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Everything posted by desperado

  1. I realize that I should have just PMed him but I wanted to do this publicly, so everyone know I was being a dick and the guy wasn't really trying to fuck me. As far as the payment thing, your right I never DID indicate how I wanted paid, I just asssumed that You wouls ask, my mistake. As far as the comments I made, they were unwarrented and uncalled for. I am sorry. Now as far as the nukes thing. China does, for sure have that ability, by rocket. Hell they have a bit of a space program. Now, Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea, I would seriously doubt that any of them have a missle that will do it. That's really not the point, and hem having nukes isn't really the point either, as far as the USA not wanting them to have them. The point is who will they be willing to sell them to. North Korea, Iran and Pakistan are not stupids enough to launch a nuke at us even if they could hit us. Reason is that they know we will be able to tell where it came from before it gets here. More over we will no doubt shoot it down and it would never actually reach our shores as a nuke. But in retaliation, we WOULD launch one back, and possibly several. Ours WOULD hit the target and there would be nothing of them left. So we should not be worried about a government, even as fucked up as any of the three I mentioned doing it. It's the idea that nukes are not a car bomb, or a shoulder fired missle, they are comples devices that require constant maintence to work properly. And the upkeep they require alone would bankrupt most terrorists, let alone actually designing and building one. But terrorists are MORE than willing to buy a working weapon to use against the USA. This is why we need to be concerned with how has them. Because of the three countries I mentioned, only Pakistan would think twice about sellinga nuke to terrorists, the other two would do it in a heartbeat. And it would get brought into this country and detonated. That is why we need to be concerned, and it that manner of being about to get it here. ANYONE with the motivation to set off a nuke in this country is more than able to do it, even though they can't send it in via a missle, doesn't mean that we have no cause for alarm. [ 20. February 2005, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  2. Did weld with bolts. Just stuck the bolt in the drilled hole and tacked it up with the TIG welder. Done deal. Only had one minor issue with the heat getting over at *** headliner and after that one spell of sillyness I started weting the headliner before welding and it went great after that.
  3. Actually, mine is Primer ALL over. And the rust holes are bigger. BTW why would you be laughin at your own family?
  4. My mouth, you are on your 3 post making dumbshit ricer comments, and it's my mouth. Your fucking halarious dude. Someone had this fool a mike and show him to the stage, he's convinced he's a comedian!
  5. Get this guy a cookie, well actually some cookies and milk, it will be nap time soon so he will be needing a snack. Show truck huh, I am impressed, about like that little kid in the pic. That pic needs a caption, with the kid saying "Dad, look over there at the hot rods, those are cool. This thing looks looks like the matchboxes I play in the dog poop with. BTW, http://www.foornet.net/images/s10.jpg It's not that it's an S-10, I have no problem with that. It's just the guy that owns it.
  6. It's what happens when you are fresh out of school. They don't teach you to think in school any more, just to jump on a liberal bandwagon and spout things that you have no real idea about. Question, well two, First, why were the 12 men that flew planes into buildings here in the USA of Saudi descent. Second, EDIT: Me being a dick! Go figure, wasn't the first time will not be the last either I don't rekon I do NOT appericate your slander of the leader of this country, more over, are you even old enough to vote? [ 20. February 2005, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  7. Here we go, I love this shit, it's always the same thing, "How fast are your cars?" "well how fast is your car?" "It ain't but my buddies car will do wheelies while ripping chunks of asphalt off the road, it's turbo supercharged with a tunnel ram and dual carbs, it has fuel injection and a 5000 shot of NAWSSSS! It's way faster than anything else you all have in fact he drag races jet fighters and wins all the time. He even got ejected from the track because it was so fast they wouldn't let him run it so he just street races." We don't give a fuck what your buddy has, or how fast you claim it is. Have him join and talk about how fast he is. Couple of quick questions... 1. Is your body kit painted or is it the same color it came out of the box? 2. What is the measurement from the top rail of you truck bed to the top of your wing? 3. What does the vinel sticker say across te top of your windshield? 4. How many vinel graphics are on your truck that were not factory? 5. What is the diameter of the chrome tips on your exhaust, and is it lighted? 6. Most importantly, how many coils did you cut off your springs to lower your truck? These are very important questions and the answers are pivital on how long we allow you to remain on the board. (Not that I really have any say in it.)
