also will draw alot less attention when used than a gun. Personally, if the shit really did hit the fan, I am loading up and heading east, I know of a couple abandon coal mines along the PA / WVA / Oh borders that would be out of he way enough that no one would bother to go there unless they were also of the same mind set to survive the disaster. So there may or may not be anyone else even around those locations for 5 miles or better. And two of them, there is only two ways into them, one being by air, the other requires 4 wheel drive and would be easy enough to setup trip wires to provide ample 'warning' of anyone coming to visit. One needs to consider that survival does not necessarily require conflict, and in reality avoiding conflict is a better route to take in the beginning anyhow. No to mention, I have all you dumbshit Rambo wannabe's that will keep the attention of any invading force long enough to simply slip away. I wonder, in the even of a nuclear weapon being detonated in Columbus, and the resulting EMP that would kill all cell phones, electronic ignitions and computer controlled cars, how many of you are ready, and able to communicate with out the use of cell phones or land line telephones? And how many of you are ready to get a car going that an EMP would not effect?
  13. Oh yeah, I forgot, before someone says "But he was cutting steel with it." Remember that torch burning is oxidizing. The metal only needs to reach melting temperature, about 2700 F to begin to burn in tne oxygen rich enviroment under the tip of a cutting torch. ANyone wishing to argue this point is welcome to come out for a demonstration where I will begin to cut steel with a torch and they can then shut off the fuel to the torch. The flame will go out but I will continue to cut, because the axylene is NOT cutting, the metal is the fuel source once the button is pushed on the torch releasing the oxygen at the tip of the torch. And that temperature is about 6500 F, almost double the Hydrogen Oxygen flame temperature.
  14. Yes, that is a bit of a stretch, like less than half the amount. The suns surface is about 10000 F, an Oxygen Axylene torch, not cutting, is about 5500 F. A mix of Hydrogen and Oxygen burning is about 4500 F. In fact they use to use hydrogen oxygen gas welding to do aluminium welds because it's a bit easier to control and there is no carbon in the flame at all. As far as the water powered torch, this guy is about 20 years to late. I assume that no one here does any Goldsmithing or works on jewelry. If you did, you would know that there has been water torches for a long time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_torch You will notice this is already registered with the US patent office. As far as carrying water and the conversion of water to its molecular components, the numbers are staggering in the requirements of energy to get it to happen and to produce hydrogen gas in significant amounts. Can it be done? Yes. Is it really cheaper? Weel the jury is still out on that one. The guy was right about using nuclear power to create the hydrogen, and actually on two counts. Because of the heat output available in a reactor, water can be directly converted to hydrogen and oxygen in a reactor. The biggest concern at Three Mile Island was not a melt down, which the reactor could have endured, but instead a large bubble of hydrogen gas in the core containment building that threatened to blow the containment roof off the building and exposing the core, which WAS what occurred at Chernobyl, but the explosion was caused by a different thing. What I am getting at is this, you can't create enough hydrogen to both power a car, and power the electrolysis unit that is creating the hydrogen to begin with. This is what Mowgli was referring to, but wasn't exactly right. Perpetual motion machines are devices that create there own energy to operate, and to do other work. And they don't exist. An example would be a generator that was running an electric motor that was powered by that generator. Once it was set into motion, it would run until the power from the generator was turned off to the motor, but it's not a reality. The additional losses with wire resistance, the friction of the bearings in both the generator and motor would quickly bring the device to a halt. And nothing like that exists that would not only create it's own energy but power something else as well. That is what I think he meant to say. You can't power an electrolysis machine with the very hydrogen it's creating and power a car at the same time. It would be like a fuel refinery using the fuel it refines to refine other fuel, its output could not keep up with its demand.
  15. While this is not exactly a prime target for terrorists, you have to remember that BOTH Columbus, because of DFAS and Newark because of what the did and still do at the Newark air base were prime targets of military importance to the USSR and were marked for a multiple warhead strike in the event of a nuclear war. That being said, terrorists are not going to screw with any primairly conservative, gun toting area of the country. Reason is simple, there ARE too many rednecks and militant groups in the midwest and central parts of the country that would immediatly take up arms and if nothing else put up serious resistance to their actions. Area's that are more antigun liberal places, where there are lots of people but few rednecks, or other armed people are better targets for them. Imagine terrorists in South Central LA, those folks kill each other for no specific reason at all. Imagine if they were motivated to repel an enemy force of a dozen or so terrorists... The heads of the terrorists would be sitting on lamp posts, or tied together and thrown over the electric lines like a pair of shoes.
