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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Ben, if someone else doesn't jump on that I will take it. I will not be at Geero's this week but I will be next week, if you are coming out bring it along.
  2. Consider that they basically had no idea that it was coming to begin with. You have to imagine sitting in your house and everything is normal one minute and 15 seconds later the house is full of water from floor to ceiling. Those that are outside get hit by the wall of water, and swept into soild objects, pinned to them by the force of the water, submerged underneath it. All the while anything not fastened down is being swept into you that you are in the path of. Alot of them drown, but I bet many of them were crushed by cars, motorcycles, pieces of house or barn, water is a powerful thing, tornado's and even hurricanes pale in compairson to the distructive power that water has. Large tidal waves can tear down buildings, move ANYTHING not securily fastened down, and drag it out to sea as the water reciedes. As bad as this was, it was only 10 or so feet.
  3. Consider this yall, any of you that made silly comments about the car being more important, or how pissed you would be and pimpin her out or what ever. How about I swing by and lay the pipe to your wife/ gf/ significant other. After all I ain't asking to drive your car, I just want to pork your woman. It should be ok, right, since it's not your car or anything like that. Car repairs are cheap compaired to medical bills, she didn't kill anyone including herself. I am glad to see that Nismo see's that now. Get the beater going again. I am betting that she packed it up with ice and snow. Tear it down, get it driveable and let her drive it wrecked for a while. Her friends will all see her rollin in a busted car ands that is punishment enough.
  4. Propane tanks. mostly for BBQ grills. Pay good but they expect you to work HARD.
  5. Yep, and he will win the jackpot, because 12 assholes, that are to fucking lazy or intelligent to get out of jury duty willl give him his big reward. In hopes that someone else will give them theirs when the opertunity presents its self to them. You know, it says a jury of your peers. Not twelve dumb bastards. Put twelve car maker execs on the jury. If it were a doctor being sued, it should be twelve doctors, not twelve ignorant motherfuckers that may not have even graduated middleschool, much less highschool of college making judgement over a complex medical suit that they have no fucking idea about!
  6. Damn you ninnys! Don't none of you know the mathmatical equation for actual snow fall as opposed to what the weather man says. take predections lowest number, divide by 2 take that number ans subtract a half inch for every day between original predection and actual date of snow. Add .25 inch per every increased inch that weatherman increases prediction by. so this shit is 6 to 10 so take 6/2=3 2 days * .5 = 1 3 - 1 = 2 we will have 2 inches of snow
  7. Yeah, I did see a guy at Microcenter helpdesk do that. After he read the email that was going around about someone else doing it though. Original story was a woman called that her computer was not powering on. Tech ask her aboout it being plugged inand all that bullshit. Came to find out that there was a power outage when she couldn't see behind the computer to se if thepower cable was plugged in,and made statement that she should box it up and take it back because she was to fucking stupid to own a computer. Best one was the broad that needed video drivers on a 5.25 floppy, drivers in the box were on a 3.5 disk. Guy made her a copy on 5.25 disk and sent them out. Got a call a week later, said she lost disk. Sent them out again. Thirs call 4 days later, said disk was bad. Dude ask if she hadn't just lost the disk again. She said no, when she got it she hung it on the fridge with a magnet. This was a close second, I watched a salesman at Sun TV get his ass eat by some lady screaming that her Packard Bell wasn't DOS compatible. She clearly stated that it said to press any key to continue and there wasn't an ANY key anywhere on the keyboard. I know I have heard that one before. But there is at least one woman in the city of Coliumbus that is that stupid.
  8. They had a computer voice on Glenn Beck the other day reading this claiming to be Stephen Hawking. Then went on to say that he did still beleive in Santa due to an experience he had as a child behind a depatment store. Claimed he saw Santa, drinking heavily, asking hookers if they wanted to ride on his reindeer, and then throwing up in the dumpster. Hey, if Stephen Hawking believes, then why the hell not?
