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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Kuto Drummers of Japan, don't know if this is their music for sure or not but it's work looking in to.
  2. Bwhahahahaha!!!!!! I been expecting this for quite a while. He has been the only constant in ALL the trouble that the school has had in its sports programs, I just wish this had happened before they got rid of Coach Bruce.
  3. desperado


    I think that the other thing that needs mentioned here is that screwing with a house arrest tracking system will get you introduced to Bubba very quickly. And if you think being locked in your house is bad, Bubba, while assisting you in becoming non anal retentave, and releaving you of the need to squat to shit, will show you that there are worse things than house arrest. Now as far as the technology, it's not new, there have wearable recording devices used in the medical field for a long time to monitor patients heart function and a host of other things. This is simply recording GPS locations and then feeding them to the officials that have placed you in semi controlled custody. Basically this is for someone that is under house arrest that has work rights. They get a route mapped out, via GPS and a location of you work and put it into the computer. Then if the recorded information deviates from the inputted information they look at it more carefully. If you drove around traffic, they will tell you to not do that again. If you are across town, or found to be in a location that it off limits, they simply lock you up in the gray bar hotel. Now as far as fucking around with it in real life, don't. You can believe that there are precautions in place that make it pretty much unhackable for all but the most elite of hackers and getting caught, well re-read the above explanation if that happens. You have to remember that screwing with these things is no different than staging a jail break. ANd a jail break in Ohio I beleive is a 15 yr sentence, mandatory. IS it really work it to share your soap with bubba for the next 15 yrs????
  4. The best condom is the one you have on when having sex with a chick that has some sort of STD. While being a conservative, I am also a realist, and while abstinence is the best birth control, it is also the most unobtainable form there is. I also find it amusing that the typical scenario is while mom and dad are out preaching abstenence at the local town meeting, the daughter they left at home is on her back with her legs in that air getting the meat put to her by every neighbor within walking distance of her house.
  5. link worky again. and them is some real stupid shits that would screw with something like that. And I don't believe it's an avalanche bomb either. Most likely it was a small amount of gasoline in an enclosed container with enough air space to get it burning good. Bombs, either black powder or flach powder will not create the black smoke seen in the later part of that movie clip. About the only thing that does that is gas. It also seemed to set the entire street on fire, another indication that it was a combustible liquid and not a "bomb" of some sort. I realize that I might sound like a killjoy, or that I have no clue what I am talking about. As far as the killjoy, no just safety conscious, as far as not knowing what I'm talking about, Come out to Geero's and I will show you my pyrotechnicians license. Bottom line is this, while this shit may look like fun, it's only amusing until someone dies, and stupid shit like this, doesn't kill all at once, you typically get to lay in a hospital bed for a few days with 75% of your skin burnt off, and the the hospital not having strong enough drugs to stop the intense pain that you are experiencing up to the point that your body finally gives out from the trauma of being burnt that bad and you finally die. Does that sound like fun? I bet it would just be a fuckin blast. And remember, now shit like this, possesion of a fire bomb like this, much less setting it off, is an act of terrorism, and while having Bubba probe your anal body cavity in a federal penatentary every night might not be as much fun as dying from 3rd degree burns, it still is probably not a picnic. Just my $.02 [ 04. January 2005, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  6. Gee Jason, I wonder where you heard that one???? But I think is was you can do what ever to rice mobile, spray the fucker till it hydrolocks, I will still beat you. Or something to that effect.
  7. desperado

    rocker arms

    Not sure where you are getting the 64 CC chamber size. Damn few small block heads have a 64 CC chamber, most are 75 or 68 I believe. If have the time to go head hunting, the castings that are the most desireable are the 461X, the 461, the 462, 291, 292, 186 and 187 and the 492. These are all the "Double Hump castings" and I have listed them in the order of how desireable they are the first ones being the most sought after and performance ready. One of the biggest falacies is the 2.02 valve in a chevy head being better for performance, typically, without MAJOR reworking of the head, the 2.02 valve will only flow as well as the 1.94 and in many times due to shrouding of the valve by the head and in some cases (especially with bores under 4.00) the block. You need to be aware of this, due to your current motor displacement. As far as cost for redoing a set of yard heads. I only know what I charge for a basic pocket porting, $50 a head. I may still have the tools to do the screw in studs which is $40 a head if I can find the tools. I do NOT have the equipment for valve jobs, so that would need to be done elsewear. Also, for 275 each, do the vortec heads have valves and springs or are they a bare head? That's not a bad price for a complete head but if you are going to need valves, springs, keepers, and the like it would be wise to add all that up to see what it's really going to cost if you are on a budjet. Remember also that the most badass shortblock, will only make as much power as the heads will allow it to. Heads are KEY to making power. The bottom end need only transfer the power to the back of the motor, but the heads are where it's at. You should be the most concerned with the heads and how they flow. Then the rest of the intake and exhaust tract. That is where the power is. The ONLY thing more important than the heads is the cam. The cam WILL dictate EVERYTHING about the motor, and in fact the entire driveline, including gearing, shift points, required stall of the convertor if it's an automatic car and launch RPM on a stick. Cam design dictates compression ratio, intake and exhaust sizing and to a large degree the timeing of the motor for best performance. So we get back to what my sig says, the long version is, buy a book, learn as much as you can about what makes em fast, and how to do it on the cheap, Here's the reason for learning to do performance on the cheap. Every car, and every motor has a budjet. Everything costs something, if you learn to stretch everything that you spend, you have more to spend. And in that reguard, you can build more for the same amount of money.
  8. desperado

