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Everything posted by desperado

  1. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gif Thsi shit kills me. We're talking abotu getting Amy nekid on a bike, don't really matter WHAT bike. And this guys is commenting about bikes.
  2. desperado

    sword vs gun

    Japanesse sword metalurgy is an art. THey were light years ahead of the US in making steel during out industral revolution and really didn't even realize it. Quick metalurgy lesson. Steel, is actually iron with carbon added in small quanities 1 to 3%. Swords are make by hand in a forge, that is fired by coal. And coal ash is carbon. The act of folding the steel (blades were beaten flat then folded in half down the long axis) numerous times including the carbon into the iron, making it steel. The art of blade folding also exposes more of the metal, allowing the impurities to rise out of the steel that does not take place in non folded forgings. The only other way to get *** impurities out of the steel is to completely liquify it, which was not possible years ago due to insufficent heat sources. The industrial revolution actually began in this country because of the invention of coke, which is coal that has bee exposed to intense heat without the level of oxygen present for it to burn. This drives the gasses out of the coal, and makes it burn much hotter enabling the first steel to be made in quanity in this country by making it possible to melt iron to a liquid state, and then add carbon in the quanities needed to make steel.
  3. desperado


    Hell yea, did you see the 24 yr old teacher that was bangin her 14 yr old student. The broad is smokin fuckin hot. And she's doing kids. WTF??? And where were the hot broads with I was 14? I didn't have ANYONE wanting to screw me when I was 14. Damn!
  4. Just start trying to track down the owner. Short of that, talk to the BMV. There is a proceedure for doing it.
  5. Have a Autometer ProShiftlite for sale. $40 Uses MSD/Autometer pills to set the lite point. Click here (top lite)
  6. They ARE Microsoft. Uncle Bill has desided to get into the cert bootcamp thing. I haven't talked to anyone that has been through it. But 24 weeks is ALOT of IT training in reality.
  7. I saw the autorok thing, at least the Carrol Shelby part of it and Kid Rock singing COWBOY after the award was given to Shelby
  8. Hmmm, the drummer is THE SHIT! That being said, did the guy that wrote the song take a failing try at being a rapper? The song sounds like, at least for the first two minutes, like a bad compilation of samples of other songs. It's all over the fucking place. Right at two minutes, it sounded good, your screamer (I refuse to call him a singer as I heard no singing, just bellering like someone that just lost a leg on a wheat thresher), actually got as close as I heard to being understandable. Tell your screamer to start smoking, and do alot of it. And drink plenty of water so he can get the sound he's looking for without needing to scream to achive it. And that puberity is coming and his voice will drop down and sound better at that point. And either get some better music, of become a cover band for awhile. Do good music, even if it's someones elses, if you have talent, it will sound better, if you have NO talent, the group will suck equally as much doing good music as the group will doing bad music. As far as the bassist specifically, I see you defending it, saying that ya, you WERE the bassist in this song. It's not that you are playing badly, but your experience is with playing lead I bet. Lead follows the singer, which is what you are doing, problem is he's all over the place. So following his is difficult at best. But the problem is coming with you following him at all, you as a bassist should be with the percusssion, not the lead singer. It's an easy mistake to make since you are use to playing lead.
  9. It can, it can also cause backfiring if the plug is fouled and not firing. The fuel/air mixture will burn off in the exhaust if it's not burning off in the cylinder. As far as an injector causing that level of carbon buildup, I would have to doubt it. I would run a compression test or better yet a blowby test to see what the condition of the cylinder is. If the numbers are good then it's most likely the injector, or posibly an intake manifold gasket. If the cylinder has alot of blowby, or low compression, then the rings are a better bet.
