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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. ShowHBK

    Buying a cow

    My thoughts exactly
  2. Was a woman driving? Might be Randi from Cars and Coffee. just a guess
  3. Off topic question... do you play in the Chiller Leagues? I'm a goalie and I play Sunday D. If you are talking about the Jackets, that's cool to.
  4. Joined! looks like an interesting concept. I like the idea!
  5. Here is what solved my problems. *re-seat all my RAM sticks. I run four 4GB sticks of RAM, two at 1866 and the other two are clocked down from 19200 to match the slower pair. (Running a Memtest is never a bad idea) * I installed updated USB drivers and all Motherboard drivers (chipset, audio, etc.) *I backed up all my files to an external NAS, went ahead and formated all my drives (with the exception of my boot SSD) then transferred all essential files back to their respective drives. After I did everything to ensure it was not my Motherboard freaking out, I was able to get my BoSD to go away for good. When I analyzed things afterword I found that since I had used my data drives as boot drives in other systems I had trace amounts of Windows files on them which was causing conflicts with my system. I suspected RAM issues as well, but my data showed it was system files. Maybe try running your system off 1 stick of RAM just to run tests? One bad stick could spoil the bunch, ya know?
  6. I know this sounds crazy... but what USB devices do you have plugged in? I ask because your system is LITERALLY identical to mine part for part (with the exception of the PSU) and when I was getting the same BSOD errors it was because I had a USB Hard Drive plugged into my front port. Crazy I know... But I fixed the error by unplugging all but my Boot HD from the system and then rebuild my boot order, Re-flash the BIOS, and BOOM! she worked with all the drives plugged in. In the fallout, I was able to figure out that my system was having errors because some of my drives were not wiped correctly (or fully) and trace amounts of Windows 10 were still on my old drives from when they were boot drives. Hope this helps, keep us posted
  7. Sure thing, happy to help I hope you get what you are looking for man. I have tossed and turned with the idea of adding a system like that in my car, but I never liked the aftermarket 2-DIN holders for my car enough to mutilate my dash, haha. Best of luck in your search!
  8. Could a moderator please delete Sammy's posts from this thread? I am also willing to ask that the AMD/Intel Threads can be deleted. Lets keep this discussion on topic please. Sammy the fail troll... very disappointed in you
  9. That's an extremely low blow coming from you... I expected more from you. :thumbdown
  10. Not to be that guy.. but to be clear here... there is a difference between "Android Auto" and Android powered head units. "Android Auto" is not actual Android, more or less a watered down version of Android. I helped a few people here at work configure theirs in their new cars and I was not very impressed with the fact that the phone HAD to be connected via USB the entire time. The interface was very limited and seemed to lack the speed and snappy response of the android phone. Contacts and texts seemed to load slow for the two units I messed around with. (Buick and a Chevy) As for Android powered head units, I had no clue on whats good or bad. I remember a thread a while back where I made a few suggestions based off some reviews. I would honestly recommend getting a 2-din android unit off Amazon to try out. Many of them don't have Google Play Store enabled which is why they are so cheap and you lose all Google app support and store downloads. I have never had to do it myself, but my understanding is that devices like that can have the Play Store enabled somehow, but I don't know the process. Best of luck! Hope this helps.
  11. I will soon have 5120 x 1080... Dual ultrawide. Once the tax return comes in i'm going to try and order another LG ultrawide. I <3 my monitor
  12. $1500 is not a budget system, though normally people will associate AMD builds with "budget" constraints in mind. I would not dig to deep into the past few comments. As I stated, it infuriates me when people write off AMD CPU/GPU for "reliability" or for "lack of power" without considering the two different markets each manufacturer associates itself with. With the release of Ryzen things should get shaken up in the high end i7 market once they fix the stability issues which should take no time at all. *breath* This is "opinionated" but, I have never liked CoolMaster's high end cases. There is this $30 case (This one) from them that I always buy at Microcenter when people need me to build simple office computers for their homes. the construction is cheap, the build quality is meh, and im not a fan of the design, but it does the job when you are given $300 to build a PC. It is because of this that I personally just see cheap design in all their cases... I just can't appreciate the design. If you want something similar to that case I would recommend the following. 1. NZXT S340 (Here) - This is my current case and I am extremely happy with it. great cable management and room for a 240mm radiator. The center bar can be removed if needed to house more fans. Comes in many different colors if you are into that sort of thing. 2. NZXT H440 (Here) - The big brother to the S340, I have seen this case in person and it is very sharp looking. Plenty of space for drives and expansion. Great cable management as well. I have had my eye on maybe getting one in the next few months. 3. InWin 303 (Here) - This case is ALWAYS in display at MicroCenter and I really like the looks of it. I am a fan of the glass look manufactures are going for these days because it allows you to show off your sexy build. Build quality from what I read is good, but I have never worked in this case before so I am not sure of the limitations. I am recommending this ONLY off its looks.