  9. 1. Lamborghini Countach 2. Turbo Interceptor (from the movie The Wraith) 3. Vector 4. Mclarin GTR 5. Any previous year prostock drag car modded to be "Street Legal" * Tools, from basic hand tools to mills and lathes, worth in excess of any two of the above mentioned cars. After all any rich guy can BUY a fast car, and drive a fast car. It's the guy that builds the fast cars that are the truely gifted ones.
  10. OK, here it is from a non believers point of view. I don't believe in any sort of higher power. But that is MY PERSONAL belief, and I don't wish to push that on anyone else. I feel that we have gone TOO far with the "Seperation of Church and State" thing. Removing any and all symbols of religon from public places does push the Athiest religon down everyones throat. As far as giving special rights to religous groups, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Budists, Pagans, or any other is wrong. If a Catholic want's a nativity seen on the statehouse lawn, let it be, if a Jewish person wants a Star of David, let them put it there. But the idea of giving Muslim children praying rooms, when prayer in public schools by Christian religons is against the rules is bullshit. Consider that the wearing of a shrowd (Muslim headress) by Muslim females, to me is no different than a child wearing a shirt depicting the crusifixion of Christ. We need to run a level playing field, either both are acceptable, or neither are acceptable. And realize that about the time that the ACLU or some other group of do gooders tryes to remove the name of God from the Constitution or the Decleration of Independence, we will see what rednecks are about. And this is what the government fears the most.
  11. desperado

    JDM popsicle

    Yes, I have had the brain fart like that. Motor: 350 010 block 4 bolt mains 486 casting heads .040 over bore Forged pistons (FelPro 3350 I think) steel crank carillo rods straight water and 10 below Motor went consistant 8.5's at pacemakers 1/8 mile DAMAGE block cracked in 7 places, 3 freeze plugs laying on ground. This included a large crack in the number 7 cylinder wall. The right side of the block with a large area pushed almost out of the block. Waterpump cracked, radiator totally screwed, hell even the hoses swelled up and the lower one burst. I have not pressure tested the heads yet. I am hoping that I dodged a bullet on them. I do have a new block to reassemble all this in. Just haven't had the motivation. That was the second one. It wasn't as bad as the first, it was FULL of water. 1990 Chevy Cadaver, 4 banger 2.0 motor, during blizzard of 93 went to work in the morning, it was 50 degrees outside, never thougth about what was coming. Temp dropped to like 20 below. Cracked or broke all this radiator lower hose thermostat housing thermostat manifold intake manifold (heated) head block in at least 3 places heater core (found that when it thawed out) even the coolant resivor was busted. Basically, if it had water in it, it was busted. So there is two brain farts. One hurt like hell. and it wasn't the cadaver either.
  12. What if any mods have been done to the tranny??? Short or long tail shaft?
  13. What do you need welded???
  14. Personally I don't see why Marc is all upset. He should realize that the ones calling him a fag all the time only do it in hopes that he is. Their motivation is simple, they all want to be his bitch. They are wanting Marc to bend them over and nail them in the poopshoot most likely. So the only question here is what's more queer, pitching of catching???? CATCHING!!! Slap em the man meat bro, send em off with the "I just humped the neighbor's cat" look on their face. Then they are happy, you still have your manhood, and all is right with the world. Can anyone come up with a better reason for their continued intrest in Marc's sexual orientation???
  15. desperado

    OLD ass laptop

    That's a Winbook XP-5 it DOES have a serial port on it. I have fixed more of those than I care to remember
  16. ANy numbers on the crank? casting numbers on the block? 2 or 4 bolt mains? any other parts?
  17. I love how he says just in and out. That's a GOOD 8 to 10 hours of work, if everything IS in place and properly fitted and aligned.
  18. I can take a look at it. Find out if there is a kit for it first off. There are a few carbs that there are no kits for. Reason being that they require setup on a flowbench to work correctly after being rebuild. If there is a kit for it, it's pretty much rebuildable.
  19. graemlins/doh.gif what ever, I'm going back to watching the flying monkeys now.
  20. Wonka, No, we are just enjoying the fact we have a down to earth republican in the white house that's not no afraid to do shit that makes him look bad even if its' good for the nation and the world as a whole. And yes, we DO understand what he's saying, ALL the time.
