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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. It reminds me of "Dude Perfect" when they first started out. This was their first: http://www.youtube.com/user/corycotton?feature=watch#p/u/13/PD6eQY7yCfw Then recently this with the same Frisbee guy: http://www.youtube.com/user/corycotton?feature=watch#p/u/0/W_2eU1ykV3k
  2. I installed them on my MR2. Here are my thoughts: Pros: Cheaper then OEM rubber Doesn't deform as much as rubber Better suspension feel Cons: Adds points in road racing/time trials Doesn't last as long as rubber (so I am told by spec miata guys) Will squeak if you don't grease them really well upon installation I like them. The suspension parts feel good and I bought extra of the special grease you use. It is super sticky, think cold molasses, regular grease will not work. I have had them about 3 years, 10,000 miles and no squeaks. It feels a little more solid through hard turns, but no other real difference on the street. I also did engine mounts in it, now I have a lot of vibrations in the cabin, but better throttle response.
  3. I remodeled my living room this summer. I started in June and bought around $3,000 worth of gift cards from Giant Eagle for Home Depot (on 23/750 they are across the street). I then brought 3 gas cans and got 30 gallons of gas at each fill up for free. That was around $100 of gas each time. I ran 2 cars until the end of Aug with free gas, around 200 gallons total. Think about it, buy 1 $50 card and save $0.20 on gas. Fill up 30 gallons and that is $6, not much, but worth it for large purchases when you might save $0.80 or $24 on 30 gallon.
  4. Damn, mine broke back in July and I bought a ebay one for $140. Good price for a sweet phone! I love mine.
  5. Most places will not take a mattress after the bed bug thing.
  6. Awesome deer. That is sweet you can bond with your son like that.
  7. I grew up with a programmable in the 80's. I have installed a programmable in every place I have rented. I have an awesome bed and keep the heat at 58 at night/day, always stay toasty warm, and 69 when I am home. Programmables save money, especially when it is cold outside. They also work great in the summer as AC is more costly to run then heat. For the cost, I don't understand why everyone has not installed one, they pay for them selves in less then 2 months.
  8. Does not seem safe. There is a reason those cars don't race on the street, they were built for the track.
  9. When you use a higher voltage you need less amps. A 2000 watt electric heater draws 16.6 amps at standard 120 volt house current. That same heater draws only 9 amps at 220 volts. 3 phase uses more voltage (480) in the form of 3 power feeds, thus less amps are needed. A motor has windings inside to create magnetic fields. With 3 phase you get 3 times more magnetic fields as you can have 3 sets of windings. That way you can get more power out of a smaller electric motor. Typically a house motor is limited to around 2 hp for machinery. 3 phase machinery can go much higher hp. Higher voltage is also more dangerous to the typical Joe Smith. If you want to use it in your home, you will need to build a converter to change single into 3 phase. Those converters "cheat" and don't really make 100% pure 3 phase power. Industrial equipment is cheaper in 3 phase, especially used things as home owners can't use it. Companies typically buy things new, so the used market is a buyers market. You can sometimes change a motor out from 3 to single, BUT you can't take a 7hp 3 phase and put a 2 hp single motor in.
  10. Thanks. Did not buy the house at auction. The new thing on a foreclosure is for the bank to dump some money into them and then try to sell them. As a result this home had fresh paint and carpet. Bad thing is it had a year of negelect and no history behind it. I hope the house is worth the asking price of 3 years ago now, but it had to be done. The floor was not supported by anything and was only going to rot out worse.
  11. The ceiling texture was a beast and we had 6 stucco people out to look at it. The original owner was a stucco guy. I was able to find him and he came out and redid the ceiling to match the part we did not touch. He put the original ceiling texture on in '85: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/12.jpg Rolled the ceiling with a 1 1/4" roller and primer, it did not get all the cracks filled. So I had to spray the ceiling paint to cover everything. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/13.jpg I also rebuilt all the trim and box beams in the room, redid all the electrical (added 2 circuits) and hide wire for built in speakers later on. We also reused the original carpet since it was only 6 months old. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/14.jpg So finally today, the paint is dry and we can move in. The wife already put up some decorations for the holidays. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/15.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/16.jpg Only took 4 months and close to 20 grand to make the living room structurally sound and add a bigger window. I did it all myself except the stucco work and some help from family.
  12. So the father and brother in law came down from NY to help out. Tore the whole wall down, tore up the subfloor as some joists were damaged and it was a 18" tall crawl space with no access. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/06.jpg The wall with the window came out too: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/07.jpg Next we had the rubber roof installed above, the whole reason for this: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/08.jpg And the process of rebuilding. Can you see how out of square the foundation is for this room? http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/09.jpg So we build a new joist system to work with the horrid foundation and added insulation which did not exist before: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/10.jpg Here is in laws and my dad (shortest one) I am the tallest: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/11.jpg
  13. Bought a foreclosure in May from Fanny Mae, I knew it had some problems, but not this bad. Upon original inspection in February the living room looked great: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/01.jpg There is a flat roof above this with a cement coating, well melting snow caused leaks and the ceiling texture started to fall (March): http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/02.jpg We closed in May and mid July I was going to have a rubber roof installed. I wanted to make sure the structure was stable, so I took down the ceiling. As long as the ceiling was coming down, wife wanted a larger window, so that drywall came down. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/03.jpg Well, I found some termite damage. I knew the house had some termite damage, but not how bad. This was above a sliding glass door: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/05.jpg The whole rim joist below the sliding glass door was rotten and hollow. It came out with a kick of a boot: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/house/04.jpg
  14. I replaced my subfloor and I need the carpet that was there put back down in a 20X25 room. It is cut to size and only needs new tack strips (which I can put down). I will help with the laying if needed, I just don't have kickers to install it. Payment is money! Anyone know someone?