  13. eh... it's always such a muttled grey area for me. Being broke and never being able to afford epic parts I always focused my efforts on budget systems. After spending so much time around "budget" oriented parts you really squeeze the most you can out of them. No joke, last night I was messing around with my Thinkpad R52 with a GMA 950 tweaking Java to run Minecraft at over 30 FPS with graphics maxed out... jesus was that fun. Anyways... If I had the cash to blow or someone else was asking me, I always tell them to go with an i7 and a GTX 980/1080 when gaming. Monitors have a bright future ahead of them with 4k growing and growing. I just want to see that price go down a bit for me to adapt. I love my ultrawide, I really want to run dual 2560x1080 monitors eventually... but I will need a second GTX 970 to do that... ugh... the struggle is real!
  14. I completely disagree with the reliability side of this argument. Many of the issues with the BIOS are related to the manufacturers not doing something correct. AMD may or may not have picked parts that worked together because they knew that those manufacturers made things correctly. All the reviews i'v seen with working Ryzen CPU are with hardware that was available at the press event. I am not saying it is impossible, but these things happen with new CPU. Remember the whole Sandy Bridge thing with Intel? oh ya, it would randomly die. AMD has already responded to the issues with the BIOS and the manufacturers are working to correct the issue. I am just extremely frustrated when people instantly say "LOL, LUL, AMD, LOLOLOLOL". You are 100% correct with the Ryzen CPU not being a "gaming" oriented CPU. Many games out there are just scratching the 4 core utilization, let alone a 6-8 core allocation. My FX-8350 only uses 3-4 cores when gaming. 6-8 core gaming just is not there yet, so the 16 (hyperthreading) cores of Ryzen mean little to nothing in gaming. The GTX 1080 argument is also a moot point because at the AMD press event they said on stage that "Today is a great day for professionals, content creators, and something else" nowhere was Ryzen ever hailed as a gaming CPU...because....well....its a CPU not a GPU...Hell, even the test benches at the event had GTX 1080 cards in them... but I feel we are getting off point once again... My entire argument for AMD at this point can be summarized in this little TL;DR... Intel CPU are better... if you don't care about "price per performance value" Intel CPU are better if you have the money to spend AMD CPU are better in the "price per performance value" AMD focused on "multi-core" performance over single core performance of Intel. AMD's FX line is a compelling choice for someone gaming on a budget AMD's Ryzen is compelling choice for someone rendering, streaming, etc. on a budget My argument here is that when you look at the data from Steam's hardware survey you will see that the number of users using Intel and Nvidia products far outweigh the AMD users. I mean, its not even close in terms of the two sides... But, this can tell us a few things about the people gaming on Valve's platform. Now, it should be noted that I am focusing on ONE group of people but with 125 million users I feel it's safe to focus here for my point. Many gamers are (factually) playing games with an Nvidia GPU and an Intel CPU at a resolution of 1920x1080. This is fine and I will not sit here and tell you that anything Intel + Nvidia has to offer can be beat with an AMD combo. Hell, I traded in my 380 Strix for a GTX 970 FTW in about a year of ownership. My point here is that I understand that Intel + Nvidia is the superior choice ONLY if you have the money to shell out. if you are a gamer on a budget, "Team Red" is the logical choice at 1080p. Much of my argument is focused around the fact that a for under $1000 anyone can buy the parts, Windows 10, keyboard, mouse, and monitor and play games at ~60FPS. It bugs me a lot when people write of AMD for lack of reliability and performance. Many of those issues can be fixed with proper updates and hardware paired correctly. I am running my FX-8350 on a 4.3 Ghz Stable overclock being cooled by an Corsair H105i and I have never had any issues at all. My FX-6300 in my Minecraft/media server is stable at 3.7 Ghz with a aftermarket air cooler. I have never had any reliability issues with my AMD CPU. Understand what you are buying and care for it properly and it will be just as reliable as anything else out there. Bottom line... I'm not ignorant to the advantages one way or another, it's just that I have real world experience with both CPU and GPU and they are all great depending on the application you plan on using the pair with. for example, an AMD A8 chip paired with a Titan X would be terrible at everything and a waste of our time... My point is... budget and application all depend on what you should go with. No point in shelling out an additional $300-500 on components when staying within budget can net you maybe 90-95% of what that money could get you. is $300+ really worth an additional 12-18 FPS? as long as you are ~60 FPS in gaming what's the difference? the best 1080p solution on the market that hits 60 FPS at 1080p is factually an AMD combo and there is no getting around that. My entire stance on this debate revolves around "Price per performance value" and nothing more... If we compare ANY and ALL intel chips to AMD, then AMD will lose every time, but its much more then raw numbers in the real world. Not everyone has a bottomless budget sadly
