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Everything posted by TURBOED

  1. No shit... I'm 5910, the second row of buildings... which one are you?
  2. I do, on venture drive, just off of perimeter loop.
  3. Heh. The blinds at my office are in between the two panes of glass, so you can't raise them, only open and close. And yeah, I am pretty sure that car did have a handicap thing hanging (I paid attention earlier in the day, because I am parked next to her, and was pissed that someone actually parked on that side of me). But no, she was not handicapped... bitch.
  4. ...signing a Brown's Helmet for some lady. Taken from my office window during lunch. There is a land title place in the office below ours, so I'm thinking he was buying a house or something. Unfortunately I could not get the window open fast enough to spit on him, but whatever. (sorry brown's fans, go bengals ) http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/jjschafe/PIC-0029.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/jjschafe/PIC-0030.jpg Pulling away in a tahoe with dealer plates: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/jjschafe/PIC-0031.jpg
  5. Had a great time also. By far the best I have driven all year. I'm getting closer to that damn yellow crx every event, haha. And if I hadn't invited someone to codrive my car, I would have picked up a second place trophy. I did learn a lot this week though...
  6. You can ride with me if I can drive your bike Grayson - it's possible to have a tirerack banner and still be slow... ask me how I know...
  7. I'll race the pathfinder anytime you want (autox only, of course) :asshole:
  8. Bump this thread from the grave because some functioning retard next to me couldn't control their door yesterday. Any pricing info?
  9. I'll be there. And I may have a codriver to show me how to drive a miata...
  10. The guy who had my miata before me had Mad Hatter custom bend the cat-back for it. I haven't exactly given it a thurough inspection, but it does its job :thumbup:
  11. Absolutely. Most STS2 miata's have stock pads in front and sticky in the back... I have the opposite, just to challenge myself. Or I'm too lazy to jack the car up in my apartment parking lot and switch them. What's funny is that last weekend I didn't have any bad or major lock-ups (like when you were in the car)... he must have happened to take that picture at just the right time.
  12. Ben, I guess you were right about what you said on our course walk. Damn sticky front pads... http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/jjschafe/z06_0193.jpg

    CR golf outing

    Agreed (as stated, I'm 5'9" 150lbs). I disagree with the not straight thing though. Has to be in the fairway...

    CR golf outing

    I may take that bet... and I'm only 5'9" 150lbs
  15. I saw them on my way home from cooper. I was so close to taking the exit and talking shit to them about their $100k cars I'm happy to report that I was last in my class after saturday, and improved to second last today. Boo yah! Sucks running against 2-3 national level drivers.
  16. I drive a miata and a jetta... don't sweat it when people tell you your car isn't manly. All that matters is that you have fun driving it :bangbang:
  17. Wow, awesome looking car. My mom is just starting her search for an 05+ cooper S, and that is the exact color combo I want to find for her. Mind sharing what you paid for it? Oh, and you should bring that thing to an autocross... if you think you like driving it now, you have no idea...
  18. I assume you are talking about a 04-05 Jetta GLI. Throw an offer out on mine and I may take it :thumbup: Edit: Grayson, Maybe sometime else this summer.
  19. I'm also interested to see how you fare in that fwd go kart. Congrats on the sale of the laser... any idea what your future plans are?
  20. That first picture looks badass. +1 for a good intro...
  21. 95% I thought it was technically illegal to pass on the right of a car when on a multi-lane highway.
  22. No, Chambers is a national level guy from Indy. He normally drives a red miata, and just finished building the silver one. In fact, he said on miata.net that he also just put black rota slipstreams on it... so it is pretty much 100% my car, only with a really fast driver. So yeah, seat is still yours if you want it.
  23. ^^^ that is one of the coolest autox pics I have ever seen. Also, for everyone who did not know (I didn't until today), tech will be open Friday night from 5:30 - 8:00
  24. Yeah I know. It took me about 5 car lots to find one, but I felt like my trip was complete once I got to see it. It was a 98 or 99 with something like 40,000 km, and cost 3,650,000 yen (just under $35,000). Unfortunately that was a little over my company perdium for the day so I didn't buy it, haha. Grayson if you don't want to run GS or CS, you can try your hand at sts2 in my car. Should be some good competition between national level drivers going on.
  25. I picked up a new autox car while on a business trip to Japan last week. Any idea what class this will be in? http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/jjschafe/IMG_0296.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/jjschafe/IMG_0294.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/jjschafe/IMG_0295.jpg
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