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Everything posted by desperado

  1. I got a kick out of the feather outfit she had on. I am sitting here trying to figure out what I would say or how I would feel if some hot bitch come walking in my bedroom wearing that. Not sure if I would want to bone her of push her out the window too see if she could fly.
  2. This dude is te uber tool. Somehow the planets all aligned, after mother blew 10 guys she kissed one, how spit on her or something. Damn, I always heard it takes all kinds, but this is a bit out there, sorta like Pluto. Why do I get the feeling that he actually got an education and they tought him this shit.
  3. I'm at the house, stop out if you want. Call 989-2459 for directions.
  4. Talk to Rolla. He's listed both in consumer reports and inthe dealer section. He has done a good bit of painting for guys on here and does remarkable work.
  5. Are you interested in swapping those BBS rims for that 454 short block??
  6. Actually yes I do. Any alternator will charge it. The ones that are internally regulated need to have the regulator removed, but that's not a big deal. The thing that you need to be careful of it your charge current. Remember that 1 HP = 746 watts and current X amps equal watts. Here is what I am getting at. If you buy a 200 Amp alternator 200 X 48 = 9600 watts / 746 Watts = 13 HP. it don't sound like alot, but anternators are about 60 percent efficent, so double it to 24 Horsepower to run the alternator (at idle) you can stall your motor trying to charge your batteries. Personally I am at a loss to understand why no one sells a hydraulic pump that is direct motor driven, other thatn it woud be a bit hard on te motor to be bounced around while it was running. As far as the regulator specifically, I haven't played with CB in a ling time, but back in the day when I was running rather large amplifiers (over 10000 watt) we were running multiple alternators with a single adjustable regulator. Talk to someone that does electronics on here, like NateDog and see if he would be willing to build you one. It's not a real complex circuit in reality. There are several sets of plans on the net for adjustable automotive regulators. The componet values would need changed a bit for the voltage you are looking for but it's not difficult for someone with the know how and it would be ALOT cheaper too. We were paying $100 per alternator port for the ones we were using back in the day, so that might get you hsome idea of how much it will cost to buy one outright.
  7. pics of the chassis. And is I complete? Just assemble and go right?
  8. Amy, I really think that you hve been listening to these guys that are trying to claim that you can even remotely use that car as a daily driver and still make 500 plus at the rear wheels. It don't work that way, unless you are making at least a third of it with spray. As far as the computer, I would think that would be easier to fix than it sounds. I believe that megasquirt just brought out a new EMU that will do DIS (not sure if you are running DIS or not) which might be worth looking into. And trying to use the bike as a daily driver is a bit of a pain in the rain and such, not to mention that the Stang wouldn't be alot better with ET Streets on it. I would guess that it's a rather interesting ride in the rain as well. You might consider looking for a $1500 beater, that way when it gets beat by some kid in a Dodge Neon with spray, you don't deside to turn it into a race car as well. Which personally I think you would do if you had an F-body and it got beat. Cuz dear, going fast is an addiction, and the more you get the more you want. As much as you would like to believe that you would get a WS-6 and do a couple of blot on's and leave it go, you will NEVER be satisfied with it. You know what it's like to go fast, and its' not something that you just walk away from.
  9. Hmmm, while I have no love for Fords, I know that you have a substantial investment in that one, and you will loose your ass on it if it's not running perfect when you sell it. And parting it out will end up being a wash by the time you pay some one to turn the wrenches to put it back into running condition after you pull all the go fast goodies. So here's my take. Number one, I have no idea who you have working on it, but it would seem if it ain't run right but once in the last 3 years you might consider firing your mechanic. Second, before you pour a bunch more money into it, you need to address getting a reliable car. Cars that go 10's and reliability can't be reasonabley used in the same sentence. Anthony will no doubt argue this point, but since he's got a second daily driver, there will be a few others that argue this, but I am yet to see them produce 10 second time slips for their daily drivers. Having a real hot rod, something that is truely fast, money can't be an issue. Once you get a car modded to run like that with a stock configured suspension and interior. Well you have to make ass loads of power, and ass loads of power and reliability don't go together well either. And you need to finally consider this. If you sell it, will you ever afford to build another car that's just as fast or faster. Or will you simply loose interest. Most either loose interest, or get married, or whatever and the money for the go fast stuff goes to pay for a new roof, and at some point kids clothes, and diapers, and shit like that. If the car is paid for, keep the damn thing. Even if it's setting and not running, it's not costing you money. Then when you have the ability to fix it, you have it to fix. If you sell it, you have nothing but the memory. And the little bit that it will take to fix it right, compared to what it will cost over time to build another car that's just as fast, well you seem like a bright girl, what do you think???
