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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/crms3er/160569568.WsXDhFyB_zpsuf91buge.jpg
  2. I politely disagree. 5 stops of IS is pretty strong and the quality of the images are less of an issue due to ISO than they are atmosphere interference. Anything shot at lengths greater than 1200mm without a tripod are going to require steady hands and some type of brace too. Keep in mind too, many people tend to pixel peep too much. Sure it's nice when a large sensor SLR or Mirrorless can resolve the lens capability nicely but even on consumer models like the P900, rarely will anyone stand 1" from a poster print and view it at such a distance. View an image at full 1900 x 1080 and I bet you'd be hard pressed to dislike them. At that size which would be along the lines of an 13x19 printed if it looks stellar, so too will a corresponding print at say 260-300dpi. Noise shows far less in print form too. The real irony is very few large prints like that are made anymore. Most are simply displayed online.
  3. x3 as my wife and I both used them.
  4. Very impressive Bridge Camera for the money. The only real downsides are that it lacks RAW capability and the contrast detection based AF system. Otherwise, it's impressive and will get shots that wouldn't be possible otherwise. I have an 800mm lens like the one in my avatar. Lugging that bad boy to anything isn't fun and once strapped to a capable body and fastened to a solid tripod, you're carrying nearly 17lbs and nearly $15k of gear with you. This little Nikon can bring home some very usable images in the 2000-4000mm range. I've not picked one up yet, but for kicks might buy it. If anything it's fun to have http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/nikon-p900/nikon-p900A.HTM IR always delivers solid information. Check out the samples. Keep in mind the 16mp size isn't something you're going to view at 100% unless you're printing poster size prints at 300ppi. Here's are two samples of IR's images. The both were shot at an equiv. of 2000mm and is shown here in an equiv. to a what would be visible in terms of noise and detail on a 5x7 shot. Even an 8x10 wouldn't be much different if at all. Ask me how I know. I've taken even my 5DMKIII and cropped images crazy close even I would be hard pressed to pull the below off. Hand-held would be near impossible. However, a $600 consumer camera and a tiny 1/2.3" sensor did it. http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/crms3er/lisc0gxf_zpsn6kbb5ap.jpg http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/crms3er/Untitled-1_zpsu7jcxmlr.jpg
  5. MBZ looked to want to exit right but there was a car and a bike there blocking the way at :06-.08 He hit his brakes but the GTR nailed him the first time. The MBZ then went left but had to hit his brakes again to avoid the barrier, MBZ realized he had been hit twice now and finally stopped. Cliffs: Thankfully no one was hurt as two dumb fucks jerk around on public roads.
  6. Was rated pretty good for sure. Take a tripod with you though.
  7. The pricing of the RS will likely be $10-$15k higher than the ST.
  8. Got it. I call those more user-error as the ones I personally know about were caused by a poor tune in one case and the other a cheap fuck that didn't invest in a proper fuel pump. Mine's been solid. Will be for sale next week too.
  9. not sure what problems you're referencing.
  10. I'm leaning with All Black interior 1st, but I do like the two-tone with white. The nugget color just reminds me too much of what GM is doing. Perhaps GM is copying the imports but I rented an Impala with that two tone color and I can't get that out of my head. Yes.
  11. Okay.....the hunt is underway and I'm just scouring what color options and combos are out there. Love or hate the following guys/gals? I am curious as to what opinions are of the following: I LOVE this blue and I like these wheels too....2014 style http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/crms3er/57f7c400db644250884aa44a6a87ce60_zpshuqlgrdn.jpg The interior is awesome in black...but what about Black and White? Hmmm..... http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/crms3er/5f15a3d2e7d64aee95c7c69ac8bc7c3f_zpsu62iemtf.jpg Same Blue but different interior.....thoughts? http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/crms3er/35351c7546954ed1b61fc2160fb0aba2_zpsuflobp5b.jpg
  12. Finally got the green light and will be pulling the trigger on a 2014-2015 Audi S4. In preperation for winter I'm considering the use of whatever stock wheels I get for Winter and thus would be looking for a nice set of summer wheels. I'm not sure of the bolt pattern on the S4 but would love to see what CR thinks would look hot on the car. FWIW, the suspension and right hieght will remain stock. No drop in its future. Looking forward to your thoughts.
  13. Thanks for the replies everyone! Have an orientation program for early July.. hopefully beginning that week too should all work out.
  14. I liked what I saw and applied. Thanks man! Looking forward to getting out and in shape again.
  15. tried calling. Give me a shout on my cell. 614-795-4907 Tim
  16. Otterbox. We've not lost one yet
  17. IMO just get an iPad and a holder designed for a headrest. Our DVD players got us through the early 2000's but anymore I just drag-drop movies and call it a day. Better display, no wires, long life and even a blue tooth speaker or headphone set is cheap. Each of kids have one and they have been the best investment since. Not just for moveis or games either.
  18. I don't do facebook. PM me his number if you could.
  19. Anyone here do this as their gig? Looking for someone that would either have a Gym or be willing to join me at Lifetime on Sawmill. PM or text me. Had some injurys but am not cleared and good to go to get into shape. I need a workout partner to motivate and push me. Looking to get down from my current 190lbs. Back in the day I was in prime shape at 165lbs or so. Help me roll back time. Tim 614-795-4907
  20. Just got back. Left a little early but had a blast both days!
  21. My cars oil pump > Yours :gabe:
  22. There are five of us in a Row with Flags up right now. Should have got a shot of it but I just saw this thread. We have landscape lights and a can light that shines right up on it. Also with the porch and two garage lights, the whole outside is like a well lit football game a night http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/crms3er/flag_zpsbyurk4oq.jpg Adding in a shot of today's double rainbow just because.....The second one is in the top to the right. Didn't notice it until I got it up on the computer screen. http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj84/crms3er/IMG_5293%20copy%20web_zpsrijmjkwx.jpg
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