  16. Well, it's time to revive this one. I actually went to see the 'monster' tonight. Mind you I have spoke to this guy a couple times and he assured me that it WAS a V-8 Powerstroke, but he was mistaken. First thing out of the kids mouth as I was walking up to this truck was "are you a mechanic" I told him I was. He produces the keys unlocks the truck and pulls the hood release. I am actually sort of excited, money in hand to buy this thing. After fumbling with the hood latch for a second, up comes the hood and, what is sitting there.... a fucking STOCK 4 Cylinder diesel Mazda engine... yes a diesel, but not a Powerstroke, not a V-8 just a lowly 4 cylinder clatter trap. FUCK.... So I ask the kid what about all this hype about it being a Powerstroke... the little fucker points to the side of the truck and says that's it... and to look at the stickers. STICKERS?!?!?!?! Some fuck has put Powerstroke V-8 emblems on the sides of this shit box, then sold it to this rube and had him FULLY convinced that it was indeed a Powerstroke V-8. Mind you the kids dad has a Nova in the garage he's redoing, he is on his way out to join in. I try to explain that it's a 4 cylinder, and not a Powerstorke.... the little shit calls me a liar. I begin pointing out rather obvious things like only four injectors, one valve cover, one exhaust manifold. The kid ain't budging, he's got it in his head that it's a V-8... Of course his old man is just shaking his head. I ask him if he's ever even seen a V-8, like in a Camaro or something... he says he has a Camaro, but never paid attention. I explain to the kid, who is now beginning to see the light that if I took his keys to his Mazda, and put them on a Corvette key ring that the truck would still be made by Mazda, and if I put NOS stickers on his scooter, it would still be slow. He began to see how he got fucked at that point. Then explains to me that the frame is sort of rusted and it couldn't be driven,,, I took a peak underneath and sure enough, the right rail was about gone... As much of an uncaring SOB I am, I actually sort of felt sorry for this kid. He has this truck, he was lied to about what it was and no doubt paid good money for it, and it's a piece o shit, that ain't even safe to drive. Ya gotta wonder about people at times. I did however fire it up, it does run pretty well and if someone is looking for a SMALL 4 cyl diesel, I know where one is cheap.
  17. Anything they find at that point is inadmissable as evidence at that point. You have the right to refuse a search. Trying to use the refusal as probable cause takes the right of consent away. Why would they ask to begin with, if you say no then they take th refusal as a justification for probable cause. Bad logic right there. Do you have actual experience with law enforcement asking for concent, you refusing and them using your refusal as grounds for a probable cause search? Or are you repeating something someone else has told you?
  18. There are no costs. ISP's by law have to record IP addresses now, for cybercrime investigations. Those records are maintained for 5 yrs if I remember right. The idea that this would be used for file/music bootlegging is silly. The feds do NOT fucking care about bootlegging, sure there is the milinium act but it's settled in a civil court room where the RIAA and BSA break in off in you and reap major profits, the feds don't see any of this money other than the bullshit court costs for a federal case and typically it costs the feds money paying for a federal appointed attourney for teh defendant. As far as porn, nuddie pics of people over 18 is legal, and sodomy laws are at the state level. Some states but sex is legal and others it ain't. Even vid's of rape are only bad for the person or persons that commit the rape. The feds ain't gonna give a shit about that either. If they can catch the NAMBLA sick assed fucks that think they need to be screwing kids, I am all for that. As far as terrorists, if it keeps them from doing their terrorist shit, cool. People read way more into shit than is really there. My 2 cents.
  19. I wonder if you are talking about the song I'm coming out...which was a Mace, Puff Daddy and Biggie remix of an out Dianna Ross song. Dea Mad cause I'm flagrant, tap myself and the phone in the basement. Triple Beam miracle dream.. I be that.
  20. Pics of the boost gauge and windows switch. Also interested in the aluminium intake... it's a stock piece???
  21. I think I posted at some point aboput this so you might search for it if you have any questions, as it was pretty long. Short version Once you get the vehicle ready, making sure that youy have any and all receipts for any big ticket items or anything that would have a VIN number on it of a serial number. IE... engine, rear end, doors, hood that sort of stuff. This inspection is basically like a roadside inspection to get an inspection sticker. Verify that every bulb works, license plate, all markers, tail,turn and the rest. THey will check to see that the brakes, including the emergency brake are operational. Any rust holes over a certain size need to be repaired. Minor rust will not fail you. Verify that there are no fluid leaks of any kind, and that ALL the factory smog equipment, especially the catylitic converter (sp?)are installed and functioning. As long as those requiremetns are met, there shouldln't be a problem. Now, one mistakew I have heard guys making is putting tags off another car on the one that they are having inspected to drive it to the inspection,,,, this is a major no no and will ge tyou ticketed for fictious tags and possibly your car impounded. When you call to setup the inspection, ask what legal ways that you can take the car for inspection. I don't think it has to be towed or trailered, in fact I think that you are allowed to dirve it there without any tags, but whatever you do, DO NOT PUT TAGS FROM ANTHING ELSE ON IT.
