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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Hmmm, I agree with sawbinder to about 95% here. I think the thing that may or may NOT have happened here is he ran into one of the very few officers that take things a bit to far, or forget to be professional. These do exist, but are few and far between. I was tought for a VERY young age that police officers are the good guys and deserve respect, and I stick to that to this very day. I refer to an officer as sir, unless she is a female of course. But I did have a bad experience with doing that. I was pulled over for a loud muffler. Officer walked up ask me the normal question "Do you know what I pulled you over for?" I replyed "I believe it was because my loud exhaust" which WAS loud. " I am on my way back home from the parts store where I was picking up parts to repair it." Which were laying in the floor of the front seat. He ask if I had been given a ticket lately, I replyed "No Sir" At that point he ask for my license and registraion. So I handed it to him and said "Here you are Sir." At that point he seemed to get irritated with me and ask if I was being a smartass. I ask in what way, and he said by referring to him as Sir. I explained that I was brought up to respect police officers and to refer to them as such as a display of that respect. He made another off the wall comment that I was being smart, I repeated that it was the way I was raised to respect authority and that with his statements that it seemed that maybe he was one of the few that didn't deserve that respect. Of course that really pissed him off, so after a complete search of my car, a trip to the back seat of his crusier and about an 30 minutes of being jerked around I was issued a citation for a loud exhaust and sent on my merry way. I am not saying that all officers are like this. I know better than that. I have a good friend that is on down in Athens County SO. And we talk ablt about law enforcement and I am planning to do a ride along with him now that the weather is milder. Another situation I was in at home in Johnstown. They as most everyone knows had problems similar to this for a while with some of their officers. They made some changes and the problem went away. Then they have since hired a new kid that has NO business as a beat officer. He has been backed down by other officers here in town for his actions when he was getting out of hand. He stopped over looking for an ex-friend of mine where he walked right into my garage, inquired as to the whereabouts of this person. Then for some reason felt unconfortable enough to reach over and unbutton his side arm as he took a step back. I am still unsure as to why he felt uncomfortable enough to take this action seeing as I was armed with a bottle of hydrogen perxoide and a washrag that I was cleaning up my foot where I had stepped on a nail and my wife standing there with a box of bandaids. Nothing threatening about either of us. If I had a hammer in my hand of a pipe then ok, but a bloody foot and a washrag isn't overly threatening. How that was threatening was beyond me. Anyway, I explained to him that the person that he was looking for was not here and had not been in 3 yrs and that he should contact law enforcement in Ocala Fla because he was down there someplace and they might be able to track him down. I also told him that I didn't have his address down there but I would be more than happy to attempt to get it for him. He said that it wouldn't be necessary and to have a nice day. I don't have a problem with him coming and asking about the guy. I wasn't aware that he was the dirtbag that he was when I allowed him to stay there for a few weeks. Hence when I found out that he was wanted in Minnisota that washed my hands of the guy. But if he doesn't have the presence of mind and feel secure enough to enter a dwelling (my garage) without first asking permission, then all of a sudden feel threatened enough to unsnap his sidearm (either as a show of force or as an indication of feeling threatened when there was no threat in my opinion) my personal opinion is he shouldn't be carrying a gun to begin with as he's one that will get spooked by some idiot and end up shooting them over them reaching for their wallet or some other stupid shit like that. I realize that as an officer, you are put into uncomfortable situations where you may feel threatened when no actual threat exists. And that the general public and suspects can tend to do stupid shit at times that heighten the level of perceived threat but that is also part of the job that you do as a police officer, and that an inability to access a situation on the fly will either get them killed or they will end up makeing a mistake, and mistakes with when you carry a gun are never pretty. I realize that we could sit here and talk about all the bad experiences that we have had with police officers, but we could never tell every story about how officers have helped us in times of need because the bad stories a but a page in the millions of pages of the good things that the police do. Point is this, dude on here screwed up by putting the wrong tag on his car. It doesn't matter that the tag that he had on his car was for another car that he owned. If the letter of the law is to be inforced, which the officer had every right to enforce, he WAS in the wrong for having the wrong tag on the car. But the officer is an employee of the township and his action s reflect on not only himself, but his employer and other men that choose to wear a badge and enforce the law, and should conduct himself as such, not because he's bound by law to, but because it's the professional thing to do. [ 13. April 2005, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  2. Second in if Vince don't want em. I need another set for the project
