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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Actually any of the roots lobe style blowers can be used as air pumps of vacuum pumps. I have seen some older Stanley Steamer trucks that were using GMC 6-71 superchargers for their vacuum pumps. Oddly enough, the tow behind air compressors that you see running jackhammers and large sandblasting setups along the road are engine driven roots style blowers with really tight tolerances.
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7522885018&ssPageName=MERC_VI_RSCC_Pr4_PcY_BID_Stores Now can someone direct me to where I can get an intake to put this on my small block Chevy?
  3. Dude, if you get your GF knocked up now, you should be getting out right about the time your child graduates high school. And start getting use to smearing BenGay all over your ass now. So it's not as much of a shock when you do it in prison. I hear that they will leave you alone that way. DOn't know about a BenGay mustache though, but in a few years I am sure that you will be able to tell us all about it. Psylocybin is serious shit. You would have been better off to have a BALE of weed and a big nut of money than having that in your car in any amount. Was it planted, sure it was, then it grew, was harvested and put in a baggie, and it ended up in your car. How it got there is irrelivant, it's yours, the only thing you can hope for is it's not psylocybin, and only a pizza mushroom from your lunch. I would ask that they prove it's psylocybin and not a mushroom from a pizza though, otherwize it's the BenGay enema for you dude.
  4. Yeah, but I bet this is the first last and only thread about a carpet muncher talking about her carpet munching girl friend cheating on her. Especially with a guy. And for sure hearing about a woman hitting on Dave, and him rejecting her!
  5. Then maybe it's time to grow the fuck up and act like it. The little fucks made a choice to break the law and disturb the neighborhood in the process. They got caught doing it. They will pay the price for doing it. If their parents had taught them some sort of good judgement, this post wouldn't even be here. So fuck cutting em a break, if the parents aren't going to teach right and wrong by themselves, the judicial system and law enforcement can give them a crash course. As far as "handling it yourself" just how is that suppost to work. Go bang on the door and tell a bunch of drunk teenage guys showin off to their G/F's to turn it down, there's a good way to get told to fuck off. Just how do you figure that if these little punks have no more respect for the neighbors than to play music at rock concert levels at 1:30 in the morning that they are going to somehow be respectful of a request to turn it down. The respect thing got dropped and broken as the pumped at 1:30 in the morning. Remember that to get respect, you need to show respect, last time I checked, pumping the bass at 1:30 in the morning is not showing respect to the neighbors. As far as the payback thing. Sams club sells security camera sets pretty cheap. Get one and watch your shit. If the "payback" comes, have it on tape so that you can burn their asses.
  6. Front fenders?? And will they fit an 84? I can't remember the body changes.
  7. OK, the other to do is swap out the temp sensor that's feeding the computer. I believe that there are two, one for the gauge and the other for the computer. I had a Grand Am that would do the same thing and if I disconnected the temp sensor it would go into limp mode and fire right up. The minute I reconnected the sensor it would have difficulty starting. I can't remember if it was running rich or not but I do remember that it wouldn't start like what you are talking about. Worth a try to find that sensor and unhook it if nothing else.
  8. Vics Mud Bog. www.vicsmudbog.net Fun place to be.
  9. Damn it Andrew TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!! BTW, for a real mans feeling, try some Old Spice aftershave on your nutz, for that four alarm inferno feeling. The itch will be pleasantly mask by the intense burning sensation similar to dipping your sack in boiling acid.
  10. Yeah, I may have recycled some metal to put a firewall in my truck. But I didn't put neonkiller on my plates.
  11. Both are dead Like I said, this list is OLD
  12. Is the roller complete to the rubber or what needs done to it? Pictures here would be helpful. What axle is under the roller, has it been narrowed and is the car tubed?
  13. this list is OLD that would be Davey and DOnnie Allison. The NASCAR drivers.
  14. Actually Jesse and I are in agreement here. Going to a school because your g/f is there is a dumb idea. I made that statement being a smartass. It goes back the the renting vs ownership thing.
  15. Like I said, YOU are renting. Get her a ring = option to buy. That gets em all convinced that you are in love with them. And BTW, this is the Kitchen, being a dick in here is whats' expected. If you seek counceling, go to a shrink. If you are looking to be riticuled (sp) and poked fun at for your insecurities, post them in here. This is an automotive message board, not Dear Abby. Not to mention this is the forum where we make fun of each other. In all honesty I hope I am wrong, but she's 2 hours away dude, you need to either forget about it, forget about her, or go enrole at UT. Bottom line is that you DON'T trust her. You can say its' not her its' the other guys you don't trust, if she doesn't want them it's called rape. If she goes willingly it's referred to as an upgrade. Since you are worried about it, you don't know if you can trust her. The other guys there are NOT the issue. Truth is if she gets into a situation (drunk or whatever) and lets the guard down, she got there of her own free will with the desision ot drink or whatever to begin with. It's not like I didn't go through all this shit 10 yrs ago when I was in college.
  16. The cold will not effect the glycern in the gauge (that's the liquid) but extreem heat will. The other possibility is that the copper tube in the gauge ruptured from standard use and blew up the gauge. If you apply pressure to the gauge (hook it up and turn on the tank) does it leak nitrous out the port that blew out? If that's the case, go down to Jegs, take the other gauge with you and buy a new tank gauge that will screw in there. And that should fix the problem. I have seen gauges fail like that before but they were oxygen tank side gauges on a torch set. Pressures are double. But all gauges will fail at some point, or at least become inaccurate.
