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Everything posted by desperado

  1. desperado


    Dude, booze is legal. But selling moonshine ain't legal, neither is transporting it. Pot could be handled in a similar fashion. If the pot company sells it as rolled cigs, its legal. Selling the shit you grow in the back yard, or being in possesion of more than one cartons worth of it will get you locked up. And the thing of it is, if you are selling, you are at that point stealing from the goverment, in the form of tax evasion. And the IRS OWNS the ATF and the DEA for that matter on tenacity and motivation of doing the job.
  2. VP racing fuels is the only thing I can think of if you are being that specific about it being non oxygenated. Just out of curiosity, why are you wanting non-oxygenated fuel??
  3. desperado


    Well, Bens right. And this is two sided to me. I see the right to argue that pot shouldn't be illegal. And there is some merit to that side of the debate on the legality of smoking pot. But the original post that was made was not about the discussion of should opt be legal, it was about 400 people going to a college campus in public in full view of law enforcement and breaking a fedral law with impunity. With Law enforcement present they all lit up anyway and law enforcement did nothing. I don't have near the problem with the people breaking the law in protest of it, as much as I have a problem with law enforcement not bringing in the patty wagons and loading every last one of the little shits dumb enough to smoke in public and haul em all to jail. This ISN'T a speeding ticket here. There is a fedral law saying that you can not use a controled narcotic. End of story. They ALL broke the law and should have been punished for it. We all play a game of cat and mouse when we race or drive fast. It's part of the rush of doing it. But we all are aware of what will happen if we get busted as well. And I am damn sure that no one is going to argue that the laws about street racing should be changed or expect them to.
  4. Pounding Buttholes Porkin Butts Pumpin Butties Somethig like that.
  5. Sorry to jack the thread, but it's not THAT motor in the link I would assume. But if it is, I wouldn't mind having it as I am planning to build my son a Jr Dragster and that would be a good powerplant for it. And that ones's a horizontal shaft BTW. Greg I will do some checking. I have a buddy that plays with this stuff alot.
  6. desperado


    Happy belated birthday. Now, as far as trans fats, cheese burgers and french fries and compairing that to smoking dope indicates one thing, some one has been putting something in all that dope you are smoking. The last time I checked, IT WASN'T FUCKING ILLEGAL TO EAT CHEESE BURGERS!!!! While smoking dope has been illegal for some time. I ain't saying that fatty foods woln't swell your ass up like a balloon, or that it's good for you. I will not even argue that THC, a narcotic isn't better for you than nicotine, which BTW is classified as a poison. But it's still legal to smoke tobacco, its' not however legal to smoke dope. This isn't a discussion of what's safe or not. It's a discussion of legality, and to an extent a discussion of law enforcement's inability to enforce law. Do you think that if someone staged a street race in downtown Columbus that 500 people showed up for that the cops would just take video and leave us all alone. Sorry but they wouldn't. The tow trucks would be towing away our cars for hours as we ALL got ahulled off to jail. Is street racing dangerous, sure it can be. Operating a motor vehicle while stoned can be dangerous as well. Street racing is only breaking one law, while driving under the influence of a controlled substance is two counts. So street racing should be legal, right? It doesn't hurt anyone that knows what they are doing after all. We are all good drivers here so we should be allowed to street race, right?? You are making the same argument. Because you can't overdose on pot it should be legal. You can make all the silly shit statements that you want about why it should be legal. It's still NOT legal, and you need to face reality that its' not going to be legal. Hell, I wouldn't care if they did make it legal, then they could tax the shit out of it and relax the taxes on regular tobacco products. But there again, they haven't at this point so arguing that it should be is an excercize in futility. And Ben, it's a stupid analogy. But arguing that we should be able to do something that is illegal, because it "Doesn't hurt anyone" Is about like arguing about wanting to have sex with your siblings as far as I am concerned.
  7. desperado


