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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Is it really any more stupid than the multitude of shit we do regarding plastic surgery, tatoos, peircings, making our cars have 600hp to pick up milk, etc, etc. Do I want to tatoo my lips pink? Of course not, these are Puerto Rican lips and highly valuable. However, I wouldn't be as judgemental. Maybe it's that you find them sexy and are having a hard time dealing with it. :gabe:
  2. May I ask what the hell you're comparing it to?
  3. I've lived and traveled all over the US. Worst f'n traffic force. You'll commonly see 3 cars from 3 different departments (local, state and highway) one right after the other all ticketing/waiting for speeders, etc. On top of that, I've found the speed limits on average to be 5-10mph slower here than other states in comparative areas. Plenty of speed traps, as well... I feel like an antelope at night picking my way through the lion's territory as those around me are picked off.
  4. Don't know what your monetary limit is or what years you're wanting. Of course, I've got to throw the RAV4 out there. It's important I mention we chose it because nothing competes with it in its class in almost every category not because we're fans of any maker in particular. (Wasn't even our first choice when we started.) Seriously, if Toyota were any better at advertising, everyone would drive a RAV. haha
  5. Segio Marchionne (sp?) was quoted saying that the reason the Dart hasn't been selling as well is because the engines offered are not powerful enough. That, to me, translates to more power in the Dart's future. However, who really thought there wouldn't be an SRT-4? RWD, well, that's a whole 'nother beast. I don't doubt it's not on their minds much like Mazda's, Alfa's, and GM's. Thank Toyota for their success with the twins.
  6. haha You know I'm yanking your chain. Seriously, though, the moment a creature dies, most of its parasites, includind the disease carrying ones, immediately jump ship. The closest warm body that night will be your families while you sleep. Of course, there's always the chance of blood borne or air borne disease not to mention the possible transmission of rabies, as well while someone's trying to smash it.
  7. Gonna have to get ya for this one. Your blind ignorance in this particular case and wanton bloodlust could actually end up doing more harm than good to those you want to protect. Especially compared to a possibly easy removal. I'll forgo any talks of possible "law-breaking" since I know you'd be smart enough to not take video and pics and post it all over Facebook... watermarked or not.
  8. Get rid of it. They can carry many diseases and parasites. That being said, I've caught young, wild ones and even had one for a pet soooo many years ago. lol I would lure it out with a few chapters of reading from the Twilight series. If that doesn't cause it to ram its head into the wall repeatedly until dead... (continued on a serious note) wait until after dusk and start patching up the entrance/exit points until spring when all the little asshole English House sparrows peck holes thru it all again. If it's a bat it has to eat and around dusk it or they will head out for awhile. Have you actually seen it? Are you sure this is the case? Could be super smart rats who've developed the capabilities of flight...
  9. Anyone know what's going on in the gif?
  10. Most important thing now is constant, clean water flow over the eggs and of course, temperature. The parents constantly keep the eggs clean by, well, cleaning them and keeping a flow of water around the eggs with their mouths and fins so they aren't attacked and rot. Good luck, man! It's always pretty fun.
  11. Whatever. You guys enjoy your 3 days of nice weather until it's 90o and 90% humidity again.
  12. I enjoy it. Always fun. Haven't really bowled since my two roomates and I used to do alot of drunk bowling at Sam's Town when I lived in Vegas.
  13. I've done this work before. I will say it was kind of fun but truly alot of work. It's like getting to treasure hunt. Sometimes you find some pretty cool shit. One nice thing about doing it in the winter is it's not a hot box in the houses and any nasty bugs and smells won't be as active.
  14. Granted, each one that comes out says this, however they're really making an effort to keep it from being like every other one out there. And let's be honest about a couple things: There's always been an MMO that 'everyone' plays while others come and go until the next big one arrives; think Age of Camelot or WoW. So, it's not like the gaming world isn't capable of making an MMO the masses will wanna play. Also, Bethesda is quite capable of creating a game that's unique and enthralling. They've also said they're making it a point to keep it single player flavored almost with an option to multiplay. I like that idea. Don't force me to socialize in a social game. lol With each 'recreation' of an MMO game, we can only hope for an evolution of the genre. Bethesda is capable of that. Here's hoping they pull it off... Actually, I hope they don't. I've never paid monthly for a goddamn game and I don't want to start. Plus, I'd need a new computer, get rid of my gf, etc, etc. Fuck that. I hope it sucks!
  15. I've done this with all of Elder Scrolls. I know many others who've done the same. It's almost always the same reason. The overwhelming aspects of the complete open world and no forced direction. (As much as we say we want complete freedom, many of us have a hard time handling it.) I always shake it off and head back in eventually where I then stay for months. haha I've noticed this is experienced by many, as well, once that initial "Im gonna steal and kill everything' feeling has worn off. lol BTW, ES Online Beta is available, now. Here's a kinda cool rendered (looks so good as to be live action) ES Online trailer. Some of you may've already seen it.
  16. I feel like I'm watching a live action winter version of Donkey Kong. That guy should've waited a second for the snow to fall, then made his way up the ladder. Hell, I don't even see his gf being held up there. What's he doing? Classic noob move.
  17. Hey! Drugs don't kill people. People kill people. :gabe:
  18. Noticed this throughout, as well. Otherwise, looking alot better, buddy.
  19. I'm super picky about my professors and do as much research as I can before choosing a course. My favorite time is class payment deadline. I'm online just waiting for the cutoff so I can snake someone's seat from a prefered professor.
  20. It's just like anything else involving people. Doens't matter the subject, hobby, interest, etc. There are always those who are 'extremist' and fuck everything up for everyone else. Guns, car clubs, hunting, sports, and on and on. And of course, as in this situation, the actions of these 'extremophiles' now only fuel the "anti-" fire of whatever you're now having to defend since all eyes are now on the situation. Everything is ebb and flow, man. Ebb and flow. Just roll with it. (Insert hippie pic here.)
  21. Algebra's the same. You're simply replacing the usual car parts, so to speak, with different parts to create/build the same thing. That explanation probably doesn't help much. Haha Algebra is a memory game. It comes down to simply having to remember all the little rules.
  22. http://www.duiblock.com/dui_checkpoint_locations/ohio/ I'm sure there are other sites but I don't recall them offhand. Also, the local news websites usually have scheduled DUI checkpoints reported including times and locations. BTW, Cbus has been doing some daylight checkpoints, as well.
  23. Something to think about, (I know supposedly the guy is completely faking it, however...), just because someone makes good grades in school DOES NOT mean they are "all there", so to speak. He could have a touch of autism or something else. As I said, I know that's supposedly not the case here, just a thought.
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