  10. It depends on how they classify the ticket. Cleaning off tires can be written as a reckless op ticket (6 points) it can be classified as exibition of speed (can't remember points but it ain't just 2) or a couple of other things. It is a moving violation. And it is one that can be written ANYWHERE, even if your car is in your driveway when you clean off the tires. Alot of it depends on how the city handles it and classifys it. If they are having problems with ricers doing crazy shit, they will most likely class it up there like a reckless op ticket, but since it's their own ordnance and not a state law they will issue a citation and the city can pocket the ticket money. If you are charged off the ORC (Ohio Revised Code) or state set ordnance, they are suppost to take a small perentage of the income from the ticket, then send the rest to the state general fund or BMV, not sure who for sure, but it goes to the state. The one saving grace is that since it's not an Ohio law they tyipcally will not report the ticket to the state or your insurance company. But that is NOT a gaurentee that they will not report it either.
  11. Yeah, you heard about the Taco Bell contest that you can win 1 million peso's. What is that in American money??? 20 bucks??? About enough to buy dinner at Taco Bell.
  12. Sitting there listening to the guy talk about it was just priceless. The guy is a few sandwiches short of a picnic to begin with, so I am guessin that he's a real nut when he's smashed. He went on and on about how hot the chick was and how all the really hot big boobied women dress as Klingon chicks because of the revealing outfits that they wear. I thought I was gonna blow a funny fuse I was laughin so hard as he was telling the story. I had to share it with yall.
  13. What do you have. I have a 350 and a 400. Are you sitting on a superglide or some other drag racing tranny or what??
  14. Could someone move this to one of the sale sections and sticky it. It seems that every time someone needs tires we get a thread like this.
  15. desperado

    Funny Shit

    I was talking to a guy I work with the other day who had gone to see Star Wars the night before. Some one sort of laughed and commented that he was a Star Wars nerd. At that point he started talking about having his car stolen by a female Klingon. The way he explained it was he was at a Star Trek convention here in Columbus, that he had driven his 3 day old Chevy S10 to. He was drinking pretty heavy at the convention and somehow picked up some chick that was dressed as a female Klingon. He gets her drunk, or so he thinks, and talks her into going home with him. On the way she mentions something about more beer. He swings throught the Kroger to get some. He leaves her in the truck, with it running and goes in to get beer. Coming back out, drunk and carrying beer, he finds his Klingon friend and his new truck are gone. So he goes back into the Kroger, tells em that a Klingon has stolen his truck. Mind you he's plastered, so they will not call the cops for him. He finally gets the convinced to call and they show up. Cop: Do you have a description of the vehicle? Mick: Yea, 98 S-10, white with a 30 day plate. Cop: How about the person that took it. Mick: (mind you he's wasted) Uhhh, green and brown face, leather busty top, big green.... she was a Klingon. Cop: WHAT???? Mick: A Klingon, you know like Star Trek. Cop: Sir, have you been drinking? Mick:Yea, heavily, but she was still a Klingon. I was at the convention abd picked her up. Cop: Sir, we are going to give you a ride home and work on this in the morning. So they take him home, he has no keys so the landlord has to let him in. Somehow the police believe him enough to put out a description of the truck and driver (which I wold have LOVED to have heard.) And they actually pull her over for weaving. They arrest her and in the morning, they of call Mick to come down and pick her out in a lineup. Of course she's still in the Klingon costume. So the closest that the police can come is 4 uniformed female cops. Cop: Sir do you recognize the woman that you left in your truck last night? Mick: yea, she was a Klingon, lets see, COP, COP,COP, COP, Klingon...that would be her! So if you think you had a bad night, just remember that you have never had to tell a cop that a good looking Klingon with big boobies stole your ride. [ 24. May 2005, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  16. As wierd as this sounds, he is siding with his boss because he knows that you will NOT walk away, but his boss will turn his back on him in a second. And I think that the rejection is what he fears the most. Growing up being rejected in a sense by his own parents (the two people that you are programmed should NEVER reject you) destroyed his self esteem. So the idea of rejection I would bet terrifies him more than even dying possibly. I will say that if he's truly in that condition, he's unreasonablely fragile emotionally. I don't think that any one here hasn't been down that road a little way, but for your buddy it's different, he's way the hell down that road. And I can say with a bit of certainty that it's a hard fucking road to come back from. I know someone that welt through something similar that ended up rejecting EVERYONE in his life to start getting back up on his feet again. I also remember that he faced a couple things in his past that were the basis of why he was the way he was. My thought would be to TRY to get him to make peace with his parents as much as possible, it sounds like that would be a big start, or and the very most express to them how they hurt him. I hope that helps. And one other thing, don't walk away from the guy. As much as his actions might want you to, don't do it.
