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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Hell, figured the next swap would be a 7 needing jet fuel. I mean rotaries and turbine engines sort of maybe look similar right??? Good luck on the SB2 power BTW. Two way me if you need an extra pair of hands real quick for something.
  2. Here's one on the quick lube places. Wife went to get her's done. They stripped out the plug in the oil pan, typical bullshit, Those temp plugs suck ass BTW. There was a guy in yhr next bay in a 70's Nova, built motor, lots of chrome and shit. The guy had built it himself and just didn't feel like crawling under it taht time to change the oil. They tell him the same shit. And that the last guy had put the wrong oil filter on it and stripped the threads on the mount. Turns out that this was the first time the car had been touched by anyone but the owner according to him. So then, he brought in oil for em to put in, he didn't want theirs, they refused to put it in, "for liability reasons". Needless to say he was pissed. So they finally get him gone. Get under the next car and knock the wires for the crank sensor (I think) loose, finished with the oil change, car wouldn't start. Push the car out of the quick lube. Lady and her small child are stuck. Some guy offered the hanging wire and plugged it back in and got it on her way. Needless to say we don't go to Valvoline any more. But I have seen and heard about similar things at other places.
  3. I wonder if it would be cheaper to have the lifter bores opened up to .927 (SBC and BBC) lifter size and run chevy lifters. I don't know for sure about this. PM Tinman,, if anyone here would know about shit like that he would be the guy.
  4. As far as the TV's, sorry, I gave that up. Don't have the room to do it any more.
  5. Na, I wouldn't give you the satisfaction
  6. Hmmmm Lets see, Being pissed at Jane Fonda getting anything besides a jail term for being the treasonous bitch that she is = being a hilljack. Owning a gun = being a hilljack Voicing ones consertvative views = slackjawed swagger Yall best be reading this shit. I ain't the ONLY one being referred to here.
  7. Were you born on another planet? Lets see, Tenzig = Liberal Democrat, dyed in wool left winger, in the middle of a large group of ranting people makes comment that we should just let it go. So VairyToes, another self proclaimed liberal, to damn young to really have an opinion that matters any fucking way chimes in and trys to defend te other liberal that was trying to defend a worthless fucking treasonous bitch who NO ONE with any fucking sense at all would stand behind. Did you miss something in the original post? The bitch SOLD OUT American soldiers to the enemy, that's treason fuckstick. There is no other way to describe it. Do you really believe that she didn't know what she was doing??? After the anti-war retoric she was blabbing over here. You somehow believe that over there she would have a different opinion? I suppose that you are going to be saying next that there is some sort of a conspiracy against Jane Fonda, that it was a look alike that was in Vietnam? It wasn't real, it was all created by the conservative controlled media right? Dude, do me a favor and bring me some of the seeds from the shit YOU been smokin, it's obviously really good stuff. I swear some of the shit that gets spewwed on this board makes my head want to explode.
  8. The Radio Shack Irons are good if you get the right one. Their good irons are made by a company called Ungar, who manufacutres very high quality irons, but they are a bit expensive. The good ones are sold as a seperate handle, heater and tip. Get a 33 Watt heater, and an IRON CLAD tip (they are silver in color and not copper in color, but not the ones that the tip looks chrome plated. All the ones with the chrome tips are not worth bringing the hell home. If you need specific part numbers let me know and I will break out the Radio Shack catalog. Now as far as the tip stand and cleaner. Go over to Microcenter, they sell a tip cleaner that looks like a brass scowering pad in a little cup. These are the shit, I haven't found ANYTHING better and I fixed my first TV set when I was 12. So I have had everything pretty much at one time or another. If you need any other guidance, or have questions let me know.
  9. A guy I grew up with worked for Ricart and a few other places out of school. His thoughts were that if you can find a shop that pays book time, by that you get a check baised on the hours that the auto manufacture says it will take to do a specific job and not clock hours then you can make some bucks. Ricart use to pay book time. If you had an 84 T-bird that needed a water pump, the book time said 3 hours. You actually do it in 1.25 hours, your paycheck time is set to 3 hours. George worked there through a couple of recalls that paid 3 hours, and they were able to get the actual time down, working in teams to about 50 minutes, and got a couple 60 plus hour pay checks. Dealers at that time didn't pay OT pay, because of shop hours being 9 to 6, so I wouldn't expect it now either. The hang on that is there was always the cars that defied repair. And would take 3 hours to figure out that there was a sensor wire bad that paid .25 hour to fix, and that's what you got paid for.
