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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Glad things should work out. Nice when that happens. The working out part, of course.
  2. Oh well. Guess I don't have to worry about making it down there today. Oh and pic of girl.. Titties are far too huge and fake. Looks like if they were barely pricked with something sharp they'd just split open like an old melon. Would still hit. Pre-melon splitting, of course.
  3. They welded the struts to the block, dummy.
  4. Would any of those chairs you have for sale pass for kitchen table chairs?
  5. Happy Birthday, ya bastard.
  6. I was thinkin of checking around this area I've found them nesting this year and incubating an egg. lol I've raised chickens and even had a pet turkey before. lol Little info: Years and years ago, bought newly hatched turkey from flea market. Raised turkey with the rest of the pets outside. Used to hang out around the front porch and the cats. Turned out to be a little Tom. Later, it would try to mate with whatever cat would let it. One day, a few years later, I found him dead. Still not sure how but I believe it was somebody's dog and not a wild animal due to the scene.
  7. Don't get all realistic and specific with me, mister.
  8. I don't recall that. (Not that it didn't happen. I can hardly recall coming into this thread.) They just showed this on Colbert Report (I think) last night, too. I also saw it on Autoblog earlier yesterday. Either way, cracked me up. I also choose to believe it was on purpose.
  9. Do some research. I'm here to share my opinion not do all the work. Also, do you have stock in the company? Calm down just a bit. I just did. And I've had alot more time in a few Hyundais and one Kia than your little while in a 2.0 on a track. Let me clarify, the styling is pretty nice on most of them. That is not what I'm referring to, however. It is very subjective.
  10. They really aren't that cheap anymore and they still arent as good as many of their competitors. That's just the facts. Also, I'm not arguing that they're not going through a process like other manufacturers before them. I'm not hating on them, either. Is the price worth the car for you? If so, good. It's just not for me. Just my opinion. That's all. Understandable. I was having a hard time explaining. I'm not referring to that new car feel, though. However, I'm not sure how to better explain myself quickly in a post. Sorry.
  11. My comment may be a bit misleading as I "get around" so my opportunity to see them is probably a bit higher than most. Littleguy and I saw 4 of them on a little off road trip in SE Ohio a couple weeks ago. I've probably seen a total of around 9 or 10 so far. I've been pretty suprised how close they've allowed me to get. Extra horny after the long winter.
  12. You can sleep on the light when your car leaps forward in time.
  13. What is it with you and Korea lately, Rodman?
  14. Insurance company will still have the police to come out and witness and to confirm proper information exchange. They will also take pictures. Jinx initiated. Way to go.
  15. I think it may've been Memphis. Or who knows at this point. lol
  16. What I don't understand is why he'd continue to post, then? If he can see our posts, then he knows he's ghost writing by now.
  17. Nice shots. I've seen a quite a few already this year.
  18. Hay guyz! Im gonna buy this plane but remove the tail rudder cuz race plane!
  19. First off, for those who do not or cannot fucking read, it wasn't even a Smart Car. Secondly, I don't give a shit what car you're in when you hit a semi-truck head on, you're probably doing to die. That being said, damn that guy got fucked up. He's twice the man he once was.
  20. Cum on. This thread just doesn't make any cents. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/CommonSense-1.jpg
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