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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Cost effective. http://www.thechildprotectioncenter.org/events/4.06%20sea%20of%20pinwheels.jpg
  2. Just about 15-20min NE of where I live in Delaware. It's been a long time since I pranked a KKK group/meeting. Almost 20yrs to the day, actually. hahaha
  3. Not a fan of the rims. Not really sure on painting them as you will be painting the car. For gloss black, I'd be tempted to leave them polished (or polish them if they haven't been, yet.)
  4. Im betting he was royalty. Also, I can't imagine the guy would just be standing out there with his hazards on, etc. Isn't that another truck right by him, too?
  5. Don't you live in America? Then you can say micro penis' are bringing it down, too. That's why it's an average.
  6. That's the problem. Our laws are illogical. Pedestrians and bicyclists have the right of way, yet I'm the one in the 2ton speeding piece of machinery that'll take me over 100ft to stop what'l take you 2ft. In Mexico, if cross moving traffic without using a predetermined crosswalk and get hit, too fucking bad. It's an issue where people just figure, I have the right of way, so fuck it, fuck you, etc. I don't know how many people I see walk right out in front of me without so much as a fucking glance! Of course, not everyone is like this and not every cyclists is self involved ass. I enjoy cycling myself, but having spent many years in Cali, I'm well aware I'm no different than a car once I'm on it.
  7. Las Vegas. Those kinda Mormons are a dime a dozen. Ask me how I know... more than one.
  8. If I come to spectate, can I come in my own car without paying? Not sure if I'll have it broke in by then and if it isn't, this is a great reason to kill some break-in miles driving there to watch and hang out. So, no, this isn't a trick question. Of course, if it is broke in, I'll be participating as I'll need a baseline, anyway.
  9. It's because you like flavored cardboard filling better with lots of salt and sugar and burrito flavoring. "You know how they make hotdogs? There's cow's eyes, and dog's heads, and old phone books, and, of course, weiner flavoring." at 1:30
  10. Everything deserves freedom. Especially, from The Man. I can hear them 'calling' out to me. (That also mean they're working. ) And who are you to talk, Columbian? Your first winter here at my house I had to keep you from jumping off the roof headfirst into a pile of snow! It's not coke, you idiot! And you can't package and sell it. It fuckin melts. You almost got us killed.
  11. First, I'm not condoning this behaviour at all, however, I would like to add that these cyclists are part of group called Critical Mass that get together over the world to cycle in protest. Like anything, many of the functions over time have gotten a bad rap due to the assholes that attend and fuck everything up. Basically, many of the groups go out and have the complete opposite effect of what the group was originally intended to do. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_Mass
  12. I know here recently that if you didn't have a google account, you had to sign up for one so that you can link your youtube acct to it. If you already have a google acct, linking your youtube acct to it should solve the problem. OTher than that, I don't know.
  13. Link is down. Doh. I was excited about some Chipotle tonight.
  14. Is it the actual fucking that scares you or the fact if you get caught, you'll have to put a sign in your yard and tell all your neighbors?
  15. So are posts like that... and this. What about a troll who trolls about trolling? He's dealing with fools and coke!
  16. That's my first thought, too. However, I don't really believe that's the point of the build.
  17. An oldie but a goodie. lol What a dumb bitch. And he's an idiot, too. If you won the prize in the town your mistress if from, send the flowers to her, you fucking idiot. ALWAYS keep things together, so to speak, never mix situations.* *Disclaimer: Cheating is bad. You shouldn't be doing it, anyway.
  18. It's a good month for it. It's already better than black history month because it's not in the shortest, shittiest month of the the year (Still better than Puerto Rican history month of which none exists...) Plus, at this point of the season, the trolls should be getting pretty restless.
  19. I used to love teaching my daughter to 'go beyond'. It's amazing what kids are capable of given a bit of time. Plus, it kept me from being bored with her and gave us things to do together.
  20. Especially, if they can keep the weight down.
  21. No, but they'll find a way to increase prices due to it. Besides, if that refined oil is unavailable, then they have to get more oil from somewhere. That drives up demand, thus prices. Just in time for spring/summer. Fucking great. What a coincidence.
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