    Damn, this is what society as a whole has turned into and we have our own little microcosim of it right here on CR. Yuo know at first I figured that it was just the teenie boopers and 20 something crowd that was going to actually say why not smoke, but nope. Others say weel gee, whats' wrong with it other than it's illegal. It's not hurting anyone. Well neither does fucking your sister so is that ok too? ANd yes fucking your sister is illegal. I will not bring up the alcohol this for anything more than to remid you its legal, but the dimwhit that brought up speeding, shit, how do the two compair at all to begin with. That neithr of them hurt anyone. Or that "good drivers" should be able to drive fast if they want because they are good drivers. People aint that fucking smart, this thread right here is proof of that.So retards will be driving their short busses 90 because they think they are "good dribers", basically thinking something don't make it so. And yes, retards driving 90 do hurt people, just like ricers driving 90 (then again is there a difference?) As far as you being pissed that the cops didn't arrest everyone with a cloud around their heads, well how do you arrest that many people all at once? More over if you start arresting them, the rest will scatter. Walking through a college campus with a video camera is a great idea. You have to remember that EVERYONE that is a student there has a photograph on file. Once they go through the videos and identify everyone smoking pot, the tickets will go out and the ones doing it will be thrown out of the school most likely. So not to worry about that. They will get what they deserve in due time. BTW, for you genius's here that have admitted to smoking weed, remember that there are law enforcement officials on this board. And that posting on a public forum like this is enough of an admission for legal action to be taken against you. Remember why it is that we DON"T CONDONE STREET RACING, and as far as this being a political thing. Get real, it's about right and wrong. It is ultimately WRONG to break the law, no matter how silly that law might be. So you are either condoning illegal behavior, or you don't. There really is no in between.
  8. desperado


    Yeah, that 250 thing was a typo. Saw specs. If greg falls through I will take them.
  9. desperado


    I will arive at 10 or close to it.
  10. desperado


    What is the full modle number on these. The only 250 Cisco stuff I can find is wireless bridges. Which IS what I am looking for. Let me know
  11. desperado


