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Everything posted by 2highpsi

  1. 12.7 @ 117 Car had all kinds of problems. The final straw was blowing a coolant line crossing the traps.... Sorry for putting the track down for a bit. I tried to stop and get over as fast as I safely could. The car is fine, but I couldn't be more frustrated with it. And thanks for the great event!
  2. :Popcorn: This is going to get good I want $100 on Jamie raping your crazysupermegafaglambo.com.org car And $100 on John e-raping you until you cry yourself to sleep
  3. This is exactly what I mean. You lost a Rebate to get 1.9%. I know this for two reasons. 1. I have worked for Ford in one area or another for the past 8 years. I can asure you they have never had a standard rate that low. They do however, always run that rate when you give up a certain amount of rebate. ex. $4500 rebate with cash or standard finance OR $1000 rebate with 1.9 or 0% 2. If the payment was LOWER for the same amount of months through a regular bank and you took the higher payment, just to say you got 1.9%,... you lost out.
  4. This can be tricky too. Real banks don't loan at 0% so I'm assuming it had to be Toyota financial. Somewhere in the fine print you probably gave up a rebate of somewhere around $1500 to receive 0%. That isn't 0%,.... That's paying $1500 in interest right up front. I'm not saying it wasn't the right move. I'm saying it depends on the circumstance. I took 0% over a $700 rebate on my Kubota tractor. But I ran the calculations and over 5 years on 14k even my piddly ass CD money earned more than the $700 true cost to finance. So I kept my money in the bank and used theirs.
  5. Seriously, if you are even over a 720 I'd just pull the trigger. Shop the rate, and you'll be fine. I just got someone 1.65 for 48 months on a used car, and their score was in the 700-710 range.
  6. TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian all have sub models also. Ex. TransUnion AE 98, TransUnion MM 3.0 Both TransUnion. Two different scores. And there are tons of different ones. But the moral to the story is no one knows that EXACT formulas anyways, so aside from the basic principles, it's hard to "trick" it anymore.
  7. No, that would completely make sense. He had 0 derogatory accounts. It was also his oldest account (student loan). Just like mine.
  8. Keep in mind that the REAL scoring models are proprietary formulas that are not released.... To anyone. So my fico, and pretty much any websites make suggestions that "should" improve your credit by said given amounts. I actually paid a debt off and lowered my score. It was my oldest account, so paying it off closed the account and lowered my average age of credit. Makes sense. A friend of mine was in the same situation so I forwarn him that he will probably lose a couple points,... However his went up. So it's difficult to "game" your score anymore. On time payments over the course of time will get you over 740, and above that it really doesn't matter anyways.
  9. Yeh these things are crazy. I'm not 100% sure on the numbers... But I think we can sell them around 70k The funny thing is I don't order it from Ford Motor Company,... Like every other car we sell. We have to order it through the parts department, as if I were buying a blower from ford racing. Only difference is they deliver an entire car.
  10. 2highpsi

    Pick a car

    I've owned about every car on that list, except for a Supra (which I wouldn't mind picking up) The Cobra and the Evo are hands down the best two.... but the advantage goes to the Cobra
  11. Because it would do the OPPOSITE of promoting spending which drives the economy. I am all for a flat INCOME tax though. Fair is fair
  12. :lolguy: Technically its MY money,... Atleast until the 15th of April (or 17th this year) when they take it from me and give it to you.:fuuuu:
  13. I hear this same story from every politician I have had a chance to have any real conversation with. They call it "political suicide" I just don't buy it. There are obviously exceptions, but out of the two groups of people I know well: Group A (makes good money/gets raped in taxes) = All vote Group B (game the system/dont work/get way more back than they put in)= Don't vote. Group B pretends to Vote,.. but they don't. They make comments about yeh so and so got my vote, and I'll ask something like what precinct are you in and they just stare blankly at me. edit; Again I know there are exceptions,.. Just generalizations from the small set of data I have personal experience with
  14. My tax plan... Let's stop giving people $10,000 dollar refunds when they only paid in $200 Negative effective tax rate
  15. 2highpsi


    This would be a wiser choice. But burn the card instead of freezing it. I can just picture you thawing the ice cube and paying for the fall kegger Good intentions, and correct generalizations,... But You forgot to divide by 12. 16.75 is the ANNUAL rate. Not monthly. It's costing him about $17 a month in interest.
  16. 2highpsi


    Don't borrow to invest..... What if your loan payments become due and the market gets cut in half (again...)
  17. What are your current living arrangements?? Are you renting a place, own another place, or living in the parents basement? How far upside down are you talking? 5k.... 50k?
  18. Have you ever seen boiler room? SNPK really reminds me of that bullshit pharma stock they slammed everyone in. I could be wrong, and it could be the next PFE. I just get that feeling that I'm looking at a fake Rolex. Sounds and looks good. But I know in six months its just gonna be a worthless piece of shit.
  19. Pump and dump trash. I'm not saying there isn't money to be made on the garbage places like "awesomepennystocks.com" pushes. I'm just saying you need to get in and out fast.
  20. The trophy is back where it belongs.....:gabe:
  21. I hope it's ready. I'd love to see that car in person.
  22. Just you wait!!!!! Be back in 10 minutes
  23. Lol. I don't care either way. You call it. Signed bills would be some funny stuff
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