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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. Looking for a clean look and set up for a web camera to use with Skype, zoom, etc. with a television in our family room. TV isn't "new" nor does it have a zoom or Skype application. That said I "could" use a small laptop if needed but ideally, I'm looking for a setup that might perhaps mount to the top of the TV and be more all inclusive. I have plenty of connections, a roku, etc available, wired or wireless, etc.. Thoughts from those smart on this for direction on products to look at. Googling and researching is fine but I know we have lots here have done this and I appreciate your input.
  2. I saw your other post and CLay, you win post of the year for 2020. Not just because it didn't involve anything politics or Covid related but DAMN, to modify a Minivan with SS Wheels and have it look this good.........fuck, we're ALL Getting old. Modding minivans with style. That's right up there with Murder Hornets and UFO's. Looks great man! Kudos for killing it on all fronts. LOL for the best swagger wagon on CR.
  3. Love the shelving look. Nice job!
  4. So Chris aka DeathSandwich, while not very active on CR, has followed enough of my work to bring me a newer to him A4 that he's had since fall. It's a 2016 Sport Trim with just about 50k on the ODO. Like many, he washed it up and tried to get it read for spring but the contamination and oxidation over the last several years did take it's toll on the car. It was a shade of white but had no real POP! or contrast and the contamination was so bad it was like sandpaper. He took advantage of the Basic Clean and Protect Promotion I have running, added in a 12 months ceramic coating to the mix and combined, it shaved off several years of wear and brought this Audi back to the respectable sedan it is. This detail option is perfect for removing oxidation Road grime build-up and scuffs from heavily weather-worn finishes. It is not a paint correction package, but it absolutely added loads of gloss and a care free super hydrophobic layer of protection so he can simply wash and go all through winter. The end results show that it smoothed out the minor fine blemishes greatly reduced the appearance of swirls & imperfections and brightened up the finish thus enhancing the the gloss of of the ceramic. It's a dramatic improvement and one I know Chris will enjoy through the rest of the year and beyond. Wheels were also protected with a strong sealant that will hold up until he has Wheel Medic address some curb rash issues. White is always tough to photograph mid-day but the finish time and pick up were not much I could control so here she is looking super clean, slick and fully protected. Thanks again to Chris for the trust in my work and the opportunity to help out here.
  5. Webber. Expensive but will stay like new forever. Mine is over 15ys old and like brand new. b only thing I've ever replaced are the flavor rails and that's only once. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  6. The best thing coming out of this is more places might actually be "clean"
  7. So this nearly 6-7 year old AMG with about 50k on the clock came in for a freshening up and a ceramic coating. No paint correction but rather my Basic Polish and Protect Offering. As part of this the final protection is a dual layer Ceramic Coating by Cquartz. I also enhanced the trim that is anodized Aluminum but factory black in color yet stained from years of environmental and likely car wash chemical damage and coated the remaining plastic trim as a bonus. I finished up the vehicle with a basic but deep clean vacuuming with the Tornador Velocity Vac tool. Now the interior is super clean and all those years of dirt and dust have been removed from the fabrics. All in all let's take a look a nice glossy, super slick and fully protected vehicle.
  8. Yep. You have to hide the URL via tiny URL or like and use screen shots / change the exif data of some pics. There are other ways / screens you can overlay on images to confuse their bots too.
  9. Trump nor anyone is even remotely responsible in any way for a dumb fuck idiot ingesting aquarium shit nor anyone who would drink a disinfectant. Dumb people do dumb shit and die. Only they are to blame. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  10. Agree on all three points. Again, I think he just had an off-script Biden moment thinking about the points about ultraviolet light or whatever but his lips were moving with the talk of disinfectants and he fucked it up. He really does need to just own it and learn to laugh at himself. If he simply did that he'd come across more real and extinguish part of the media's talking points. Instead he just throws more gas on them. Either way it's comical and typical Trump. I truly don't buy his sarcasm excuse or whatever he was trying to sell. As you note, if that was the case it was the worse play on humor and sarcasm he's had in a while. Who knows, every organization has higher ups that don't listen or see things. Regardless, the internet is having a field day with LOL Memes and it's lessened the talk of Armageddon that we've seen poured on thick lately so I'll take that for a Friday. In all fairness, I've watched the media's presentation of this and the above is also not a fair statement. He never suggested or implied viewers inject or ingest anything. That's a stretch and just fuel for his fire of fake-news talk. They don't care though as both sides play a game of no take-backs on things said and live with the fact that people hear what they want to hear. Honestly, if anyone anywhere regardless of their source of inspiration is doing either with any type of disinfectant (remember the tide pod challenge numb-nuts) then let Darwin take over and rid the earth of them. No cares given here for them. Stupid people play the games and win prizes too.
