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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Son of a bitch... Seriously? You change the goddamn date back.
  2. Incredibly awesome. The same can be said about having children or any number of things you do every week. As someone who's raised and cared for many, many various animals (some quite powerful and dangerous) both at home and for a living, I can say the understanding you develop with an animal cannot be understood by someone "from the outside". And just like any other relationship between two people or why that relationship fails, only those involved truly understand what happened and most often it's the human who has failed. This man gets it. I understand what you're saying here and would not judge you for it, however, because you don't understand/get it, perhaps you should use the same restraint. lol However, I'm not sure anyone is above it on this forum.
  3. Can't believe this is still a "thing". I'm going to educate some of you now so prepare yourselves. What you're seeing is a truck with an open c-channel frame. I know Ford, for example, made a huge deal way back when this vid, etc was going around about having a closed box frame. Hmm, guess what. Just so happens Ford's heavy duty has an open c-frame, as well. Guess what else. It's for the same reason Toyota uses one. For heavy duty use. Have any of you ever heard of real issue with Toyota's frame during heavy duty use? Have any of you ever ridden on a Ford, Chevy, AND Toyota and full load while towing? The Toyota will move much smoother with the c-frame, much more controlled and unlike the closed box under super heavy duress, the frame is likely to crack or be permanently damaged.
  4. I fit pretty snugly in everyone I've tried (I haven't had any xp in these particular ones, though) but I'm not as big as I used to be, either. I do feel like the seat's crotch cup digs more into my taint than stops me from sliding forward. :megusta: I'm just over 6'1" and 240 if that helps. And since we're on the weight thing, some of us should get a weight handicap. haha Also, count me in.
  5. This is what I've been thinking the whole thread; waiting for someone to say something with some damn sense and not the mostly close-minded, immature remarks made thus far. lol Holy shit @some of you. haha
  6. For some, I assume it's due to their high metabolism and ravenous appetites so they're used to eating large amounts. Of course, many competitive eaters "practice" stretching their stomachs and shit.
  7. If I had the money, there'd be no reason not to, imo. "I have AWD" and "it doesn't snow enuf" are ignorantly stated excuses. Sorry guys. That being said, the all seasons on my Vibe (which are supposed to do well in light snow, as well) do ok as long as I drive accordingly. The all terrains on the RAV are just about unfreakinstoppable. Though, I still feel I could turn the earth under me with grip in the snow if I had dedicated winter tires on it. I'm sure someone may purchase those off of you next season if that's the case.
  8. Gotcha. It seems they're not interchangeable. :gabe:
  9. Sadly, this is probably true. I'm sure they put a lot of effort/thought into testing the market for a sale price. The fact is has the largest front tire on a production vehicle is actually a negative trait in my eyes for quite a few legitimate reasons.
  10. So, the TPS is fine, then? If that's the case, always glad when it's an easy fix but still a bit funny as to why it wasn't working.
  11. I've heard decent things about Toyota West but do not have any real experience with them. I can tell you we found our RAV cheapest at Byers Toyota in Delaware. They were willing to eventually beat all other competitor's prices for what we wanted. There was one other Toyota dealer during that time that was a pleasure to deal with and willing to match prices and add on some free services but that was outside of Cbus... Sometimes, a salesman is responsible for your experience, not the dealer. Something to keep in mind.
  12. I used to be an avid subscriber to Omni magazine back in the day where this was first published. I know I've read it again since then, however. Still too fresh in my mind.
  13. This guy^ Was thinking of that same article as I read this thread.
  14. ...especially when it's a safety issue these days.
  15. Not bad. If this was the E300 I'd be all over it.
  16. Nice grab, man. I know Norm (Littleguy) above has expressed his interest in an auto FRS for a daily in Houston. I'm sure he'd get white, as well. I'm interested in a manual as a fun car and possibly getting rid of my Supra. My daily driver is a Vibe GT and rowing the 6 in traffic is no bother to me. Hell, I dd a manual through LA and Orange County traffic for years. Still, the idea of the flappy is cool and I'd love to try one.
  17. This! ^ I will say that my daughter and I were at Pole Position in St Louis this same day. The karts there are all electric. Quite a bit different in feel and driving. Just as fast as any of the gas karts I've been in. Some nasty crashes that day. The rear end was very loose on them and you had to be very, very careful if you trail braked.
  18. http://www.fly-skyrunner.com/ http://www.fly-skyrunner.com/imgs/prototype02.jpg
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