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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Damn, and people wonder about the state of our schools. Here is proof that SOMETHING needs to be done.
  2. Dave, one small thing, cam duration is measured in crank degrees and not cam rotational degrees, and a cam turns at 1/4 speed that the crank does. That's how you will get durations of 300+ degrees on a cam. And you're partly right about stuffing a race cam in a stock motor, any cam that is lifting over .550 at the valve, will most likely coil bind the spring in a STOCK motor, this is when the coils in the spring all touch and the spring can not be compressed any more. Having this happen will break things like the cam or the rockers, bend the pushrods and basically turn your motor into a pile of shit.
  3. Br'er Fox, don throw me in da briar patch!!!!
  4. I don't understand why you didn't just figure out if they were linking to the pics where they were. If that was the case, you put a different pic with the same file name on it and put something about them eating dog shit or something equally as bad. Then it's all over there post. I see this shit happen on Ebay once in a while, in fact one of those deals was posted on this board.
  5. Here's some numbers that my software spit out according to your specs http://www.foornet.net/images/383dyno.jpg
  6. desperado


    This is why the media should NOT be over there while we are fighting a war. That guy was screwed either way, damned if he shot him and damned if he hadn't. The only reason that this has come to light is someone witnessed this happen other rhan another soldier, and put it on the news. Had he not shot him, and let him burn to death instead, he would have been brought up on charges of being inhumane to a non-combatant, there are those in this country and abroad that thing we should not be there, that believe we never should have gone to begin with and will do anything they can to discredit not only the administration but will stoop to the level of smearing the United States Military personel that are over there in an atempt to swap the public's opinion as a whole into believing as they do. My personal stance on this is known, but in attition to MY personal stance, we just had an election in November, and this was as much an issue then as it is now. The people spoke on November 2nd, and contrary to the conspiracy theorists, that believe that not only did Bush steal the election, but that Kennedy was shot by several people including Jackie Kennedy, Bush did win the election and was the choice of the people, meaning that they accepted the reasoning for going to war to begin with and that running away was not the answer. I think this is yet another case of should we automatically believe the media, especially in light of the things that the media has said in the past concerning not only Bush but the war in general. I watched an interesting show on WOSU the other night about Osama Bin Laudin, and what his true motivations were for 9-11 by his own admission and statements, AND the reason for sending Saudies SPECIFICALLY to commit the acts of terrorism that morning. He had NUMEROUS times made statements to the Saudi Royal family that America should not be in Saudi Arabia because of we were the infidells, we were the great Satan and we should be run out of the Holy Land (considered to be ALL of Saudi Arabia). When the Saudi Royal family refused, he bombed the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia. He made more statements, no reply, so he bombed the World Trade Center in 93, then the USS Cole, then other Embassies and other US occupied building and locations and finally the World Trade Center, and he specifically considered the heat from the jet fuel fires would be hot enough to warp the steel and cause the buildings to fall. Thi sby his own taped admission during interviews by other nations press. Mind you the man has a background in construction and is WELL educated, he carefully planned all of this. Now for the reason to pick 15 Saudi's for the job, because he KNEW we would find out who did it, and that they were Saudi's and that would strain relations between the US and the Saudi government. It was part of the plan that was changed two days before the attacks, the original group was not of Saudi nationality, he replaced them. This is all documented, proven to be fact. He do we hear about it, a documentary on public television, 4 yrs after *** fact. Why did the media NEVER talk about any of this. Because they were to busy with Michael Moron and farinhype 911 and the lies and half truthes it is filled with. We really need to consider the source of the information when we make desisions in this day and age.
  7. OH MY GOD!!!! KIDS!!! Caroll Shelby Smokey Yunick Parnelly Jones Wilson Wadell Bob Glidden Don Garlets Bill France One they May know Richard Petty Cale Yarborgh (sp) DO any of these names ring a bell???
  8. desperado

    rocker arms

    OK, Not ALL SBC's have press in studs. Aluminum heads are ALWAYS screw in. Some of the OLD first gen stuff were screw in, but once the smog shit went on em, they got press in studs in the iron heads. THe LT-1's both the iron and aluminum heads had screw in as well. I dont' know about the vortec heads for sure. But ANY of the roller cammed motors would be screw in. Easiest way to tell, if the base of the stud against the head has sholders on it like a bolt, it's screw in, if it is a straight side, all the way in, it's a press in.
  9. As odd as it sounds, the kids charged in this could build a defense on the seperation of church and state and have the hate crime thing thrown out. In charging them with a hate crime they are recognizing religon. The loney liberals will have no part of that. So as far as a hate crime goes, I bet that gets tossed and it becomes a simply assault charge. I am not saying that I agree with this, I am only stating a possible course of action with reguards to the current mentality of society and the commie leftists.
  10. I realize that hearing that about the 307 is sort of disheartening, I mean you have this motor and you don't have anything in it, so it would be wise to try to do something with it right. I had a set of ROSS racing pistons that were like that. They were special billet piston, domed crown, 14 to 1 compression whit a 64CC head. And I had them given to me. So I started looking into building a motor around THEM. This was my first mistake. You NEVER build a motor around any part, other than maybe a cam. You get what the motor needs, not what ever part you came up with to use. The diameter was a 60 over 400 bore, no big deal, untill you try to find a 400 block that will take a 60 overbore and not have paper thin walls. Sure there are DART blocks that would have worked good, but those are expensive. This was my second mistake, attempting to build a big balls, full on race motor and be "Cheap". So as I am looking for a block, I figure that I will look at getting rods too. The pistons had some odd assed compression height (distance from the center of the wrist pin to the piston crown) and they weren't standard. A normal 400 uses either a 5.7 or a 6 inch rod. These pistons required a 6.625 inch rod. Which is an odd size. So now I am looking at buying not only a $2000 block but another $1000 in connecting rods. And of course, you don't wrap up all that money into a motor and put a shitty stock crank in it that will just fail and break all your expensive parts. So I started looking at a crank, and a useable forged crank, would be $500 minimum, so we are now talking $3500 to use a set of free pistons. And that was only the block, crank and rods. Heads and other shit not included. Now refer again to my first mistake, thinking I could be cheap and put together a CUSTOM built engine. So I sold the pistons to a guy for $20, and he did the best thing that could have been done with them, used them as asktrays and door stops. We end up with all sorts of stuff in our travels being car nuts. But we need to remember that you can't polish a turd, no matter how hard we try or how much money we spend on it. And NO ONE gives away high end, expensive racing parts without there being some sort of situation that will need to be dealt with to use those parts.
  11. desperado


