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Everything posted by ponyjr1647545514

  1. I love the car except for the doors.I think the wings kill it. But the art of it is incredible.
  2. Well. If you change your mind, i have a 2.3 in/out cherry bomb sitting around. Yours if you want it.
  3. I guess i have some research to do. That's awesome!
  4. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1670643765.html fake?
  5. We used to have a bug problem at our old house. I found a bunch or small fruit flys in my bowl one morning, after i had already ate most of it. Needless to say i puked.
  6. You can still get a really well built pc from tigerdirect.com or microcenter. the only thing i would do after buying a prebuilt is uninstall all the useless shit and get some good security software. http://microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0321350 $500 can get you a great pc for your uses. a decent on could be had for $300, and upgrade as needed.
  7. I'd do a custom interior. You can get a pair of ricer apc "racing" seats chep. Or get the seats out of a newer VW.
  8. Looks clean, under 100k and it's not modified. Should be a good car. Paint looks like its in decent shape too.
  9. I think i saw the one your talking about. I think they can look real cool with subtle differences. As long as the undercarriage isn't rusted out, and driveline is fine, your good to go. Plus for $800 bucks, where can you go wrong?
  10. Dam. One of those would be great to have out in my pole barn, especially since me and my dad change out cars so often. How much do used ones go for?
  11. I've seen these at mid-ohio. Very entertaining, especially when the fairly hott chick was doing it on a ttr125
  12. It's like crack, it's addictive.
  13. Sounds like the floats are stuck open. might check that the float bowl drains are closed (small flat head screws at bottom of each carb).
  14. Definitely sounds like a vac line or a IAC. listen under the hood for a leak, and check lines for cracking/dry rot.If you can't find anything try taking off the IAC and clean it up, i clean my jeeps every once in a while, use carb cleaner. I'm sure some others will chime in. Also, when my 93 F150 5.0's fuel pump was going out it would do this too.
  15. I have a free set of rotors. Used for 20,000 ish miles. scored but useable. Only took off because i upgraded to better rotors and pads. PM me if you want them, must be picked up.
  16. From the little i do know about ebay auctions, there is ALMOST no way out of this deal. He has made the payments needed by the 24 hour period. I really hope he got a lawyer right off the bat. Any good lawyer could win this case. I really hope he wins!!
  17. Thats all there is to it! a small block and some wheels.
  18. That would be a good use for it. I would check the VIN on the bike to make sure is is there, and the bike is not stolen. If you did buy it and found out that it was stolen you would be out the cash for the bike. I would also think that it would be risky to resell it later on. I bought a bike once with out a title, couldn't get one for it, so i dropped it like it was hott. Lost my ass on it too because no one wanted it with out a title.
  19. only for parts. if and only if you could get a title for it you'd be good to go. its really hard to get a title for a bike.
  20. I'll look i think i have one for a 2002 yz 426 that i'll give you.
  21. come on guys!! i'll let them go super cheap! Cut them up on put them on something else, buy them and use only one for the 05 and up V6's. Use them to put duals on a v6.
  22. clearing out my computer desk sale!! Brand new never used Apple Air Port Extreme Card for Mac laptops. Part number:M8881LL/A model number: A1026 $40 obo Motorola Razor v3m comes with a battery, it is week but works. The phone works great. Master reset, and cleared ready to go. Verizon. $30 obo Verizon XV6800 windows mobile based phone. comes with original battery and door, as well as extended life battery and door. Reset and ready to go. Works great, decent shape, scratches and nicks, normal wear and tare. $45 obo three car chargers, one wall charger that work on both of these phones as well as most others using the Mini usb style charge port. No name brands. $10 each $25 for all three. Can get pictures on request. location Westerville. trades welcome.
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