  21. Damn dude, do you have Fuckinhype 9/11 running in a loop on your TV or what???? Armor= well, whe it's time for war, you go, armor or no armor. We been at this for over a year, there were more troops killed on D-Day (one day) than there have been in this whole war. Someone is doing something right. It's war, people do tend to die in a war. no bid contracts= well it was between two companies that could do the job correctly the one we choose and Slumberjay (SP) a faggot FRENCH company, so I assume that we should have gave those billions to the faggot french, and listened to the media bitch about that. Try again! Putin and elections, well, if yo are so fucking worried about it, go over and meet with Putin your damn self. You ever consider that we might ont know what all has been said between Putin and Bush? No child left behind, gee, the numbers are getting better for test scores. And underfunded schools. Here's a tip, go look at the omst highly funded school district in the USA right now, it's in Washington DC. And it has the LOWEST TEST SCORES!!! Funding education IS important, I will grant you that. Throwing money at any problem is like expecting YOU to understand the truth about this shit. Maybe it's just that YOU got left behind. Lastly, medicare is funded to 2050 by numerous independant accountants figures. So your grandmother is NOT going to be eating dog food. Fuck, you sound like Al fucking Gore and his bullshit. It's MY FUCKING MONEY, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO WITH IT AS I PLEASE. Where do you get off thinking that the goverment should take MY money and invest it for me. I can handle that. As far as the smarts of the young workers today. We are back to a sink or swim mentality, don't fucking worry about them or about me. We'll get through it and not need the goverment to hold our hands in the process. If you need your hand held hire yourself a Nanny, leave the rest of us to do as WE like.
  22. Ok, I assume that that heat has nothing to do with the motor even running. Heat is just a detrimental byproduct of combustion right???
  23. Did you ever do anything with it????
  24. graemlins/thatfunny.gif Sorry I don't mean to be a dick, but who ever told you that, needs slapped.
  25. I love how ther are several anti Bush comments here, even though there is a VERY public movement by the elite left to screw this war up in any way, shape or form possible. It would be interenting to see who it was that brought the charges, we know that lawyers prosicuted the case, and you will look long and hard to find a consertive lawyer. It is also up to a fairly biased media to report the story. And to omit facts in the case that are relivant to it. Hell, lets take a look at the history of the media. NBC packs an S-10 with C4 and sets it off as a car is rammed into the side of the pickup to demonstrate that they experience fuel tank ruptures and fires. Never mind that the blew the car into orbit, Hollywood couldn't have done it better. Receintly, CBS and the hometown hero/facist, Dan "Rather lie than have a dull newscase" Rather, took bogus documents, from a KNOWN highly biased person and reported them as news, either without checking them out for authenticity, or KNOWING they were bogus and using them anyhow. We have seen "The Vault of mobster Al Capone" be broken into by Rivaria, he be beaten down by a KKK member, and had the show that started the daytime Shock Shows" like Montell and Springer, and whats he get for his efforts, a reporters job at CNN where he goes to Kuwait during the first gulf war and gives up the position of American forces. This asshat is credible??? and somehow we should believe that even if he's not credible, that the rest of CNN is??? Are you on drugs????? If they would employ a sack of shit like Riveria, that's cliam to fame is a two hour show about breaking down a wall, claiming it that "All the hidden riches of Al Capone's mob empire" to lay on the otherside of it. Then finding NOTHING, not so much as some change dropped on the floor. And I know this wasn't the only time he looked stupid on national TV I just can't remember the other show he did that was equally as stupid. I am also curious about one thing, since when is the president GOD????? God, according to the bible, or our parents or whoever is this all knowing all seeing being that knows what every single individual is doing, saying or thinking at any time. So Bush knew that this guy took an abandon truck, even as he was doing it, saw him do whatever he did with the truck, saw him get arrested, charged, inprisoned and court marshaled. And did nothing about it. I now have even less understanding of the left, they renounce God, run him out of existance, remove his name from schools and public buildings. Yet they expect that the president of the United States to have God like powers and KNOW everything about everyone at all times. Put down the crack pipe and come back to reality ya'll!
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