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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Now as far as the drag racing ticket. If there is concrete proof, like video, and you are participating in a drag race, you can pretty much assume that the State of Ohio is going to shuffle your license into the dust with the other guys. And now, to tell you what else you won, "Herrree's Jackie" YOu have won a wonderfully expensive SR-22. And in addition to the 12 point Drag Racing suspension, that will start dropping off after 12 months, a point at a time. You get high risk insurance. And a police record that is sure to get you a ticket for such things as sidewalk spitting for the next three years. The BMV and OSP only maintain silly stuff on file for 12 months, but a DUI or Drag Racing ticket are special clasification, and will show up every time you get pulled over for a tail light for the next 3 years, ensuring you a nice new ticket, or possibly multiple tickets, depending on the mood of the cop. As for the spectator tickets, the only guy assisting in the drag race is the flag name and the spotter. Unless you are blocking a road for the race, then you can get hit there too. Anyone else can get a lawyer and get the spectator ticket dropped, it's not illegal to witness a crime, only to assist in its commision.
  2. Now as far as the drag racing ticket. If there is concrete proof, like video, and you are participating in a drag race, you can pretty much assume that the State of Ohio is going to shuffle your license into the dust with the other guys. And now, to tell you what else you won, "Herrree's Jackie" YOu have won a wonderfully expensive SR-22. And in addition to the 12 point Drag Racing suspension, that will start dropping off after 12 months, a point at a time. You get high risk insurance. And a police record that is sure to get you a ticket for such things as sidewalk spitting for the next three years. The BMV and OSP only maintain silly stuff on file for 12 months, but a DUI or Drag Racing ticket are special clasification, and will show up every time you get pulled over for a tail light for the next 3 years, ensuring you a nice new ticket, or possibly multiple tickets, depending on the mood of the cop. As for the spectator tickets, the only guy assisting in the drag race is the flag name and the spotter. Unless you are blocking a road for the race, then you can get hit there too. Anyone else can get a lawyer and get the spectator ticket dropped, it's not illegal to witness a crime, only to assist in its commision.
  3. Hey there dumbass, you better take a long hard look at that guys member number. And that funny little icon next to his name. That, since you are obviously to fucking dumb to figure it out means he IS God here. Smarting off to him will pretty much get you banned for life. So I am hoping that you will get to at least read this and KNOW what a fucking TOOL you are before getting banned.
  4. Hey there dumbass, you better take a long hard look at that guys member number. And that funny little icon next to his name. That, since you are obviously to fucking dumb to figure it out means he IS God here. Smarting off to him will pretty much get you banned for life. So I am hoping that you will get to at least read this and KNOW what a fucking TOOL you are before getting banned.
  5. desperado

    Biker BoyZ

    I figure that I might qualify for that club. Shows what I know about bikes. Either way, there are some quick cars on the streets, so maybe the bike guys are hoping for some competition. Fuck it, let em race.
  6. Dude must have bathed in that TAG body spray or some shit!
  7. Well, like I said, I don't know alot about stunting. Biggest thing I ever did was a few jumps on a CR600. That and riding am old RM500, which in my opinion is extreem just going across an empty corn field. Mind you it had just been rebuilt and would pull the front wheel in 3rd gear while throwing a 30 foot rooster tail. Hell the only wheelie I even did on the street was unexpected and it was the result of a throttle sticking on the RD350 I had.
  8. Pics and hours on the unit. I will talk to them at work. Also do you have a charger, and what condition is the battery?
  9. The one thing that it will do, as long as its mounted the same place for every test run is a gauge for tuning. If the ET goes down then you are going faster, same thing when you are tuning too far and the numbers start to fall off. As far as HP, I have seen 480 HP numbers in the Durango. Now that was peak, and it did it in first gear. So the HP numbers are a bit questionable in that reguard. But the ET and Trap speed seemed to be dead on every time on flat ground.
  10. I have a portaband if you want to bring it out. I also have a TIG welder if you are wanting a new flange or whatever welded to it as well as the proper rod to make the weld.
  11. desperado

    Biker BoyZ

    I don't see how it's all that funny. Consider the number of 10 and low 11 second cars on here. And the fastest street cars are no where around on this board. Now how many 10 second bikes are there on here or anywhere in town, that aren't full on drag bikes. So it's reasonable, and depending on the car and bike it might be a fairly evenly matched race. Last time I checked NO ONE was running wheelie bars on their bikes, and that's the biggest limit to a bike turning a good 60 foot, even power takes a back seat to it. Who's going to argue that a 750 with a wide slick and a set of bars is not going to put down a better 60 foot than a Busa with a street tire and nothing to keep it from rolling over backwards.
  12. coat that bitch with Rhino Liner, that's the hotness. Actually I work with a guy that has his gixer Rhinolinered, it never scratches now, and it really don't look that bad.
  13. Guy on Left: Hey man, what's with the two beers? Chris: Celebrating my first blowjob! GOL: Really, hell man, take this one too. Chris: Na, if two beers woln't get this taste out of my mouth, three ain't gonna do it either. GOL: Hey Chris, where'ed that hottie go I just saw you with? Chris: Don't know. she saw Desperado, said something about a real man, handed me her beer and took off after him. GOL: That had to piss you off, Damn that Des. Chris: Why? She gave me her beer.
  14. Not to sound like a tool, cuz I know NOTHING about stunting other than it's cool as hell to watch. But couldn't you work out new tricks on a Enduro (SP?) type bike, then transfer it to a street bike. I realize that balance points and then like would be totally different. But I have ssen those guys take trail bikes, and ride quarter pipes with them, and do all sorts of shit that a regular street bike could never do. Am I missing the point here or does this at least make some sense?
  15. desperado