  17. Uhhhh, 442 would be a Oldsmobile, not a Pontiac Firebird. It's different, sorta like being able to beat neons. I mean it's a start, but I do it all the time in my 6000 pound SUV. Somehow I don't see the glamor in it. But that's just me man. I guess I was told to always be proud of my accomplishments to, but takin a piss and hitting the bowl is an accomplishment, but it ain't something I brag about.
  18. Some women have that man attitude when it comes to the oposite sex. That being that there is always something else out there. Men jump G/F to G/F and we all think that's fine. Bitches do it and they are loose or a hoe or some shit like that. Figure that if she is clubbing, especially without you and with her girlfriends, or worse yet by herself your cock is about to be repalced with another, and such yours will be reintroduced to Rosie Plam and Jergens. And do't go all possesive man, it's childish. If she ain't married to you, you are simply renting. Rings + Vowels = Ownership And BTW, if you are dense enough to need to ask this question, your answer as to why you are being replaced is part of why you need to ask to begin with. Don't think I am trying to be a dick. I know your pain, I been there before myself. Oh yeah, would you slide me her cell number, my guess is that you ain't gonna need it much longer.
  19. SHOGUN's are cool and but I don't see how a FWD car with an engine transplanted under the rear glass is a sleeper. Just how does that conversation go as you are setting someone up for a money race?? Owner: Hey man, spot me the break for a yard note?? Racer: Dude, your motor is in the back? WTF? These are a FWD car I thought? Owner: NO NO, I am just carrying that around for ballast. Its for down force, like a wing. Racer: Right, and I bet that your gonna tell me that Nitrous is just to purge and it's not really connected to the motor either right? Owner: Yeah, how'd you guess? So do you want to run?
  20. Unions = expensive cars, twisted mentality and unemployement, and yes I will spell it out. Expensive cars, that has been established elsewhere. There is $1500 in aditional cost (and personally I feel that number is low in reality) of car built in a union shop. The twisted mentality and unemployement sort of go hand in hand. There are folks that are making $35 an hour making door skins for cars. The process is to put the sheet metal in the press, remove your hands and press the button. Then remove the part, put it in the bin, remove the scrap and put in in another bin and repeat. Here's the problem, when the union has securied that sort of pay structure for a worker, to do simple work like that, the worker in time feels that he is worth that sort of money any place he goes. More over he may have done that job for 25 yrs. So, now not only does he feel that he is worth that level of pay. He has no clue how to do much else. He's not in reality a skilled worker. His options are running a press and flipping burgers. And the pay for a press operator in a non-union shop (which outside of the automotive industry is becoming the norm) and the burger flipper is about the same $10 an hour if you are lucky, and there aren't 10 other guys after that same job, so where does the guy that believes he's worth $35 an hour end up, the cheese line, because he's convinced that he's worth premium wages for manual labor. This is the twisted mentality part. The other issue that is created is that as the auto industry moves plants to Mexico or where ever else they can to get away from the unions it creates MORE unemployment. Is it really the auto manufactures fault In a way it is, for not standing up to the unions and saying a flat no when the union says they want even more for the workers. But the unions are as much at fault for not being reasonable, and for driving the price up for labor. It's really a viscous cycle that when it grinds to a halt at some point will be devistating to the national economy and the wefare and unemployement system. We will see an unheard of number of job seekers, with very little in the way of qualifications all out looking for work. The federal goverment will be forced, by neccessity and by public demand and outcry to pay and retrain these workers so they can reenter the job market. Here's the thing, the jobs they will be after then will be our jobs. And the labor price will fall, after all if there is an abundance of anything, be it coal, gasoline, or trained workers the supply and demand will dictate the price. If you refuse for what ever reason to work for two dollars less on the hour, there are three guys standing in front of your company that will take 3 bucks less to do your job. That's why high unemployement levels will screw EVERYONE, even the guys with jobs now. And our tax money will go to train these workers to take our jobs from us. Couple that with the glut of illegal workers in this country that will work under the table for VERY little pay and we have an economy that will plumet out of control. Even business will suffer from this, due to the need to drop prices in order to sell product. After all, no matter what it is and how wonderful and useful it might be, if no one can afford to buy it, it's worthless no matter how high the price. I will not say that the unions were not needed early on. They were necessary to get kids into schools, to get fair wages for workers, and to protect workers from the greed of their employers, problem is that the unions are now as greedy if not more so that the companies themselves.
  21. Hell just do this http://www.bosshoss.com/view_bike.asp?x=BHC3ZZ4&cid=391498219.155285.215462
  22. That would be ok, except it didn't have a thirty day tag, and when was the last time that a salesman didn't follow you out to your new ride, congradulate you on your purchase and see you off??? I am gonna call bullshit here.
  23. Eric, thanks tons for the offer, but your right. Innershield isn't my first choice. I will get a roll tomorrow onthe way to work. Thanks again for the offer though.
  24. It's Monday night and I am out of MIG wire. Does anyone happen to have a spare 10 pound spool of mild steel (70-s6) wire? Give me a call if you have one you can sell me or whatever. I have two more bars to weld in the cage and a bit of interior sheet metal to hang yet. Lock this on Tuesday pls. 740-967-4324 HOME 614-989-2459 Cell
  25. Gee, I would think after 9-11 and the new laws pertaining to ANY sort of bomb making that the members of this board would have enough sense to NOT attempt to make ANYTHING that could be considered a bomb. Just don't extect me to come visit your asses in federal prison, let us all know what it's like to be violated anally by bubba when you get out.
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