    Well, a bit more information would be helpful here. Like what tranny it's going in. If you are wanting antiballoon plates in it or not. What diameter you would prefer it to be. And I assume that you are talking about a torque convertor, I think that's what guys are refering to when they talk about a STALL. That is unless you are raising horses or something.
  12. I don't see personally why any of this surprises anyone here. They were criminals, criminals are NOT intelligent. They tend to be rather dumb, both in conversation and in their actions. When was the last time you saw some smart guy running down the street with a TV in his arms running from the K-9 unit? You haven't, smart people either have a job and don't do crime. Or the crime they do you never hear about.
  13. Well, a 307 is a small journal motor, like a 327 and the 283, the 350 has larger journals, and without turning down the crank, it will not fit. As far as a 350, I have a block I will let go cheap, along with a set of heads. You're screwing with somehting that is gonna give you headaches, take the 307 and tie some asshat to it and toss it over hoover dam. You'll be better off in the long run.
  14. desperado

    BUY Me!!!

    Yeah, I do. A sony and a Kenwood. The Sony is about new, middle of the road unit. The Kenwood, its' a bit older, but it was about the best deck that Kenwood sold for a long time. KEH-900 I think, I will have to check tomorrow. But it HAS to have an amp, no speaker level outputs at all.
  15. desperado

    BUY Me!!!

    Hmmm, Have several 100 Mhz osilloscopes, other electronic test equipment. Several rack mount Compaq servers, but they are P Pro 200's so nothing fast. Proliant 5000's I believe. Have a small block chevy motor, basketcase, needs rebuilt. Several sets of heads. I will have to look around and see what else. I have alot of stuff, just nothing specific comes to mind right now.
  16. Oh well. Next. [ 09. January 2005, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  17. desperado

    BUY Me!!!

    I have all sorts of stuff, didn't know if there was something specific you were looking for.
  18. desperado

    BUY Me!!!

    Is there anything that you are looking for that we could work out a trade???? I would love to have these, but with needing to buy a radiator for my truck I don't have the cash. Let me know if there is something you are after.
  19. You have a ground loop problem, and its' eating your RCA cables I am thinking. Try to get a better ground on the amp. That would be my first guess, beyond that, I am gonna lean to the idea that the female RCA's on the head unit are loosing connection somehow. Are the RCA's on the head unit a pigtail or are they soild mount in the head unit???? Also, is the radio by chance a pullout type, I realize that you might not even know what that is depending on your age, but you will know it is if that's the case. The connector on pullout chassises is known for doing wierd shit like this too.
  20. Dude, you are assuming to much. Try another set, trust me.
  21. What was that in the second video? Mach 2 or some shit? I love how Hollywood and it's counterpart's in Japan are trying to glorify street ricers as some super elite bunch of badasses with nerves of steel and no fear of death. And even better to make there cars into something that would run down a jet fighter and blow past it like it was sitting still. I could sit here and pick apart ALL of theat second video, but the part that stands out the most is the fake assed heat camara shots. The ricer is spraying the shit out of a turbo car, for like a minute or more, and what does it show as being the hottest,not the turbo, or the exhaust, or even the pressure side of the intake, but the FUCKING VALVE COVER!!!! WTF?!?!?!? If these fucksticks are going to make these ricer movies, you would think that maybe, just maybe they would get the technical side of it right for a change. That is the ONLY thing I can say about F&F 2 is that at LEAST there was no bullshit about blowing intakes, or RIVETTED carbon fiber floor panels having the rivets pop out and go flying. Of course we did learn that its' best to "Save the spray for the return trip" when racing a car that seriously outclasses yours and in truth the only way to beat them is to run them off the road by playing chicken with them. Always a good choice at a fake 100 MPH. And what was that shit about burning the car at the end of the video, what sort of ricer bullshit is that. WTF was the motivation, I can just see the subtitles, "Oh great Ricer Nospeed, you have won this great battle of the street, you are truly a hero of the asphalt. In the great Nospeed tradition we will now burn the winning car as an offer to the great on, the god of boost and bullshit. We must pay ommage to him with your 250 thousand dollar steed of speed!" WHAT THE FUCK????
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