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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. Im down for a race or two but idk if I would even stand a chance with you guys lol.
  2. Sorry I didn't end up making it out last night. How was the turn out?
  3. I get that, but most arent willing to beat on both their daily and their "racecar". I personally side with you, I like having a versatile car that can perform decent in different types of racing. But many are purists who stick their nose up at our kind lol. But the way I see it, as long as I'm behind the wheel, it doesn't matter what I'm doing as long as it gives me that thrill feeling.
  4. :lolguy: I would have to say its all about the time and effort of the transition from one to the other. Between the suspension changes, tunes, gear ratios, etc. Most guys just don't have the time to swap back and forth. Now with that said, the argument could be had for "find a middle ground tune/setup" but that would make it mediocre in both. While still fun, it wouldn't be "top dog". Then the next argument is why not just have two cars?
  5. https://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/d/1946-chevy-coupe/6465126687.html This would be a fun ride around good guys
  6. Ok thanks for the heads up. You planning on attending?
  7. Any idea how late this usually goes? I doubt I would be able to get there before 10:30pm with my work schedule and going home to get the car.
  8. Not to mention the track would need a significant overhaul to be up to nhra standards. I use to run up there on test and tune nights back in the day. It was cheap fun but the last time I went, there was a huge bump in one of the lanes (don't recall which one now) that would scare the shit out of you if you weren't ready for it. It has been a while since I was there maybe 7-8 years now. Anyone know if they have resurfaced/repaired it since then?
  9. Damn that one was fast! Practically dropped from the tree right on it lol.
  10. You have to anymore, regardless of where you go sadly. Plus date/time stamp them. I miss having access to the machines myself that way I know if it gets fucked up its my fault.
  11. Ya I'd be pissed. Anything you can do to claim it on them?
  12. That is a good deal, almost what I paid for my kel tec P3AT (identical layout and size). Hell At that price I'd buy 3 of them just to keep one everywhere you needed it (garage, house, car).
  13. Thank you sir, I buffed the shit out of it for that shot. The pain still needs work/redone but I can get it to shine like a diamond in a goats ass every once and a while lol.
  14. Are you referring to them fucking up the wheel as in chipping the side or beating the surfaces around the lug nuts?
  15. I just don't trust walmart techs to pick up my car without scratching the shit out of the side effects. Anyone have a different opinion on this?
  16. http://preview.ibb.co/hROyAw/20171111_164852.jpg
  17. lol by that time cars will either be tire free or will be non-existent. I am in for who can balance for cheap as well.
  18. Hahaha Clay the ziptie bit was due to cpd giving me shit for not having it on there. They were all I had at the time and just left it. I plan to properly mount it. As far as the front end yes it is a proper JDM Silvia front clip. My buddy who owned the car before I ordered it and installed it.
  19. hahaha I didn't pick the model options lol. I did however request the brunette in black.
  20. got some photo's back from the shoot back in October. Hopefully more to come soon.
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