  10. Yeah, you pay MORE at the pump because people steal gas so the gas companies pass on their losses to us.
  11. Got this today, keep an eye out for it. Dear valued eBay member, We regret to inform you that your eBay account has been suspended due to concerns we have for the safety and integrity of the eBay community. Per the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us. Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes the update of your actual account. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. Please update your records by the 21th of January. Once you have updated your account records your eBay session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To update your eBay records click on the following link:
  12. I was at the Duke at Williams and Alum Creek today and a guy pulled up in from of me, almost hits the Durango. When his skanky G/F, Wife or what ever starts pumping gas, he crams a rag over the license plate. I went in and told the attendant what was going to happen, (driveoff) so the manager went out and got he plate number. Confronted the woman, who has MONEY IN HER HAND for the fucking gas. Tells the manager that she wants to get some beer so she needs to go get her ID. Jumps in the van and her dirtball husband drives off, not paying for the gas of course. Fuckers like this need to swing from the gallows. Best of all a fucking Obetz cop was in the back lot of the Duke, taking his lunch break. But do you think he caught em?? Fuck no, didn't bother to even try. The majority of us work hard, and pay for our shit, why?? So that cocksuckin motherfuckers like this can steal for the places we shop, running the fucking prices up for the honest ones. Screw that shit. My only regret was I wasn't in my old truck... I would have blocked his ass in with it... but I figure that he would have rammed the Durango, and then I would have been on the news for sure went I set his ass on fire.
  13. I am only ever as serious as you what me to be. smile.gif As far as throwing up, I would have do doubt that.
  14. I have found that one of the best things that you can do is get one of the Dyno SIMS (I use Desktop Dyno 2000) and put in your motor components. Then start putting in different cam specs for the common cams and see what you get. The only drawback to this is that the dyno software will do the math, regardless of what is phyically possible, IE valve lift of 1 inch on stock heads, 3000 CFM carbs, and other odd shit like that. Nor will it ask about other internal parts that will limit the operating range of the motor, like trying to spin a stock lower end at 9500 RPM, the motor WILL fail (SBC is what I am refering to) but it's completely possible to put aftermarket heads, cam and intake on a stock block that will flow the necessary air to make the motor spin 9500 or more. As long as you aware of the phyical limitations of the parts you have and don't exceed the limits, then you will be able to see what cam works best. As far as is it close. I did Nates GTP the other night, and it was 15% over the wheel dyno sheet of what the car actually did, so it's pretty damn close.
  15. I ain't buying it till I see a pic of Amy on the bike half nekid. Then I will believe it. (Actually I don't care if she gets it or not. I just what to see her half nekid!) smile.gif Just kidding. Hope you get the bike, I know you will enjoy it.
  16. I watched a thing about that surgury, it's not what alot of people think. Your diet is all changed around, you do loos weight because you basically can't eat much at first, but a stomach is rather elastic and it will stretch back out over time. It actually teaches you self control more than it does anything else. The show said that if you go back to eating 3 bigmacs and two orders of frys every day you will get big again. Now many of you know that I ain't small. In fact I reciently started gaining weight again, so I am a bit more mindfull of what shovel in my face. But the ones that order 10 bls of food and a diet coke to wash in down make me laugh. I know that soda ain't great for you, but it's noncomplex sugar, if you are active, it burns off quick. However 1/2 a pound of ground beef ain't sugar, and it don't burn off as fast.
  17. Thats odd. LPGuy quoted me, then made a smart ass comment defending Jon (Republicant). Has anyone bothered to check the IP on the guy? Maybe it's Jon arguing withhimself because no one else will bother to fight with him anymore. And he changed his name to webninja after LPGuy was referred to as an interweb ninja. That's just fucking odd!
  18. Damn, and I tought I was a douchebag. Frist off, Jon, you never cease to amaze me, just when I think that you have completely shown the board how much hate the world, you go one step further. You need to get a move on though, there are over 5000 members on this board, and you haven't even insulted one tenth yet. Your I hate everyone fake assed attitude is played, get over it man, damn. Now as far as LPGuy, I ain't defending you either, your a tool. And all this shit about how half of us are douchebags, and you don't care about what the people think on this board, I have news for you. The people on this board is what makes this board something, without the members it's just a dormant web site, I would advise you to choose your words a bit more carefully. As opposed to being the tool of the month, how about posting INTELLIGENT things, as opposed to the bullshit I have seen thus far. You are a noob, and you are going to get screwed with, telling us you don't care what we say or think is obviously bullshit or you would not have bothered to respond to this thread at all. Cut the billy badass act, and be an actual member and not a tool. And if you can't handle being razzed a bit, you might consider a different board like soccermoms.com.