  17. Yep, you have experienced stupidity, brought on by too fucking many gangsta TV shows, poor upbringing, and an extra big helping of ignorance. As far as the ones that mentioned stereotyping, what exact stereotype would that be? Since he's black he robs people??? What sort of bullshit is that? Every day I keep asking myself when they started surgically removing common sense and morals from people. It don't take rocket science to figure out that being a specific race doesn't make you act, think or believe in any certain way. Are there haters, sure, there are people out ther that have it in their head that they are owed something, or that they are somehow superior to someone else. Some people of that mindset believe it because of history, some because they are victims of circumstance (upbringing, social or economic status (welfare) and somew out of shear stupidity. (and no I am not saying thay are all of one race or nationality, they only thing they share is lazyness and/or ignorance) And I will say the same thing I tell everyone I encounter that feels they are owed. We are all owed the same things, we are owed one lifetime, of sun rises and sunsets, of good times and bad, a whole lot of love and a bit of hurt. The rest is up to us as individuals to make those days and nights whatever we want them to be. And that we owe to ourselves, and the ones that we love to fill our lives with love and things as we see fit. We all owe one death, and it must be paid at some point. It's what we choose to do with the time before that debt is paid that makes us who we are, and have the means to posses the things we desire, that responsability falls on each of us as an individual, no one owes you these things, you owe it to yourself. I do feel for you, I can't even imagine how shit like that would make you feel, but I am guessin that it pissed you off. Onlything I can offer is this. You were a better person for not degrading yourself to her level and calling her on the carpet for the ignorant bitch she obviously is. I will say this, as far as the topic goes, we need to look at what we are told ALOT less and actually see the world, and everyine in it one experience at a time. Then draw conclusions with the knowledge of those experiences, and never prejudge anyone or anything before knowing what they/it is really like. We would all be better for it in the long run. [ 19. May 2005, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  18. And you, you lazy fuck, can't even come up with a comment. You just quote someone elses comment, somehow making it your own. Be original for gods sake instead of being a me too muthafucker. Damn. I wonder if you do this shit to act like an ass or to simply postwhore. Cuz you do this shit alot.
  19. And you, you lazy fuck, can't even come up with a comment. You just quote someone elses comment, somehow making it your own. Be original for gods sake instead of being a me too muthafucker. Damn. I wonder if you do this shit to act like an ass or to simply postwhore. Cuz you do this shit alot.
