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Everything posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. Trade for a nice Caddy that needs tranny work?
  2. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/thumb.gif Spray paint a warning on the side: "Stop and look or you might hit me!"
  3. Pretty close. We took Buster over there last night, and my wife cried till we went to bed. How's he doing? Thanks for the pic. I'll save it to the home computer tonight.
  4. Had to negotiate the intersection of Stelzer and Morse on Christmas Eve with no light. Just sat there repeating over and over to myself "4 way stop. 4 way stop. 4 way stop." If the light doesn't work, STOP AT THE LINE! It doesn't matter if the car in front of you stopped or not, YOU are supposed to stop at the line and treat it as a 4 way stop. Why does no one have any common courtesy on the road today?!!?
  5. Went down this road with my wife a few months ago. We found that there really wasn't much that she could even get comfortable in, let alone like. She found that she really liked the Mercury Villager (I know *gasp* a Ford!) and the Nissan Quest. I've always been die hard against owning a Ford product, but we bought our Contour over 3 years ago, and have had almost no trouble with it ever. It did eat a water pump at 60k, but when I researched it, I found that to be a common problem at that milage, and haven't done anything but regular maintenance since. It's got almost 130k on it now.
  6. Took him to the Gahanna Animal Hospital (Great place!) last night, and the doc fixed him up with a couple of staples in his pad. He wrapped and taped him up, and gave him some antibiotics to help ensure that it doesn't get infected. Got done, and took him out to Hoblick in Pataskala. Thanks for everything guys. I know he'll be happy.
  7. I work for Auto Body. I should be able to get you an estimate. My East Broad store fixed Ben's truck when he needed it. You can stop by if you wanna check the work.
  8. You guys still interested? I now HAVE to find him a good home soon or get him in to a shelter. Buster was outside today, and somehow managed to cut one of the pads on his rear foot. I took him in to MedVet in Worthington, but to have him seen is really beyond what I can afford. I don't think that he's hurt badly, but for a while, he was bleeding pretty good. It is going to devastate my kids, and it kills me and my wife to let him go, but at this point, he needs to go somewhere that people can afford to get him the attention he needs. His well being is most important to me at this point. Hoblick: Your PM box is full. If you're still interested, call me at 475-5740 or 554-3998 This needs to happen today if possible. I'm going to be forced to take him in someplace otherwise, his poor foot needs to be looked at. [ 27. December 2004, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: CR Caddy ]
  9. Damn! He got off light! I'd have been walking for the next several years if it'd been me.
  10. If you can find a nice one at the yard, this is a pretty good way to go. Problem is, the nice ones are usually picked pretty quickly.
  11. Never had trouble with my Caddy in the snow... As a matter of fact, I had so little trouble getting around in that car, it became absolutely no fun driving in the snow at all! I tried to get the car to go squirrly in the snow, and it wouldn't do it! Welcome to the board btw.
  12. No plow yet, at this point, I don't think plowing will do any good anyway. There have been so many cars on my street, the snow and ice have been packed harder than concrete!
  13. Last weigh in he tipped the scales at about 50 lbs. He's still got some growing to do. LOTS of scruff around his neck. I agree 100% on the frozen ground!
  14. 144. Will try to do better later.
  15. Is your car getting repaired through the Progressive Service Center right now? We just took a car that looks like yours to the shop last week for a subframe, 2 axles, and some floor repair.
  16. My yard is fenced, but the problem is really just the mud. Sometimes I wonder if he tromps through the mud and such on purpose! He really is a pretty smart dog, but sometimes he lacks basic sense. Like in the rain, I'll leave the door to the screened patio open so he can come and go, but when I check on him, he's sitting in the middle of the yard looking up at the sky! Most of our problem I think has to do with us not having as much patience as we need to have a puppy in the house. Had a long talk with the wife, and Buster is getting a reprieve for now. We'll see if we can become better dog owners and maybe we'll end up with a better dog in the long run. How old is your Golden?
  17. Sorry guys, I let my wife know how much response I've gotten on this post, and when I told her that someone is very interested and wants to see him, she started to cry and has decided that at least for the time being, she wants to keep him around. Plus, it'll break my kids heart just before Christmas. So for the time being, Buster still has a home, and is off the market. I'll be sure to put him back on here first if we find that we still can't work things out. Hoblick, I sent you a new PM, and recognise first dibs if we need to find him a home in the future.
  18. I'll try to do that tonight. Don't have e-mail here at work right now.
  19. graemlins/thumb.gifgraemlins/thumb.gif
  20. Here are the pics of Buster. Hopefully they'll load, they're on my cardomain site. http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/9/web/729000-729999/729721_19.jpg http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/9/web/729000-729999/729721_20.jpg http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/9/web/729000-729999/729721_22.jpg [ 22. December 2004, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: CR Caddy ]
  21. What part of town are you in? We've got 4 stores all around C-bus, and if you want, I can meet you at one of them one Saturday, and put together a real sheet on it if you want. If weekdays are more convenient, I can refer you to a shop and a person to write it for you. Lemme know. I just remembered though, the labor rates I quoted above were insurance rates, walk ins pay $42 per hour. I can point you to a discount coupon that should more than make up the diff though.
  22. My kids are 2 and 5. They absolutly love him! He does very well with them, especially my 2 year old. My son (5) sometimes starts to play a little too rough with him, and he can get pretty rowdy, but he is really good about not biting or anything. He does very good about doing his business outside. He has had a couple of "accidents" in the house, but nothing chronic really. Now cats, I don't know. We don't have cats, and I really couldn't say how he does with them. He has chased the cats and rabbits and squirrels in and around the yard, though. The main thing that he needs is someone to help him get through his formidable puppy years. Preferably someone who is at home most of the day and can give him a lot of attention.
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