  19. OK, I ran the numbers as you requested, these are TOTAL CC in the quench area, not 64CC heads, you have to remreber that true CC is the head CC, figuring with the dome displacement, and the CC of the head gasket. Its' best to go with Compression ratio that your heads and pistons are going to generate. It's a way better number to work with. Also, I have no way of doing ignition timeing, only cam timing, I ran it up 4 degrees, but you might want that pulled back. So let me know. Here it is without the 100 shot. http://www.foornet.net/images/na.jpg Here it is with the 100 shot http://www.foornet.net/images/sprayed.jpg Just for grins, this is what I am putting together for the truck, I need only to buy the cam and lifters. That and some extrainous bullshit, gaskets, head and main studs and assembly crap. http://www.foornet.net/images/sprayed357.jpg
  20. DOdge vans were like this from the factory years ago. I took a rather wild ride in a 60 something Dodge panel van that was sporting a 440 that was very well built. Factory motor was a 318 with a 2 barrel.
  21. As far as stall speed, the V-6 convertor will have a HIGHER stall than the one for your car. Now, as far as the convertor causing it to backfire, I would have to doubt it, backfiring is caused by either a rich mixture not burning off in the cylinder, getting into the exhaust and then being ignited by the hot gasses in the exhaust. It can be caused by a bad plug or wire not lighting the mixture in the cylinder, letting it end up in the exhaust and then being ignited. Lean backfire can also occur, but that is up through the intake. The cylinder gets overly hot from being too lean and the mixture ignites as it is entering the cylinder because of the additional heat, but this again is ONLY up in the intake. Exceedingly late timing, carbon buildup, and bad valve sealing will also cause backfiring through the intake. As far as the convertor doing it, I can't see how. Even if it was the wrong lock up point. You would only lug the engine, or over rev the engine but backfiring would still be caused by something else and the convertor stall and lock up points would only be agravating the problem, not causing it to begin with. You said at WOT that the backfiring goes away, that leads me to believe that it's a rich mixture issue, especially if the problem goes away at WOT. This is more of an indication of a rich mixture at part throttle. Have you changed the computer with a 350 computer on that motor? Are you running any sort of piggyback FMU (Fuel Management Unit)? Are the O2 sensors still on the car and operational? As you know the O2 sensors are what keeps the fuel system in tune. The other posibility is that you have a bad injector that is allowing fuel to pass even when its off. This will run the mixture WAY rich and cause it to backfire out the exhaust. If it's a TBI motor, you can turn on the key and look at the injector and see it leaking, if it's a tuned port car, typically it will ONLY backfire off one cylinder bank if you have a bad injector as it will only make one or two cylinders rich. Reading the plugs is a good way to find out which one. With a new set of plugs, fire the motor and run it around a bit then pull the plugs, find the black one and you will have found your bad injector.
  22. There is a guy in Johnstown, Sign of the Times, number is 740-967-3200 and talk to JOHN WEBB. Tell him that Keith from down the street recommended them. He is VERY reasonable and typically will also be inexpensive on setup fee's as well. That is somehting in screen printing that will surprize you. Alot of places will give you a per shirt quote, then hit you with an extra $50 for design, printing of the screen, and cleanup. John can also cut vinel lettering and other designs as well so he can take your logo or design and not only put it on a shirt but also make window stickers of the same design.
  23. It's been said that we have done more exploration of space than we have our own oceans. And that it's easier to go to space, than it is to go to the bottom of the ocean.
  24. Yeah, I am a dumbass, your right. I looked it up. It IS half speed.
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