  15. Will do sir... 1080p gaming is just as fine with a good enough panel SMH...
  16. I understand you have had a bad experience and both sides make a compelling argument to be the best at "something" but the guy sounds like he is on a budget and that is really all I am trying to defend. I am running 3 systems almost 24/7 with an FX-6300, A8, and an FX-8350 and have had zero problems with them in gaming, streaming, or anything. I mean, 4k monitors still command a premium in price these days... many gamers (43.3% according to steam's hardware survey) play games at 1080p, followed by 1366x768 at 24%... 4K just is not there yet man.
  17. But you are comparing the wrong CPU to the 1700 chip from AMD... they were never competing with the i5 6000 series of chips. AMD was competing with the 8 core CPU that Intel currently has in their i7 lineup. Ryzen from the beginning was trying to compete with the overpriced i7 chips that are maybe 5% better then last years chips... WOW! thats some shit Intel pulls... The Ryzen chips (from all the reviews i'v seen) beat Intel at everything they said they focused on. 8 core budget monsters is what these processors are and they are an extremely compelling choice for someone (once again) who is on a budget and wants to edit video, stream gaming, or work in Auto CAD. 1080p gaming is an EXTREMELY smart place to be focusing on for AMD. Why the hell would someone buy an i5 processor when you can get a FX 6300 and a 380 Strix in a build for under $400. Crazy right? I built Ashley's system for her when she graduated and stuck with a budget of $400 with all AMD parts and the system gets 80+ FPS in just about every game you throw at it...at 1080p... Not everyone has 4k monitors and the market AMD is focusing on is extremely important. Intel chips (for the most part) are better then AMD in benchmark tests, but it is the "price per performance" value where AMD wins everytime.
  18. What shit? The only shit they have pulled it releasing a CPU that does the same thing Intel chips do at half the price. AMD is (factually) the best place to go if you are on a budget and gaming at 1080p. Their newer CPU and GPU are reliable​ and a great bang for the buck... So please tell me what Shit they are pulling good sir.
  19. That car will always be know for as one of the LONGEST fucking cards in the history of GPU. Crazy!
  20. What GPU do you have? I have never heard of this...
  21. Why all the AMD hate? the Ryzen chips did exactly what they said they would do. They took on Intel at their high priced chips and made something that was competitive... Yes, Intel does have some chips that do things better then Ryzen, but it depends on what you are comparing them to. right now AMD is smart to focus on the budget systems. Their "bang for the buck" philosophy has been earning them business for the past few years... can't really say the same for Intel with their CPUs... factually speaking there is no need to upgrade from Skylake because there is virtually no difference between their new and old CPU. Nvidia's 1000 series are extremely good... but why pay that much when a 480 from AMD can do just as good at 1080p gaming? not everyone has a 4k monitor ya know... /rant
  22. play nice now.... AMD is back baby!!! A case you say? well, go with the InWin 303. I have seen many people go with this case for their builds in the past few months and I have got to say it looks EXTREMELY good. Yea, i know it's not a full tower case, but this case comes with a nice window to show off the build and lots of RBG placement options. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811108483 An honorable mention would be the S340 Elite. It's basically a regular S340 with a huge side window and a headset holder. I have an S340 as my case right now and I love it. Best of luck with the build! =)
  23. I saw an episode of "Dirt Everyday" where the host purchased one of those huge trucks and they claimed you could drive them on the road. I am sure someone insurance company would insure the car for road use.
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