  22. Truth be told, you tend to open yourself up to scrutiny, and regardless of your personal opinion of me and my thoughts, give this some consideration, because it's these very things that I am mentioned in this post that I use when I decide to start making asshole comments. It's called ammo, and without it, I have nothing to say. There will always be people like me, that for whatever reason, will poke at you if you leave them an opening. And the problem is that you have a reputation of not only yourself, but the company that you represent to consider, I have nothing to consider other than looking silly myself. Everything you say, your opinions and all are looked at as a reflection on IPS. Personally, if I had a performance garage like yours I would require anyone working there to sign a gag order pertaining to Internet forums, requiring them to either not post at all or to do is anonymously. Remember it's FAR easier to get on the web and say something galactically stupid than it is to explain the smallest of mistakes. I am not going to rehash the Ricky thing, nor am I going to try to sit here and bash Rick, but you know that what his reputation was when he worked for you, regardless of his actual skills, his reputation was coupled to your shop. And when he had problems with cars, even if they NEVER were in your shop, there is an implication that IPS worked on those cars, because an employee of IPS worked on those cars and what ever was done right or wrong is a reflection of IPS Motorsports. I realize that the IPS thing is a dream to you and you it going because it was something you loved doing. But now it's a living breathing business and it needs to be looked at as such, both in it's strength's of knowledge and skill, and its' weaknesses, namely the personalities of the employee's both in person and online. You have no anonymity online, at least on CR and that hurts you has a business in my opinion.
  23. PETA, in my opinion, either bitch because they know that what they claim to want is impossible or, they have never truly considered the massive consequences that their desires would inflict on the worlds population, basically wiping out the human race. A couple examples Deer hunting, deer especially in Ohio and the surrounding states have no natural predators, if they were not hunted in a regulated fashion, they would begin to overpopulate the area, becoming a major risk to automobile traffic, and at some point to themselves and other grazing animals, including man when the begin to strip corn and bean fields to eat. At some point they could reach numbers that would cause them to run out of food and starve, because of course, in the eyes of PETA we can not interfere with nature, in any fashion, that would include feeding the deer not that we would have anything to feed them because they would be at the point that they would be consuming food crops that were planted for human consumption. Speaking of farming, dairies would be a think of the past too, cows would roam the open fields, eating as the deer eat, competing for the same food. We would loose the ability to make simple staples of life, including bread, cheese and the major source of protein, meat. All cows, pigs, chickens, horses, goats and other farm animals would be free ranging, adding adding to the direct consumption of food crops, becoming hazards on the roadways and multiplying at will. The other consideration that is never mentioned, in addition to the fact that all the humans would starve, and before you mention that all of these food stuffs have replacements, consider that the ability for humans to manufacture those replacements is both very costly and the amounts that we can produce are very small with regards to actual need. The first humans to go would be in the poorest counties, the ones that rely on egg's and milk and bread as their only food sources. The 'evil Americans' who have the ability to manufacture synthetic forms of milk and egg protein would need all of the manufactured resource to feed its own population. Taking the starvation issue out of the equation, consider that every road would either need a fence on both sides or traffic would need to be slowed to a crawl for safety reasons of cows, horses and other animals crossing the roadways at will. Road crews would need to be hired specifically to remove animal remains and fecal matter from roadways for both safety and hygienic reasons. If some of the PETA extremists were to have their ideas enacted, the legal system would be ground to a halt by civil suites filed in the name of animals hit by cars, shot while attacking humans, and any other reason that man had a hand in. Not to mention the suites filed against major corporations that were in the food processing (meat packing and dairy) business. With none of this being remotely possible, it opens up avenues for extremist thinking and views that could never be fulfilled, and thus can not be made to simply go away with a bit of money and effort. Of course this is the basis for extremist behavior. Very few if any extremist views or ideas, can be made reality for various reasons, most of them having to do with the preservation of the human race, or just reasonable and rational thinking. Since this seems to be the case, these views, no matter how outlandish, irrational, improbable, or blatantly genocidal they might be, they will stand because there are always going to be those sheep that will listen, consider and preach the half truths, without considering the outcome of what would happen if.......
  24. I can't make out what the displacement is on the motor. But I am interested. I have a similarlly fast, but more usable Honda Odyssey with a 440 Snow Mobile engine on it (basically the same setup but shorter and made for off road) Other than that, PM me if you are considering trades as I have some other things that I would rather not discuss in the open.
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