    rocker arms

    Hmmm, where do I start with this? Oh yeah, read my sig, then finish reading this. Please understand that this may or MAY NOT be a just swap in some new rockers sort of thing. And if it's not, you will fuck things up royally!! First off, if you change rockers, you are changing valvetrain geometry. Short explanation is that the holes in the heads where the push rods come through may NOT be wide enough for the pushrod to not rub. If the rods touch the walls, they WILL bend. Second, you will be increasing the valve lift, which will also increase the open pressure of the valve spring. This will put additional load on the rocker stud, which if they are stock are pressed in. They can be pulled out by the increased pressure. This coupled with the fact that some roller rockers require guide plates that are held into place with screw in studs, it's best to get the heads tapped for screw in studs. So now you have the heads off the motor to get the press in studs pulled and the heads tapped for screw in studs. Pull the valves, and have someone pocket port the heads. It's easy enough to do and will show noticable improvements. Also, since they are apart, get some new valves and springs and get a valve job done. Yes, this is an investment, but good heads will make good power, and heads are hard to scre up when you blow a motor. So they are portable to the next small block Chevy that you build as well.
  9. Damn, you sure can tell when they started retouching the photos. Personally the best of eh photos are from 78 back. There REAL, no retouching at all, tan lines, big nipples and the whole thing.
  10. Well, it depends on the car manufacture. Dodge, CHevy and Ford, are phyicall size in addition to displacement, Poltiac, Buick nad the Olds motors were all real big. Fords, well, that's an interesting story in its self. The 289, 302 and 351 Winsor were all considered small blocks, the 351 Cleveland, 351 Modified and the 400 modified are big blocks, as is the 428, 429, 460 and *** 370 truck motor. But the 428 and 429 share few interchangable parts, but the 351 Cleveland heads could be put on both a 302 and a 351 Winsor. Meaning that they shared deck size, bolt pattern and cylinder spacing. Only the water jackets were different. The "M" series motors were also a small block size, but had a big block bell housing bolt pattern. There are probably other things with the fords but I ain't a ford guy so I don't know much else. Chevy bell housing patterms are the same. THe motors are a phyically differnt size and about the only direct swap part is the lifters. The rest is different. Chrysler= it's all different. Size is the biggie. Distributor placement (small blocks are in the back like a Chevy, big blocks are up front like Fords. The lower end is where the big block guys laugh and thumb there noses at EVERYONE else. The block design puts the crank WAY up in the block, the main cap bottoms are flush with the bottom of the block, they are supported on both sides by the block. Abd the lower ends are good to over 1000 HP with a factory forged crank coupling this to a stoke length of 3.38 (Less than a small block chevy) and you had one serious badass, high revvin big block.
  11. Time to buy a diesel and put a BIG falking turbo on it and pour the fuel to it on demand. Next one of those little bastards that pull that shit can get show up. And there is NOTHING as imbarrassing as getting your ass handed to you by a 4 wheel drive pickup.
  12. Yep, Tanks right, but the fuel additives compound the problem. Gas, like all flamable liquirds have what's called a flash point, which is the temperature that is required for the liquid or vapor to ignite. Gas by its self has a fairly high flash point. So other chemicals are added to it to lower the flash point. Problem is that they also burn faster than gasoline and produce less heat in the process. Now knowing that nothing can exist in the same space as something else, for whatever amount of additive is in the gasoline that is NOT gasoline, it displaces that much gasoline. Now we get into the winter blends. Winter blends are heavy in aromatic solvents (Octane basically) that lowers the flash point of the liquid, while acclerating the burn speed. So for the same amount of output you have to burn MORE fuel. I realize there is a misconception over the idea that a car engine works on HEAT but that's the way it works. And a fuels BTU rating is important in the amount of power that it will produce in a motor. The higher the BTU rating, the more heat energy that is there to be extracted. Heavier flamable liquids, that are hydrocarbon based, are higher in BTU. Heating Oil is higher than Diesel, it's higher than gasoline. And gasoline is higher than tolulene, xylene, acetone, and the other solvents that are added to gasoline. I have seen summer gasoline, when cooled way down, get to the point it wouldn't vapor off, and gasoline vapor is what burns, not the liquid. But I sat throwing lit matches into a puddle of it and watching the matches flare up a bit then go out. When I passed a propane torch over it and brought up the temp and it went to vapor, it lit right off. SO don't tray that at home!
