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Everything posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. The Dark Tower series is excellent! I'm working on Needful Things right now (for the third time), but as soon as I finish, I'll be jumping back into the series with book #5. I think there will eventually be a "LOTR" type series of movies based on the Dark Tower books. If they do it right, it could be a huge money maker! To stay on topic, I saw The Shining a long time ago, and you're right, freaky movie!
  2. Had a similar problem on my wife's Contour (2.5 Duratec v6) found out it needed plug wires. Nifty thing on that engine, you have to take the upper intake manifold loose from the car to get to the rear plugs. Changed wires and plugs, problem went away.
  3. Clear bra... Product made by 3m, basically a heavy plastic with adhesive on the back, stuck directly to the finish.
  4. No reason for the lease company to gripe. Nothing you're planning to do will depreciate the vehicle any more than normal, and should you decide not to buy out the lease, the vehicle should be in better shape than a like vehicle without those things.
  5. Looked at that car before. They wanted something like 12k for it! Pipes look like poop. Definately looked better with the factory twin turndowns.
  6. 200 acres with mineral and water rights kicks ass!!
  7. My truck uses less fuel idling for 15 minutes than it does on initial start up. Gotta love the diesel (except when diesel costs more than premium unleaded)! graemlins/doh.gif
  8. I was raised an Oklahoma State fan, had the jackets, sweatshirts, collectibles, etc... Moved to Ohio, and stayed an Oklahoma State fan, but became a bit of an Ohio fan. Moved away, really didn't follow college ball much, and then moved back to Columbus, and really got into Ohio State Football. I was really looking forward to this game, and knew that it really didn't matter to me who won, because these are my two favorite teams. I have to say though, that I was really disappointed with the way the Cowboys allowed the Bucks to completely dominate them like that. I was looking forward to more of a game than this. I loved seeing Ted Ginn Jr. run the ball, and was impressed with Zwick coming in and going to work with a completely different offensive line than he left. Simple truth is though, Oklahoma beat themselves. Their #1 turnover margin meant nothing last night, and when they got picked off on their first drive, it broke them. You could see it in the way they carried themselves on the sidelines. Just not the game I was looking forward to. Glad the hometown boys won though!
  9. I don't have one in either one of my cars, and until someone comes up with a way to disable it, or flash it, I don't think that I will consider buying a newer car.
  10. hehe! *shhhh*(whispers: You've got Jeeps in your sig. 2/3 of the pics in your sig! That's pretty funny!) I would agree though about the stickers on stock Jeeps. But, it is a Jeep thing, and since I haven't owned one, I guess I just don't understand...
  11. Ziggy1647545504


    So stop threatening her. Call the cops and file a report. Sounds like the kind of person that would let you hit her, then call the cops herself and get your ass in jail for assault. There has to be some reason she's decided to take out her anger and frustrations on you. Do you have any mutual acquaintances?
  12. Call Johnny at All Foreign, tell him you got his info from Ron at Auto Body, and let him know what you need. 276-9359. Can't guarantee the hookup, but it's a place to start anyway...
  13. Jars of Clay... I like them. Ten years ago, I was 15, and just starting to think about getting my first job.
  14. The '05 Quest is a complete design flaw as far as I'm concerned. The high center mounted instrumentation, the "USS Enterprise" center mounted controls for stereo and HVAC, and check this out, the spare tire is inside the vehicle, under the floor between the first and second row of seats!
  15. D'oh! I knew that! graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gif
  16. Standing on a metal roof covered in water, snow, and ice when it's still at or just above freezing doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Don't think I'd spend too much time up there if I were you...
  17. There are almost always openings in auto sales. It's hard work, and long hours, but if you're good at it, you can make pretty good money. If you'd be interesed in an apprenticeship in a body shop, or get started in sales, I might be able to give you a referral... Need to check the job postings board.
  18. The Skyline pic is supposed to be taken at his dad's "studio" as were the Aston pics. The Aston pics are clearly taken at a shipping yard somewhere abroad based on the cars in the background. (putting 2 together) So Daddy's shares "studio" space with an American locksmith from North Carolina somewhere overseas?
  19. I do find it interesting that Daddy shares "studio" space with a locksmith... It looks like the Aston pics aren't even on this continent based on the other cars in the background.
  20. Have you gotten your rental yet? If your ins. co. will let you, I can put you in touch with one of our stores. We've got Thrifty in house.
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