  8. desperado

    New Toy

    I am still debating if this was a good idea, but I got a new tach for the Camaro. Click Here Anyone need a Sport Comp 8K 5 inch tach with a shift light and oil light??
  9. Building one would NOT be difficult. Hell I was playing around with a big fan and a mister and made snow. All you have to do is produce a fine mist of water in front of a fan and have the air temp below 32. If you are looking to get it to work above freezing, it gets tricky at that point. In order to get it to cool out below surounding air temps you have to put the air and water mist together and then push it through a venturi, what happens is the air gets compressed, without alot of heat being added, then as it experiences the pressure drop coming out of the venturi tube, the pressure drop causes a pressure drop. But to get a significant enough drop you are going to need to produce a drop of several pounds. Of course the amount of drive power needed to pressurize the high side of the venturi will be linked to the size of the venturi it self. If it's a 3 inch pipe, necking down to 1.5 inch then it ain't gonna take alot of drive, if it's 12 inch, you are going to need a car engine connected to the fan.
  10. I am looking for an old Hurst shifter. It was a 3 stick setup they called lightning rods. The stick to the left was like a normal floor shifter. but if you put neutral and the right shick back it was first, then pulling the center stick was second the left stick was drive/ 3rd. There was an Olds that came with this setup factroy and then Hurst released the shifters as an aftermarket unit. I have always wanted a setup like that so let me know if you have a set under a workbench somewhere.
  11. IS that proven performance, on a dyno, or it feels different because I was screwing around under the hood performance? The computer is mapped to use the EGR, if the EGR is not working, the computer can't of course use it, and since it knows its been fucked with it will put the computer in limp mode and light the you shouldn't have been fucking with it/ it's broke get it fixed light. I am curious to hear what your explanation is for why a car will run better without the EGR working properly. It's obvious that it's there for a reason, car companies don't just add shit for the sake of having it. And if it makes it perform better to not have it, why do the Mustangs/Cobras/GTO's and the like have it? Those are purpose built hotrods, and the makers are in the middle of a horsepower war, so if the car performs better without it, why install it? I hate to put you out on front street, but you are indicating something that makes little sence, if it was true the EGR circuit wouldn't be there to begin with, and we don't care for "loose term explanations" here, at least I don't. So spell it out.
  12. I can do it, but I am expensive. Reason is this, I do not and WILL NOT use the little blue wire tap bullshit things to install it. Everything gets cut to length, stripped, soldered and the heat shrinked. Anyone that wants to argue that the little blue bastard things are ok, you are more than welcome to come out and take a look at the box of them I have CUT OUT of peoples wiring harnesses and PROPERLY repaired their wiring as mentioned above. And EVERY on of them had lost connection. As a side note, I also do trailers, the same way. And any of you that have trailers know that you have to replace the wiring every two years of so because of the little blue bastards. I have several trailers running around that I wired 5 and 10 yrs ago that all the lights work perfectly on. In fact the only ones I have ever seen back got something caught in the wiring harness and tore it out.
  13. Oh yes, it may not be as pronounced but it does happen. On a car that is suppost to have EGR and it has been disabled or is simply not working you can get a VERY pronounced spark knock at part throttle. Reason is that the motor can be run LEANER with EGR, and eht fuel maps take into account the EGR and expect it to be there. If it is disabled and the computer leans out the motor and advances the timeing, which is exactly what a part throttle sensing computer WILL do, it can bang REALLY hard. (Read that clatter like a diesel). The guys that are saying that their EGR either doen'st work or makes no difference, unless you are remapping your fuel with an FMU, it's most likely working. If it wasn't, you would hear it rather well.