  20. What the fuck are you talking about? Kissing who's ass? I am gonna guess Chris's, but I don't see how. Trust me jerkwad, I know what happens to people that mouth off to Chris. Even when they are right and he's being an ass. I was only pointing that out to Mr. super noob. For some reason you have chosen to make asshole comments about almost EVERYTHING I post. Which doesn't do much other than make you look like an ass. Obviously you have nothing better to do so if it gives you some sense of gratification, by all means, have at it. But if you are going to make asshole comments, at least make them factual instead of being meaningless, childish bullshit with little or no basis in fact or reality. As far as them arresting people for spectating at a drag race. About the only thing that you can be charged with is loitering and illegallly parking. They charge you with drag racing because if you don't know what you can and can't be charged with, and most people have no fucking clue about the law, it sticks because it is not questioned. You get a ticket or go to jail for the night, arguing the point at the time will get you charged with interfering with police business or resisting arrest if the cop is playing hardass. Resisting arrest is a pretty big deal and you can do some time for that, depending on the lawyer and the judge. And remember that if you are going to break the law, you better know the law. Because a cop can charge you with all sorts of shit. It's not his place to procicute (SP) you, only to enforce the law. And ALOT of laws are written openly so that it is "at the discretion of the officer" to charge you, while others are pretty specific. Look at loud exhaust tickets. There is no specifc sound level for that. It's up to the officer to deside if your car is too loud. Speeding, well it's anything over what the sign says, it's specific. It's not uncommon to be arrested on multiple counts, go to court the next morning and only speak to the judge on one charge, the others just dissapearing. What happens is the prosicutor talks with the officer and go over the specific acts that lead to the charge. If it has merit and can be prosicuted with success it goes on the docket. If it's something that is hard to prove, or the judge probably will not buy into the prosicutor just forgets about it and goes to the next charge. Lets say that you build houses, and you get picked up for DUI and fail a field soberity test. The cop searches your truck and finds a hammer, screwdriver and crowbar in the floor board. You get charged with OMVI and possesion of buglary tools. Spend the evening at the gray bar hotel, cop and the procuitor get together before court the next day. Procuitor looks at the charges, you blew a .12, The drunk thinf is a sure bet. He looks that the possision of buglary tools, sees that the truck is registered to ABC construction. He KNOWS the judge will laugh at him if he even speaks of it so he drops that and preceeds with the OMVI charge. This happens ALOT.
  21. What the fuck are you talking about? Kissing who's ass? I am gonna guess Chris's, but I don't see how. Trust me jerkwad, I know what happens to people that mouth off to Chris. Even when they are right and he's being an ass. I was only pointing that out to Mr. super noob. For some reason you have chosen to make asshole comments about almost EVERYTHING I post. Which doesn't do much other than make you look like an ass. Obviously you have nothing better to do so if it gives you some sense of gratification, by all means, have at it. But if you are going to make asshole comments, at least make them factual instead of being meaningless, childish bullshit with little or no basis in fact or reality. As far as them arresting people for spectating at a drag race. About the only thing that you can be charged with is loitering and illegallly parking. They charge you with drag racing because if you don't know what you can and can't be charged with, and most people have no fucking clue about the law, it sticks because it is not questioned. You get a ticket or go to jail for the night, arguing the point at the time will get you charged with interfering with police business or resisting arrest if the cop is playing hardass. Resisting arrest is a pretty big deal and you can do some time for that, depending on the lawyer and the judge. And remember that if you are going to break the law, you better know the law. Because a cop can charge you with all sorts of shit. It's not his place to procicute (SP) you, only to enforce the law. And ALOT of laws are written openly so that it is "at the discretion of the officer" to charge you, while others are pretty specific. Look at loud exhaust tickets. There is no specifc sound level for that. It's up to the officer to deside if your car is too loud. Speeding, well it's anything over what the sign says, it's specific. It's not uncommon to be arrested on multiple counts, go to court the next morning and only speak to the judge on one charge, the others just dissapearing. What happens is the prosicutor talks with the officer and go over the specific acts that lead to the charge. If it has merit and can be prosicuted with success it goes on the docket. If it's something that is hard to prove, or the judge probably will not buy into the prosicutor just forgets about it and goes to the next charge. Lets say that you build houses, and you get picked up for DUI and fail a field soberity test. The cop searches your truck and finds a hammer, screwdriver and crowbar in the floor board. You get charged with OMVI and possesion of buglary tools. Spend the evening at the gray bar hotel, cop and the procuitor get together before court the next day. Procuitor looks at the charges, you blew a .12, The drunk thinf is a sure bet. He looks that the possision of buglary tools, sees that the truck is registered to ABC construction. He KNOWS the judge will laugh at him if he even speaks of it so he drops that and preceeds with the OMVI charge. This happens ALOT.
  22. I ain't slamming him for asking the question, on'y for being a tool and smarting off to the board owners brother (AKA the CR Evil leader) I just was making a point of explaining to him just who he was addressing when he made his wise assed comments.
  23. I ain't slamming him for asking the question, on'y for being a tool and smarting off to the board owners brother (AKA the CR Evil leader) I just was making a point of explaining to him just who he was addressing when he made his wise assed comments.
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