  15. If you change jobs, you should get a pay raise. You move from burger flipper to manager, pay raise. You quit from an engineer firm to work at Boeing as a engineer manager, pay raise. If you are going from a engineer to a burger flipper, get a better job. We don't over educate. Statistically you can't do much with a high school degree. Even with a bachelor's, the job market is tough and does not pay well. Those who want it will go get it. I teach and have plenty of slackers who are just getting by. Again it boils down to poor home lives, bad parenting. I had a parent show up 3 sheets to the wind twice to conferences. His son hated him and the kid did no work in my class. I would talk with the kid one on one, offer other projects, ask "how can I help make you successful?" He took 2 of my classes and failed both (I teach Industrial Arts). WTF does one do? How do you fail woodshop? I agree above, the government at the state and federal level ruin education with all this testing bull. That is why the good kids get missed in class, teachers are trying to get the PIA to pass the exams to make school report cards better.
  16. You want a better, safer, more modern society? Look at lower income areas, look at the middle east, look at our nation 100 years ago. All of these examples lack education, safety and law, stable families, and had/have little order. What happens to a society when their education level goes up? What happens when more police are present? What happens when social service is able to help abusive families? What happens when someone’s home is not burned to the ground? What happens when a person is motivated to better their life in college? You might make good money and have a nice house. I am sure you have a great education and good business sense. Your work ethic, education, and ability to live your life in a safe and secure society comes from your parents and the programs our government offers. I am sure you can think back to a few teachers that made an impact on you in your life. If you were in a terrible accident, who do you call? If your house is on fire, who helps you? Who is in charge of your children 8 hours a day? What kind of people do you get for $7 an hour? Taxes are going up even if SB5 goes through. What about all the other gov programs out there. Welfare: spent on drugs, cable, and cigs. Food Stamps spent on candy and crap food. Unemployment, Lowes is hiring in Marysville, they need people and can't find them, but unemployment pays to sit around. Unemployment used to require you to fill out interview sheets when you went out. I am voting NO on Issue 2.
  17. I too am a teacher. It hurts when we are the scape goat of budget falls. I work my ass off at school, I stay late with kids to get work done and I love my job. I get paid $49k a year with 8 years in, a master's, we are on a 3 year pay freeze, I pay for part my retirement and 10% health care costs. My bachelor's has nothing to do with teaching, but my masters does. Does that mean I suck at teaching? Did you go to school for parenting? You must be a bad parent. Trust me, there are plenty of my students who come from awful parents. How do you pay on merit? I have a high school class with special ed kids who can't divide 15 in half and in that same class kids in Calculus. How do you test them? You want a reduction? I am ok with that, but make it even. I want everyone from the state level down to get a reduction. Why can’t we vote on how much to pay the governor or our congressmen, but we can vote on how much money to pay towards school, police, and fire levies. Are some public retirements crazy? Sure. I don't agree with retiring and then working for the gov again. That "double dipping" is not fair. I think the private sector needs better retirement and the public sector retirement needs to be changed. With my STRS I also have a 403b (like a "k") that I put money into. The STRS is not enough and I have to work 35 years before I retire. That will put me at 62 when I retire.
  18. Prolly, not that money mattered to him. Ha
  19. shit that is expensive. Pretty neat idea.
  20. Someone needs to get bit, and then a few episodes later return and take someone else out. I want to see the little girl do this. The raw human nature that something like this brings out is scary in it's own sense. We play video games that are fun and watch movies, but this "drama" is not a pleasant one.
  21. Wow, love those booster things. When I built them in the 80's I had to start at the highest point in the house and work down from there. Gravity was the only thing that made mine move. That and my throwing them at my sister.
  22. I bought some ebays for $50 a set with lights back in 2002 and they sucked. They fit ok, but were dim as hell. Sounds like others have had better experience. I would go with Amazon, then you can return them if you have to.
  23. +1 to wheel bearing(s) Other options: Bad CV joint Tire tread separating from belts if they are cheap tires. (happened to me once)
  24. Just saw that Nissan has 0% apr on select models.
  25. Don't be hating the "google" Great home owner stuff out there. For example here is how to unclog your drain with a plunger like I suggested: You can also buy a "zip It"at a hardware store for $2 http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=zip+it&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=13703947254663724001&sa=X&ei=PZWcTtzaMYWvsQKyofWqCA&ved=0CHUQ8wIwAg I use google and my library to learn all kinds of new things. Like how to pour a custom shower pan.
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