  3. Alex has a good point, you can have certain core beliefs and still sit the other side of the fence. Then there are those that simply hate Republicans because they hate Bush. I don't agree with them I like Bush, and I think he has some really good ideas. Clinton on the other hand, well I can't stand him, or his carpet munchin wife. Part of that IS politically based, some of it to me is more common sense. He did something to degrade the office of the president, it's more than degrading himself, to me he degraded the whole country. Then he lied about it to cover it up which was even more degrading. I am not saying that everything up till Clinton was rosey, we took this country from the Indians, we allowed slavery to exist in this country. We have allowed in the past deeply rooted racisim to exist in this country. We are not perfect, not as individuals, and not as a country. But we have to have standards, and gauge what we do and we allow others to do. And it does still depend on social status and pecking order to set the bar. By that you would not be surprized that a bum would rob someone, it's wrong, but they have different motivation, they simply want to eat. Now have the president of a global corporation running around Central Park mugging people for a few bucks here and there, meanwhile he's making a 7 figure salery. His motivation ain't self preservation and we would hold that person to a higher standard. I know that someone will argue that we should hold everyone to the same standard, thing is that's not possible. It's a truely totalitarian idea and even in the most strick of goverments the leaders set themself on a higher plane than the rest of society, so even there it doesn't really exist. As far as the comment about Phd's not being able to tie their shoes. While that is a bit overboard, I do agree with the idea to a point. If one has a Phd in engineering, he knows how to design, not repair the stuff that he designs. It's not necessary for him to know, and he problaby don't care to know how to fix it anyway. But the guy that fixes it, that doesn't have a degree in engineering can fix it but can't design it from concept to practical use. So you really are compairing apples and oranges here.
  4. Holy Shit!!! Tenzig and I agree on something, FULLY. Well other than the conservative/liberal thing. Personally, I think that he's more of a conservative than he knows but I am not going to go down that road. How is it that we are so far apart on most things yet in 100% agreement on this? Ben, as far as her being book smart, yet have such silly ideas of the world isn't really a surprize. Being street smart and book smart are two different things. And having a hi IQ doesn't mean that you are going to make good judgements. There are people that are not smart that are a wiz with mechanical things. But there are folks that have IQ's of 200 that can't change oil. Trying to say that everyone that is intelligent is street smart doesn't work because it takes a different mindset to be one or the other.
  5. No, didn't do that. I did how ever tell my mother that if she hit me I would call the cops. She explained that if she was gonna go to jail over hitting me she would damn sure make it worth her while. And I believe she meant it. In some cases Respect does equal fear. As far as society, we use to tollerate less and expect more from people. Now it's the opposite.
  6. While not a 6AL I do have an MSD box that's a 6A-N (N being the Nascar thing, means it's epoxy filled for vibration proofing and the plugin softtouch limiter module for it. Which basically makes it a 6-AL.
  7. What radiator is in it?? What carb do you need rebuilt? As far as fans.. All the fans in the world aren't gonna help if you are running a radiator for a small block or worse yet for a 4 banger mustang. I figure that you know thins but I am going to mention it anyway.
  8. Oh SHIT.... I can't say shit! I have the same story, working for the Pizza place in Kirkersville, first real job. Second night on the job and my car backed into a cops house (Dave Phillips of Kirk. PD) So I KNOW her pain. Car and the building will fix, no one was hurt or killed so chock it up to a learning experience and get on with life.
  9. Bringing up a liberal VS democrat discussion was my doing, and it doesn't really have a place here. But what I am trying to get at is this. Kids are always going to have some dipshit idea's. Much of it based on bullshit and fabrication by who ever. Hell, I at one time thought that it wasn't a big deal that Clinton got a blow job and lied about it. My thought was gee, I would lie too, but then I gave it more thought. I ain't the president of the United States, and lying, for any reason, is still lying and therefore wrong. But when kids start spouting this bullshit to one another, political or otherwise, and no one says hey, here's why what you are saying is wrong, or just plain bullshit and here is what the truth really is they are condoning the bullshit and may as well jump on the same bandwagon they are on and spout the bullshit them self. Short version, you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem. There is NO in between.