    Done... Bring tomorrow night to Geero's
  12. After reading this numerous times to figure out what you were saying (the leetspeak shit has to go if you want to be understood here, or for that matter taken seriously) the 2 lines that come out the front are still run off the same piston. They are only using the master cylinder as a tee connector. Everything else is pretty much standard. As far as that goes, I am unsure why you are wanting to convert to manual brakes. I am going to assume that it's either a space issue or you are running a cam that doesn't give you enough vacuum at idle to get the power brakes to work and you are thinking that manual is the way to go. Space issues are a bit harder to work out, but the vacuum issue is an easy fix. There are two ways to deal with that. One is to get a vacuum resivor (tank) that the booster connects to and it connects to the engine manifold. When you first let off the acclerator there is alot of vacuum. It gets stored in the tank basically and then works the brakes. The other is an electric powered vacuum pump. These are a bit pricy, but if you are running a blower motor that never see's more than 8 inches of vacuum then that's the way to got. Jegs carrys both of these items.
  13. Duct tape, sticky side out, pull it slowly and carefully and you should be able to get it out. As far as a difference in sound, nope, not on a subwoofer, I ran a set for awhile with NO caps and didn't have a problem till shit started getting in there.
  14. Yep, if it's on private property that's pretty much the case. Typically even in a parking lot, at a store or something, the police typically will NOT issue citations to people that back into you or out in front of you. You typically have to file a claim with YOUR insurance company as well. It gets dicey about fault when ther are no citations issues and you typically have to have your insurance comapny fix your car, and the other guy has to file with his insurance company as well if there is damage to his/her vehicle. It's another one of those obscure law type of things.
  15. NO, it is NOT the property owners responsibility to enforce laws. It is the properity owners responsibility to contact law enforcement if a law is being broken on their property. Rent a cops have only LIMITED enforcement abilities, and can only arrest you with a citizens arrest. They can not detain you with force unless you have acted in a phyically threatening manner. Even gaurds in the shopping mall are bound by this on shop lifters, it's pretty gray as far as the laws actually read but this is the reason that the occational guard that goes over the line typically gets the store sued for being overly agressive.
  16. OK, I talked to my Athens County Deputy buddy today. All above is right, short the criminal trespass. Criminal trespass can only be charged if you were previously detained for trespassing on that properity and informed that you were trespassing and needed to leave. Aslo the vanadlism thing would probably go as a distruction of private preperty, and not vandalism, although it could be either.
  17. Here is what I have heard. I can't say that it's carved in stone truth but it's what I have always gone by. Private property can be at the owners request have local laws enforced, this includes speeding. Mobile home parks, apartment complexes are both good examples of this. I have heard of at least one case where this backfired on the owner due to the fact the park manager's lazy ass didn't want to walk the park so he rode around on a golf cart. By requesting police to patrol and inforce traffic laws the manager was ticketed for operating a non licensed vehicle on public roads. He was also issued a citation for not having brake lights and a host of other things. When it was all said and done the owner requested that the police not come on to his property any more and inforce the traffic laws. This was at teh park that my dad lives in so I can say this is truth. Reckless op, can be inforced ANYWHERE. Even your own driveway. So doing burnouts on your driveway can get you a ticket. Yes, it would take a pretty anal cop to do this but they can. Drag racing, is another thing that can be inforced ANYWHERE. I have been told that race tracks need a special permit to do business, I have no idea if it's true, but I have been told this more than once. And put someone in the passenger seat, or close to the car and it's reckless endangerment and that will really get you familiar the COTA bus drivers. I have heard claims that people were ticketed for reckless op for doing burn outs in private parking lots and then arrested for vandalism of private property because they left tire marks. Again, a bit anal to go that far but if the law says any defacement, tire marks technically are defacement. The other thing with this is that I believe that you can be charged with criminal trespassing due to the fact that you are breaking the law on private property, if the owner wants to press charges. Typically they don't but don't be surprized if they do. Again, I'm not a police officer, I don't know the Ohio revisted code that well. I am only repeating what I have been told, but if you go by what I have said, then you will not have problems, but what's the fun in that???
  18. Glad your alright man. At least the bike will fix and you are around to fix it.
  19. Two of the lines I believe are for the front. The third feeds the rear brakes. As far as a manual conversion, there's not alot to that. Biggest thing is that you will need to move the accuator arm up some to increase the leverage on the master cylinder. Failure to do that will get you brakes that feel like power brakes with no vacuum. It woill require that you cut the pivot pin off the brake pedal and move it closer to the main pivot. This is NOT something to be screwing with if you can't weld well. Having the weld fail would make for a rather wild ride.
  20. This is almost gonna sound stupid, but I did it so it can happen. Are you sure that the fans are pushing the air from front to back. I went through a new water pump, radiator, two stats, a stat restrictor and a week of headaches at 220 plus degrees. The car would be fine sitting still, run out at a max of 170, even holding the motor at 3500 RPM for 10 minutes. The minute I put it on the street it got hot as hell. I finally was working on it one night and felt the air blowing out the front. Only reason I noticed it is the car was hot and the air was warm. I blew some smoke down behind the fan and out the front it went. I realize its' a long shot. But I have a buddy running a 514 in a Fairmont that don't get hot with the same radiator you are running so you shouldn't be having problems either I wouldn't think.
  21. I have one, but it looks like bolt cutters and not a rivet gun. And I am not positive that it will do .25 rivets.
  22. I assumesd that you DID disconnect the battery when you were welding on the vehicle. So I would look at the neutral safety switch on the tranny first. Second is to recheck the cable connections to the battery. If you had them disconnected for the welding, then that could be it as well.
  23. Ya'll KNOW the one food that will straight make ANY woman frigid....... Her Wedding Cake!!!!!!
  24. Agreed, those one pound cans of freon will become a grenade if you hook it to the high side with the system running. Being a 97 it could be 134a or R-12. If it's R-12 you can't add 134a to the system as the working pressures are different and it will NOT cool and will most likely freeze up from the 134a not being at the correct pressure (which is higher during operation on both the low side and the high side). To do a conversion, the system HAS to be evacuated completely with a vacuum pump as well to boil the little bit of R-12 that becomes entrapped in the oil. Failure to do so will lock your compressor up and cause you more grief. I do have the correct tools to do a conversion but if you have a leaky oring or a bad hose, the increased operating pressures will make the leak worse, so having the system leak tested and gotten up to snuff before charging it is a pretty good idea.
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