  14. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4527961462&ssPageName=MERC_BC_ReBay_Pr2_PcN_ That is stripped clean
  15. You have a browser takeover trojan. Frist try running Adware, the other thing to do is look at the hosts file (C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) and see what is in there as far as entries. If there is ANYTHING listed besides localhost then delete it, but don't delete the localhost entry. The problem that you are experiencing is a DNS related problem. they going to the IP of a website or two. ( is mine, that would go into the browser as and see what happens. Virus scanners will typically NOT clean this type of shit. YOu will need an anti spyware/adware removal tool. Get on with another PC and go download Adaware Personal for www.lavesoftusa.com. I have used that numerous times and it has always worked.
  16. I heard something said the other day, can't remember if it was on TV or what but if is fitting here and worth repeating. We live in a country where we are free. We hold these freedoms above all else, and one of the MOST cherished freedoms is the freedom of speech, our right as citizens of the United States of America give us the Constutionally protected right to say ANYTHING we want. However, no where in the constution are you protected from taking an ass kicking for excersizing that right at an improper time, or with an improper comment.
  17. I want to be doing a ridealong with a CPD freeway patrol when some fuck desides to come drifting past his cruiser doing shit like this.
  18. Tenzig, your off topic, BTW, your wrong too, but that's for another thread. As far as this douchebag, he see's his 15 minutes, he said something, that I feel as a left winger, that he does whole heartedly believe. Having NO idea the outcome of the statement when it was made. So he said it. Once the backlash started and his 15 minutes started, as opposed to backing down from the statemetn and falling straight the hell back into obscurity, he stood behind his statement, which in reality is at least admirable, even if it did piss off a nation, except for a few left wing fringe fucks that are so far out there that they will never be happy until we are a communist socialistic society, and then they will still bitch. The guy is riding the media wave, no differnt than the fuck that is sueing the state of Texas over the Ten Commandments on the statehouse lawn. Which isn't out of the ordinary in this day, except for the fact that the fucker is a HOMELESS LAWYER. Just how in the fuck do you become a LAWYER, then become homeless. The dude sleep in a tent, in a city park, but he's being a FEDERAL case against Texas while being HOMELESS. Just who the fuck is paying for this shit??? We all long to be famous, to get our 15 minutes, these are stories of two fucktards that are doing it wrong. And for the one that said that 2400 people deserved to die, even if it was taken out of context, which I realize it was, will possibly get him killed, and get his ass kicked for sure.
  19. I can TIG bolts to them. Then you could just back them out. Short of that, get some GOOD drill bits and drill the heads off them.
  20. I sat up and watched qualifying for the Winternationals in Pomona last night. And the Finals were on today. Y'all know what this means. DRAG RACING SEASON IS UNDERWAY!!!!! And we have a young, good looking, female funny car pilot. She didn't qualify but she is getting TV time because of being a female. And on an even better note, with the hockey season basically over before it ever started, ESPN and the other TV channels will be looking for something to fill the game time slots with, lets hope it's drag racing, or some sort of racing, besides NASCAR. Not that I don't like NASCAR but they have plenty of coverage. 2005 NHRA televised race schedule Powerade 2005 Schedule Lucas Oil Drag Racing Schedule
  21. Why would you give a 16 year old kid a car like that. It's stupid and dangerous.
  22. I had that car pass thru my hands a few years ago. The guy that has the car is a member of this board. I was wondering what ever became of it.
  23. Well, I can weld up the cracks. But I am guessin that there are more cracks that you are not seeing. If the block is cracked that bad, chances are its done. By the time you pay someone to do that much welding on it, you can buy a block. That's my opinion on it.
  24. Dat's sum pimp shit der muafuka! Homie's shit up on for teee's muafuka! wha chew be sayin dat's stewpid fo? Dat's da pimpis shit you ever goon-ah see right dare muafuka! (Walking away singing) Gots my ride rollin on for tees! Bitches be lokin get weak in the knees! Badass baller, an I'z in da zone! spent all my money on rims so I gots no home! BTW, other thatn to spend fuckloads of money on, the requirements of cutting up your car untill you can't run any other rim because it would look fucked up even worse thatn this shit does. What is the fucking point?
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