  13. Damn Marc, did you go with a BIGGER cam than the one in the motor before. 10 minutes, the this is at operating tempature.
  14. Is it a Rally hood or a straight hood? I have an 80 camaro Z28 that I might be interested in having a hood that I might be interested in haveing a hood to stick a tunnel ram through. The hood I have is a Rally Z hood (Rally) with the fake hood scoop on it with the little butterflys that open when you mash on the gas.
  15. UPS Yours = you have a bad laser assembly most likely, you might call Sony, I hear that they are doing repairs for FREE if its' getting the disk read error. But that is grapevine stuff. Ricochet = Friday night, just not this Friday night. Figure I'd better spend New Years Eve with the wife.
  16. Damn, yall go tto remind me of how old I AM don't you. I was married 10 years ago, looking at buying a house.
  17. Although I'm having difficulty understanding you, I'm fairly sure you're wrong. In the state of Ohio, it is a crime to kill yourself. If you are deemd a danger to yourself you can be arrested. I was saying that the guy was probably standing on a ledge somewhere, about to jump. They talked him down, took into custody, and figuring that he probably wouldn't have a gun being as he was about to jump off a building they never checked. Either that or he was wanted for some serious federal shit that he wasn't up for doing the time on. He got arrested for some bullshit thing and brought in. Figuring that he the cops would figure out who he was soon enough he decided to checkout and spare himself the jail time or whatever. Personally I can't think of a single reason that I would do that, short of severe suffering and KNOWING that I was dying anyhow. I can no longer understand the motivation that people have to kill themselves.
  18. Why would you steal a Skyline to begin with?? It's like strealing *** Countach that Ricart gave to the Franklin CO Sherrif for a dare car. Gee, it's not like it would be hard to spot a lambo with a fucking light bar!!! Even parting it out. what the fuck are you going to do with it. It would be like selling off the crown jewels. ADD READS: Large jeweled crown, famous designer, easily recognizable. It ' not like something that is worth much as parts either. A "J-spec motor" I mean how many of those are around? It's fucking WORTHLESS in the United States, too easy to trace, and overseas, it's just a fucking car. I like the cars ok don't get me wrong. But it ain't like stealing a 4 gen F body. Where there is a call for the parts, or a VIN swap and a paint job and the guy you stole it from could ride in it and never know it was HIS car.
  19. Thanks, I will be at the Geeros; meets after the new year, just bring it along if you would.
  20. Probably put into protective custody for being susicidal. Figured he was a danger to himself so he got arrested.
  21. Well, I was up there from about 1 till 5 today when I finally put away the tools. That inculded two trips to the hardware, several smoked cigs and about 4 cans of Coke. Then tonight, another trip to the Home Depot for a chimminy cap for the furnace pipe. So all in all it wasn't bad. 2 holes in the roof, patched and repaired $40 in material 1 chimminy cap $10 Not needing to call 911 because my fatass fell off the roof priceless.
  22. I will take/buy any and all PS2's and Xboxes that are nonworking that you can come up with. This includes parts of PS2's and xboxes unless it's really screwed up (like phyically damaged) PM me with what you have and what you want. UPS yours, how is your DVD drive broken? Is it not reading or is it phyically broke?
  23. had a tree branch fall on my roof. It poked a hole it it, which sucks! So I get up there ,rubber mallet in hand and beat the 3 inches of ice and snow and break it up so I can get it off. Start to fix first hole. Find second hole. FUCK. Run out of roofing cement. Metal roof BTW. SO I am having a happy happy joy joy day!
  24. does it completely stop or does it make noises like the motor is running? If It's not running at all it could be the timer or the motor. When a washer agitates the motor spins one direction, pumping the water from the bottom to the top, and agitating the clothes. When it spins out and pumps out the direction of the motor is reversed, the pump is designed so that when it ins backward it pumps out a different outlet. And the washer transmission is designed to lock so that it will spin out the clothes. The timer controls the power going to the motor, and the motor of course does what motors do.
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