  10. I am curious, is this the really round about way of agreeing with her? And of what she did? You know better than to agree, the flaming would never end, so you talk about how this has already been addressed. It KILLS me that you don't even have the courage to say what's on your mind but to just try to down play how this inrages many of us here and feel that the woman should be getting jail time for treason in stead of being recognized as one of the most influential females of the last 100 years. Now I suppose that she was a big influence, but so was Stalin and Hitler. They both had the blood of millions on inoccents on their hands, to say that they weren't influential, even in this country would be a lie, sure they had infulence, Americans wanted to kill the bastards with their bare hands. Being recognized for having influence is not necessarily a good thing, but of course it will be in this specific case because we are all politically correct, and can't disagree with their opinion. You know, the first amendment protects us from the government denying us free speech, it does NOT however protect us from saying silly, inflamitory and degrading bullshit at the wrong time and the backlash that goes with it. Some people don't seem to get that.
  11. Ben, one of the things that you will need to watch with the EFI motor and spray is how the computer limits RPM, some drop fuel others drop spark. If you are dropping spark, then no problem, but if you are dropping fuel, you're gonna go lean when you hit the limiter. You might consider a window switch, and drop the spray a few hundred RPM short of the limiter. I figure that you already knew about this, but I figured I would mention it anyway.
  12. I assume that you have the gas kit in it. PM me with a price and the current rating (AMPS) especially if it's 110. I have been thinking about getting a smaller 110 powered unit as well as a larger one that would be 220 most likely.
  13. This is damn near as bad as that "some ricers don't care about dying" movie clip that got posted awhile back. All this shit does in encourage the dipshits and their bad paint and oversized wings.
  14. Since you seem so concerned, I can weld those up just fine with the TIG thanks. Oh yeah, since you are posting here, I assume that you have a welder to sell right, and your not just shitting up this thread for no apparent reason.
  15. Old Mans Cave Chalets, its all you need to know, screw the price.
  16. I don't have opinions, I have data that proved what I am saying. And what really kills me is that mineral oil (and BTW, some synthetics are made from crude, it's just cracked different)are reused. Coastal and that other cheap ass oil is reclaimed, it's filtered, the additives are put back into it and its put back in motors. Full synthetics still have a breakdown temp, it's just that the motor would need to be melting the hell down inorder for it to be reached, where the regular stuff will fail around 400 degrees. Now, as far as todays engines running VERY hot, is this truth? or is it because you say so? Got news for you, ALL oils, synthetics and otherwise need to reach a MINIMUM of 200 degrees to get the moisture out of them from the condensation that takes place in the motor, so the oils are formulated to reach advertized viscosity at that temp. (that would be the 10 in 10W40... The 40 BTW is the weight/viscosity at 0 degrees). Now as far as the guys saying that they run their cars "REAL HARD", again, this is a matter of opinion. The SAME MOBILE 1 that go's on the shelf at Auto Zone runs around Daytona for 500 miles at 8500 to 9000 RPM. I want to see the list of who here has a motor that will SUSTAIN 8500 RPM that is not a rotary, and not a bike. I bet this is a short list, and no one here saying that they run their car "Real Hard" is even on it.
  17. Well, I traded off the Century MIG welder I had for a second TIG welder. So I am now in the market for a MIG welder again. Looking to spend $300 to $400 on a GOOD used brand named unit. Lincoln, Miller, Hobart, Century or a few others. Needs to be a TRUE MIG, not a flux core unit that don't use shielding gas. Minumum 100 AMP and needs to be variable voltage, not a rotary switch of voltage setting. Let me know if you have one that you are willing to part with.