  10. Ken, dems fightin words damn it. I may be alot of things, but liberal democrat ain't it.
  11. Mind you I ain't trying to be funny here, but did your sister also deside that she was a lesbian at that time as well? I only ask this because it was what one of my cousins did, Only she went to San Fransisco and disowned her parents blaming them for making her a lesbian because they divorced while she was in school. Of course this wasn't untill the pychic peer group she belonged to started filling her head full of bullshit that she choose to believe.
  12. While I may not be the next great writer of our time. (Hell I would fuck up writing a Childrens book) The thought's I am trying to get across are still there. And it's not put here for you to agree with or disagree with, only to consider. If you don't want to see it, my names on it. Just don't bother reading it. But I bet you still do. [ 06. April 2005, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  13. I have heard this before. Basically it is an attack on the religous meaning of Christmas. They don't believe that Jesus ever lived, therefore Christmas is a farce. Of course, they will say shit like that right up till the tree don't go up and the car they were getting for Christmas goes in the front yard with a FOR SALE sign in it. Then Christmas is cool again. Now as far as the beer man from 1200 miles away. Pay attention and maybe your head will not hurt so much. Then again I am going to use the big words so an asprin may be in order for you. But either way, if you don't like what I have to say DON"T FUCKING READ IT! A couple of you touched on the nonconformity thing, which is a big part of the problem. Teenagers all try to be nonconformist's. Now that has been going on forever, it's nothing new. What is new is the fact that it's now tollerated, and acceptable behavior. Which does two things, first... when you act as though you believe something, like that your an athiest, or a goth or a satanist, and no one questions it, you fall into believeing it yourself. It's like the saying about if you tell the same lie enough times, you will believe it's the truth. Second... as society accepts nonconformist behavior from teens, it is no longer nonconformist behavior because it's acceptable. So to be nonconformist you must go to a new level. ANY child phycologist will tell you that children will seek limits, they neeed to know where the line is drawn so to speak. So if their parents, brothers and sisters and society as a whole keeps moving the line. Kids will continue to try to find the line. I know that yall think I ma fucking nuts. But considering your age, mind you I am over 30, knew of anyone that had sex IN the school. But now, I understand it's a common practice. Hell, look at students bringing guns to school. In my day it was knives, and it was only the hoods that did that. Now they come to school to KILL their classmates with assault weapons. What changed here? Why would anyone feel that this is now acceptable?
  14. Ben, not saying anything, or quietly debating this crap is how it gets to spread. Pretty much everyone know's I am a republican. But I don't have a problem with rank and file liberals. The ones that still have some sence of reality. But the truth is that their numbers are getting smaller by the day. Pretty soon there will be Everyone that you would consider to be a conservative and the for left wingers. Mostly because the far left are the ones that are getting the press, and the rank and file dem's are even getting scared of being grouped in with the Michael Moores and Nancy Palocie's (sp) of the democratic party. The democrats that I know and have reasonable politica discussions with are terrorfied of the direction of the democratic party, hell they elected a leadr for the DNS that's most quoted line is AHHHHHHHHHHHHWWHHWHWH! And things ain't getting better. We are in for a Hillary Clinton for president campain, and she may well get the nod from the DNC. And although I don't buy into the BS that seems to keep surfacing about her and Bill having people killed that were involved in that land deal. I do believe that she is a fairly dangerous woman and should not be taken lightly. Her husband is proof that there is no morality in the DNC and that they are made of teflon, so nothing bad will stick to them, and she is well aware of that. Also, while I don't sit around spouting consparicay theorys about gas prices, I don't think that Bush has pushed quite the right buttons to get the prices moving in our favor. My stance is that we could monkey the prices a bit by overbuying oil ans sitting on it in this country then selling it back on the open market, at a loss if needed to drag teh market back down. It's sort of like everyone boycotting fuel for a day. Or boycotting the snack stands that sell gas. We have to fuel up but we don't need our chips and pop from the same place. Sure it's a pain but it also sends a POWERFUL message to these companies that they may have something we all need, the other bullshit in their stores is not needed and gas anymore is a loss leader, they sell it at a loss to get you to buy shit from their stores.
