The mice were payment/contribution/gift to the master kinda thing. They were trying to 'pay' their way. How unthoughtful of you. You could've ate just one...
What the hell does this thread have to do with animal life vs human life? And you fucking cat didn't try to suffocate your daughter. That's the most ignorant thing I've heard today and I"m betting, all week. Also, there are plenty of people far more worthless than any animal.
Completely agree.
Completely agree, again.
Sorry, man. Apparently, you've never been into my house or my mother's. Otherwise, I'd agree with you %99 of the time. And it's not a matter of me being used to it, either. When I had ferrets, you couldn't tell I had them either until you saw one. With daily care of litterboxes and the animals, smell isn't an issue. Whoever's house you've been into before needs to learn to clean better. Period.