  18. I don't know why this suprizes anyone. Consider what screws up oil in a motor. Heat and dilution by gasoline. Synthetic oil is for the most part uneffected by heat, so with a good synthetic, heat doens't factor in. Leaking dilution by gasoline. This was a major factor in the days of the carb. Every time you started it, you had to pump it to prime it, part of the fuel would leak down past the rings because it was intering the cylinder as a liquid. With todays motors, there is no pumping, infact you CAN'T pump it and prime the motor, the computer don't allow it. So flooding a car is also a thing of the past. Since the motors of today burn all the fuel they have go into the cylinder, there isn't really any to dilute the oil. So the oil and additives don't seperate like they use to. Now bear in mind that this only applies to newer cars that are EFI, and STOCK. Modified engines, fuel systems and carbed motors do NOT fit into the same catagory, there is from time to time some extra fuel in hotrod motors, and you can't expect the oil to last like this in these motors. So, it's ok for a EFI beater, but not for your hot rods. And Chris, I haven't seen the pricing on it yet, but my guess is that it will be $10 a quart for 15000 mile oil. Even though Mobile 1 oil will do it now, for $4.79 a quart. I figure the money thing is a wash. This really is an advertizing gimic in my opinion, selling a current product that is repackaged at a higher rate, stating something specific that it could do all along.
  19. Hell, APC has a whole company making shit that no one needs! I win!
  20. OK, lets make it simple. Forced induction motor, bigger is better, bigger TB, bigger intake runners, overkill port job on the heads. Reason is this, you don't have to worry about a vacuum signal to a carb to get it to meter fuel correctly. Partly because it's always going to have a positive absolute pressure (not gauge) remember that any vacuum reading closer to 0 than what the motor would show in an N/A configuration is positive pressure, even if it's not a positive boost PSI number on a gauge. (Anthony, remember our discussion at the house.) Best money spent is on the BIGGER TB, ported or not. If $500 buys you a ported measured 75 MM TB or a unported 85 MM TB go with the 85 MM. Porting TB's is NOT porting heads. If one gets overzealous where the butterfly meets the wall of the TB, you will have air leaks, running a blower just multiplies this, and the fucker will NEVER idle right. If you just gotta have it a ported piece, get one that is CNC ported from a pro shop or manufacture. Dave, your a smart guy, but I got to disagree with you on the dremel tool thing here. It's too damn easy to screw up a TB dicking with a dremel around it. And with the air being pushed into it, istead of being sucked in, the change in ability for it to flow is not going to be improved by simply "Porting" it unless the butterfly diameter is increased. Unless of course there is a restriction in the flow path that is less of a diameter than the butterfly. But I am yet to see a throttle body that has a design like that. Now as far as the two that you have pics of. It's almost a toss up. The top one looks to be hand ported, and may leak air at idle. Causing odd problems. The one on the bottom, with the mods done tothe way th butterfly is mounted scares me if it's not done right. Going back to the forced induction design of your motor. You don't, as far as I know, have a BOV, or some means of dumping the boost when you come off the throttle quickly, so you are deadheading the pressure against the butterfly, which is going to be at a HIGHER pressure than your max boost pressure, because you have very little flow but eh blower is still going to be at speed, so a poorly mounted butterfly, or a modded throttle shaft, that's been thinned out to increase flow could possibly mechanically fail. Or course this could result in anything from a sever lean condition, to a stuck throttle. (Which is always good for sucking the foam rubber out of your seat and right up your ass. smile.gif ) I am really not trying to discourage you, I just don't want to see you spend hard earned money and not get better performance of worse yet, get something that could have hidden dangers.
  21. I was sort of thinking the same thing. Tinman and I both TIG, not sure if RL does or not. I am also personally setup to do heavy welding, like on a trailer in a portable fashion. And if needed, could do some TIG portable with a spare set of hands to control the current on the big welder if it was really needed. While I realize this isn't overly useful, have a spring perch break off a trailer out on the freeway with a car on it. Also, there is ALOT of welding work. I really don't know that any one person can handle it all. Now I know that RL has his own shop, and i believe advertizes in the business area on the board, I am not sure that he says specifically does welding. Tinman and I, neither have a welding business specifically, so it is word of mouth. So I would hope that maybe there could be a sticky in the business area that says who all does welding, and maybe even what type of services they can provide.
  22. lower, depending on how much spray you are talking about. 200 shot on a V-8 leave it alone, unless you are running a CR that would make a diesel jealous. Really have to be a bit more specific.
  23. Done that more than once to punk ass kids joy riding in daddy or mommies car.
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