  11. don't pull my name into your arguments about your actions. you got called out just like I do, don't deflect to me. this is your shit dude. You're lying to yourself if you don't think the entire world and just about everything we do in society isn't tied to risks and lives in place of money and convenience. You argue the points that center around that very thing in just about every liberal thread you participate in. Everything from war and oil, the economy to climate change and even the food you eat and the health of yourself and others to gov't policy is tide to trading life, money, risk and reward. Please..... You don't like that I'm here and willing to tell it like it is and IMO it likely does personally bother you but then you likely also feel guilty because you participate in life and society just like the rest of us. I just don't let it eat me up inside or try and play some act on CR like you do insinuating that your shit doesn't stink. It does.
  12. Thanks Clay. Will watch. Looks like a good cast, has guns, cars, dry comedy and a decent looking plot.
  13. Who knew. I figured the same that we wouldn't get anything. Still have seen chit. Will keep a look out though. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  14. There you go putting your words in place of mine. People die Kerry. We drive cars , sell food, do and are exposed to lots of things that cause illness and death. The next time we open a golden arches ill remind the franchise owner they are about to kill people just to make a living. Your approach is laughable. No. My theatrics? You're the drama queen and script writer dude. I already have a source for haircuts too.
  15. Yep....goes on to say "Cuomo, extrapolating the data, said it’s likely 2.7 million people in the state have been infected, with a death rate of 0.5%." Not surprising how many of that .5% will be very old people too. Meanwhile the ready, willing and able working class of America is shut inside.....
  16. No, but I can PM the listing. Call me if you have any questions as its pretty comprehensive. Happy to help. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  17. Detail Season 2020 for me kicked of a few months ago but thanks to Ground Hog Day, here we go again. This time it comes with a few bonuses though. Starting the weekend of May 2nd I'm kicking off detail season 2020 with some special pricing on several of my most popular services and for ALL Services, I'm adding in a 2hr Interior Ozone Treatment to all vehicles prior to delivery. Discount wise on exterior packages through May 31 are as follows: $25 off my Basic Polish & Protect $50 off my Premium Enhancement Polish $75 off my Elite Enhancement Correction Discounts on Ceramic Coating Services are also in play and add in an additional $25 to $50 savings depending on the products selected. Please contact me directly with any questions, to receive an estimate or to set up an appointment. Happy to outline the process and procedures in place to help everyone feel comfortable during drop off and pick up. Thanks everyone for the continued support. Like everyone, I am anxiously awaiting seeing friends and the many awesome rides out there as we begin to venture out once again. Starting in June I'll be offer a package that will include a contribution to funding a Columbus Racing Track Day Event with proceeds from all details during that time going to fund an event. Hopefully something is opened up in 2020 but if not those proceeds will carry over to the next event regardless. More details on that forthcoming. Some of my work can be seen featured in the Portfolio Section of my Site
  18. I intend to live and work and prosper yes. Prolly will only wear a mask if it's required and it may be for my job and would comply. I do shake hands, but let's see how that custom progresses. I am a bit OCD thus I usually do more than enough sanitizer and hand washing. I do plan on being and have been most conscious about touching my face. It's a habit many have and I've been noticing it more and more on people. Likewise, if you wish to stay home and are lucky enough not to get furloughed then carry on and enjoy the family. Be safe and all the best.
  19. No more than you are Kerry. It would be nice however, to actually continue this discussion without the grade-school antics and sarcasm but I'm just saying.... I've not seen a friend of mine ever use the N word on Facebook. Especially in anything I've posted on my feed. I wouldn't have that. if I saw that, I'd delete it and ask they don't post it in my thread. People I don't know, I have no control over and just like here, I also have no control over what you say elsewhere either. What you or others say outside my purview doesn't get brought to my attention so who knows. I've already addressed that in post 941 here. It's not a lie either but again with word games. It's a point made with my own supporting point included and you just disagree with it and whether its just your point or points from others, if it's different than yours it's wrong, bad a lie or put forth by a racist.....yadda yadda. Oh....and that person should STFU because you're now the bigger Trump than Trump. According to the CDC about 650,000 cancer patients receive chemotherapy in an outpatient oncology clinic in the United State in any given year and given we have about that many covid cases in the US right now, I'd say the numbers are pretty close for now. My point is still, regardless of the numbers, these people are the most vulnerable health wise to any and all infections and viruses and yet the solution isn't to lock down the economy for them. There are other ways to protect individuals. Perhaps you disagree ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. It's true. We don't have to lock everyone inside to mitigate the danger to those at risk and doing so does impact the economy as a whole. Tens of thousands of people have Chemo every year and are at grave risk of getting sick due to the impact on their immune system but we don't lock down the world to prevent them from catching an illness. We mitigate their risks. Everything we do in life has risks, many to the risk of life of ourselves and others that we go about accepting. To deny that is a flat out lie or