  15. Had a twisted thought about this. Since there was no living will, and the judiciary had only the word of her husband to go on, and depending upon the level of brain damage she actually had. This case, could easily turn into a legal nightmare for at least the State of Florida with reguards to people that have killed another person claiming that the person wanted to be killed. More over, the idea of assisted sucide in the state being illegal goes right out the window. Also, the Surpreme court's job is not to enforce law, nor create it. Only to interpret the Constitution of the state or the country, depending on which surpreme count you are in front of. What I am getting at is this. Homoscide is basically defined as the act of taking of anothers life, be it manslaughter, murder or what ever level it's still homoscide. Back to the fact that the judicary is not to ENFORCE law nor create law. There are already plenty of laws on the books saying we can't kill our wives. Micheal Schivo could still be charged with his direct hand in the death of his wife. Also, wrongful death suit's are NOT a criminal case, it falls under civil law. Terri's parents could and SHOULD bring a wrongful death case against her husband and suit him till he's broke. I feel that as a civil matter there is a better than good chance that it's a winnable case. And one of the few cases that I feel that sueing someone for everything they have is completely in order.
  16. Are these an aftermarket fan or a factory fan. And do you have pics??
  17. </font>MUCH easier ways to pull it off. Put bottle in full site, then take it out and let the other guy put it in his trunk while you run. Have Spare bottle in speaker box, false floor, up under dash, you'll figure it out. Spray off the hidden tank. Then get yours back when you collect the money. It's always good to carry a spare for busy nights of racing. Also, for the record, just how in the hell do you cheat in a street race? Short of pissing in the guys carb or trying his car to a phone pole. It's street racing for Christ sake. If a guy wants to run you, he's running what ever you have, spray, blower, what the hell ever. If he's dumb enough to put up his money saying his sthits faster, then it's up to you to prove him wrong, no matter what. This shit of cheating when street racing is bullshit. Rules are pretty simple, don't leave before the other guy unless you have the go and don't run him off the road if he's beating you (and the second one is open to discussion). I get so sick of hearing people saying so and so cheated because they sprayed, or they had a blower that sounded like a bad alternator or what the hell ever. It's true that there are FEW guys on here that are street racers, and even fewer that are quick or fast. I have heard a number of people make the same silly statement: "Just wait till I build such and such, I will show the mouths of CR who's fast." You know who you are that have made that comment, and to that I reply Nope, ain't gonna happen. Reason is that no one here will run you so you can prove your point, so it's academic.
  18. It's either a major ground, or some sort of a failure in the wire or fuseable link that powers the car. On these newer cars, I don't know that they have fuse links any more I believe that some have replaced them with the fuse boxes under the hood. Where is the car at??? I seem to have pretty good luck with electrical problems, maybe I could come take a look.
  19. I have a tube chassis S-10 sitting on slicks, needs minor work to complete. Also have a Chevy 350 .040 over needs bearings, oil pump and a roller cam to complete, includes tunnel ram and carbs that I would be willing to trade for this car.
  20. People ain't real bright are they. Now don't get me wrong, I would slit my throat over a bucket if I knew it would help the health of my son. But I would have to KNOW that it would have a positive effect first. As this stands, these two teenaged boys now are not only blind but are also orphaned in a backwards assed third world country. Having kids, I do understand the motivation of trying to help them in ANY way possible, but this don't exactly fall into the helpful catagory in my opinion.
  21. graemlins/thatfunny.gif Am I reading this right?!?! I gotz the mad tight skillz it da Kitchen bitch. I am a master at as a keyboard warrior. None are better. You pale in compairson to my ability to be a smartass fuck, you bitch. Look, your a fucking poster child for profilactic. This is the shit that goes on in the winter. It's fucking spring. Are you too fucking lazy to look at a calendar, too fucking stupid to read it or so fucking slow that you ALWAYS lag behind and do shit that everyone else did months ago? Get the fuck over it. TJ is right, your a fucking post whore. Everyone here knows it, hell you know it to and try to brag about you mad tight skillz of being a post whore and abilities in the kitchen. What fucking abilities? Too be a bigger fucking asshat than anyone else? Gee there's something to be really fucking proud of. Hey, I am a tool, but not just anf tool but the biggest tool you know. What the hell is that? Damn, people need to get a fucking life already.
  22. Hmmm, my plow truck was from Minnisota. All I needed to do was take it to a dealership and have the VIN number verified. Basically the only inspection was for the VIN number matching the title. They signed off on a little piece of paper and I was good to go. I would advise you check into that. If the BMV gets to it. They will want to do a total inspection and red tag the car for ANYTHING wrong with it.
  23. Hmmm, Roger Gustins one jet car does have a Firebird body on it. And it's even from central Ohio. I believe that one would still be faster.
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