    heads f/s

    casting numbers???
  16. Well once again Jon, you are proving that your vendeta against me to somehow prove your superiority has turned you into an ass, simply because you need to twist my meaning into something else in a futile atempt to make me look bad. So since you can't see past your nose about anything I say with the bigger words, I will spell it out slowly for you. He has been to trial once, and it was a hung jury on convicting him. Proving that it will be VERY hard to find 12 people that are too damn dumb to get out of jury duty, that will put him to death. Personally I think they need to take him out and shoot the piece of shit on the courthouse lawn. My point is that if they didn't charge him with a count of murder (which IS what he did, and he should fry for it, the insanity thing will land him in a mental hospital and not jail IF they can find twelve people to even agree on that) there are still enough small bullshit charges, that when you add all of it together it will still lock the fucker away for a LONG time, in a real jail. How about next time, instead of looking at what I say and trying to figure out how you can twist it to make me look bad, you actually read it and attempt to get the point. That was you don't look like a vengeful prick. You have established that you are an asshole, you don't need to continue to prove it. I do get tired of needing to go back and make sure that I make the words small enough for you so you can comprehend... (no to big a word) understand... (no another big one) so you get it.
  17. Yeah, legalize it and LSD too. Lets REALLY PARTY
  18. I just hope that they don't loose site of the fact the guy needs to go away for a LONG time. Take the murder thing off the table, because there is only one count of murder, and it could be argued that it was an accident that he killed that woman and was only shooting at cars. It you take away ALL the jury trial required charges, mind you one count of murder may only get him 25 yrs. They can bang hime with ipmroper transportation of a fire arm. Carrying a consealed weapon, each count is a year. Discharging a firearm within the city limits of Columbus, again jail time per count. Assult with a deadly weapon, again not a jury trial charge and manditory jail time. They could easily give this asshole 50 to 75 yrs on lesser charges.
  19. Damn, yall need to lighten up. Ricky, you're still comedy relief in here. Some things never change.
  20. The Turbo Interceptor in The Wraith
  21. There is NO WAY that you came from my loins. Remind me boy when I get home to punch your mama in the mouth. Sheriff Buford Justice speaking to his son in Smokey and th Bandit
  22. That is wicked. It's been around for a LONG time though. The last time I saw it, it was sporting a 600 and some cube motor that was topped with a tunnel ram and a set of 4 - 2 barrel dominators. It was bad ass then too.
  23. Well, back from Disney vacation. Took a ride on an interesting setup at a place called Old Town on the strip down there. They had a setup of two Mustangs, that were compressed air powered, sort of like a steam catapult used to launch aircraft off carriers. Anyway, because of the interesting propulsion, the thing will yank these mustangs to 80 or so in about 5 car lengths. It's 110 plus in 2 seconds and goes 200 feet in those 2 seconds. It was a hell of a ride. Figured I would share some photos as well. http://www.foornet.net/images/gforce1.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/gforce2.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/gforce3.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/gforce4.jpg
  24. Bwwhhahaha. I am still waiting for someone with a car the fits into the catagory he's talking about, and be competitive against other, sub 10 second cars. And no, I don't have anything close. But neither does anyone else here that I am aware of. Michael has a good point, and it's been brought up alot, that this Real Street thing is nothing more than a full on drag car with an interior. I will say that its cool to watch, but ALL drag racing is cool to watch in my opinion. But when did a car with a 700 cube big block, 4.5 inch headers, sitting in front of a 4500 RPM convertor with a trans brake and a reverse valve body become a street car? And as far as the guys with the Vette's, vettes are great but the big blocks these guys run cost more than your Vette did new. I am not saying that the cars aren't cool, or saying that they are not streetable in a small degree, but the name implys that these are real drivers and not Outlaw street cars. The class needs changed in my opinion. Call these guys NA Outlaw Street or something, just not Real Street.
  25. desperado


    Sorry guy, got to at least disagree with the with the money part concerning the school. If you are there for a quarter, and get expelled, you still owe for the quarter, in fact student loans will pay for the quarter then demand immediate payment for that quarter. Grants are the same way. If you have grants and you get the boot. The issuer of the grant typically will come after you for the money back, because the money is already paid to the school. As far as the discussion that Rane is attempting to make and it's a poor point, with no real ground to stand on, no smoking pot isn't murder or rape. But it's illegal all the same. Choosing to smoke pot is no different than choosing to break any other law though. It's not a case of morality, it's a case of legality. You may not agree with the speed limit of 65 on the freeways, so you choose to drive 80. In doing so you take the risk of getting a ticket. I don't give a fuck that there is no one on the road when you do it and neither will the cop when he pulls your ass over. If you smoke it's the same deal, you take the chance of dealing with the cops for doing it. And as far as your lame ass excuse of it ain't hurting anyone, you really know better. I will not even begin to list the shit that's wrong with it, or where the money ends up. But saying that is like saying that speeding doesn't hurt anyone. Tell that to the guy that is running along doing 65 and some dipshit running 80 in a 65 changes lanes in front of him, gets hit from behind and ends up rolling his car and killing his wife or kid. Who's fault is it, the guy that was changing lanes. Don't think so, because had you been running a normal speed there would have been no wreck to begin with most likely, and even if there was the chances of the change in motion after the impact would be a hell of a lot more controlable. But this goes back to you being wet behind the ears and having no fucking clue as to how the real world works. You simply run that cocksucker in the middle of your face for something to do, and actually only half know what you are talking about. So the shit that you spew is expected from you because of your immaturity and lack of reason. You'll probably grow out of it at some point. Hopefully it's sooner than later. But I will say that arguing that peole should have the right to break the law, because the law is wrong ain't got a clue at all.
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