deception of your own reality. I'm also not saying that our last month hasn't helped. It did. We as a country were essentially caught off guard and the wave of illness was headed our way. We prepared as best we could for the pending impact. Successfully, yes. Even hardest hit NY Fended off the overwhelming of their hospitals and didn't need the extra beds or ventilators. They did a good job. Now we however know the virus is out there and how to mitigate it so opening up with a new approach vs being caught off guard is possible and just as everyday comes with risks that we accept. That is what I meant by cards that are dealt. We all live by those same cards. I can walk out to go run and errand and not come home. I mitigate the chance of that happening in many ways just like we will going forward until there's a vaccine. That's your incorrect view or paraphrasing not my words or points made, especially as it relates to "fuck the poor". Not surprising though as for some reason you seem to include such attempts in your replies. Whatever. I've learned to not worry about your incorrect inferences of other peoples words. That's been your style since day one here. Gotcha. Really no difference Kerry. If a person targets just me or a group it's all the same. Call a specific black person only the N-word doesn't make you any less racist but if it makes you personally feel better than know that you're still wrong. It only really matters if you care not me. My stating that sheltering in place for everyone isn't necessary going forward is far different than stating it did nothing thus far thus implying I said that (which I haven't) compromises yours character. ...and you call Trump a dictator, tyrant and bully. Ironic. You've gradually lost the communication style you once had and ironically have become more of what you used to rail against.
  21. Sorry Kerry but I've never said that the death toll is acceptable. Those are your words not mine. I've said that deaths and dates rates/risks are taken into consideration with just about everything we do in life and that's absolutely true. There is a balance between our society and it's functioning and the lives of our people. You included every time you go out to eat by the choice of your foods, the health of you and your family, the opportunities for accidents in a car or on a bike, etc. You balance that risk with the enjoyment or whatever it is you derive from that experience or act. Fat people walk around with lots of ailments by choice. People drive low mile MPG cars and litter by choice. We walk outside and attend parties exposing ourselves to all kinds of health risks having weighed the odds of something happening. Nothing new about it. There's no "class of people" attacking anyone. I've not ever referenced the poor as it relates to covid. The fact that the elderly and higher risk are more vulnerable is a fact and we do know that. I've never said fuck old people, let them die. I appreciate your feedback but it seems you're continuing to move your morals into the "sit down and shut the fuck up group" that we so much of on the far left. Is that really how you see Americans and our values but bullying people into shutting up with their opinions? Ditto, such comments make people that know you really question your values and morals too. Interestingly, I've seen that same stance being taken by others that I would never have expected to say it either. Guess more and more are creating their own division and now preferring to silence those around them with whom they disagree. Not sure where you're pulling the more people should die part from because the reality is more people die every day from all kinds of things and will continue to do so. More people are going to die from the anti-vaxer crowd beliefs too so it's a pointless argument. During a hard winter more people die, during a hot summer, more people die. More than what? The average, last year, prior to covid? The facts still remain that as of today using Ohio's own stats if you're under 30 you didn't die from it and likely won't. If you're between 30-30 you stood .2% chance If you're between 40-49 you stood .9% chance If you're between 50-59 you stood 1.5% chance If you're between 60-69 you stood 4.1% chance The above are inflated too for all the reasons noted including the lack of various testing. We've crippled our economy when the VAST majority of working people that don't want to collect unemployment are NOT even at risk of dying from this when we could instead mitigate risks for everyone with a key focus on the elderly and vulnerable and leave those that want to stay out of circulation that right to do so. Self quarantine. The rest of America is looking to move forward and implement mitigation, some based on requirements whether from an industry standpoint or gov't stand point or a combo of both so that the impact on life and the economy taken into consideration and households can continue to prosper.
  22. To your point Brian, that's why I'm so PO'd about this shut down as it's literally a complete halt that isn't just costing people jobs, it's costing many people careers that took years to build and positions that don't' just pop up on job boards and don't pay the typical average income wage. This shit is hitting people including highly skilled professionals and business owners that will now need to start over ruining 10-20+ years worth of efforts in a matter of months.
  23. Lets also not forget all the dems that as late as early and mid March were encouraging people getting out on the town in both San Fran. And NYC for the Chinese New Years Celebrations. Nor those that call Trump racist for locking down China on way back on 1/31. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
  24. Agree....and the unpopular opinion is it's not worth it. Millions of lives are hitting the toilet over this already let along a month from now. We live with many more lives passing on a daily basis and accept the risks that come from the event that causes them. Car Accidents, DUI's, Suicides, Drug overdoses, etc. and many more and yet none nor all of them combined shut our country down nor even cross anyone's mind for doing that to alleviate.
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