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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. ShowHBK

    New Phone

    The Samsung Note 5 is still an AWESOME choice. I had an HTC One M8 before my Note 5 and I don't want to get rid of it ever. You can by them off Amazon right now for ~$450-480 unlocked. LINK The newest alternative would be the S7 Edge which Ashley just got and she loves it. I honestly have nothing negative to say about iPhone, but I am very against Apple's "recent" changes in product I/O. Bottom line... Do you want your phone to ALWAYS work and have very little control of the OS? Buy an iPhone Do you want to have total control over almost any aspect of your phone? Buy an Android Do you enjoy sticking your finger in electrical sockets? Buy a Windows Phone
  2. oh, that was a joke... haha. That picture is from the Mazda Museum in Japan. They have just about every car on display they have ever built. No one in their right mind would pay money to see my car on display. it's not that special.
  3. They already put mine in a museum But I would be totally down with letting them put mine in there. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3516/4080533730_30ae811e9b_b.jpg
  4. Made me LawL :lol::lol: Take a look into AxCrypt, I'v used it in the past and its actually an awesome piece of software. You drag and drop files to be encrypted and its super simple to use. For full drive encryption... just use bitlocker or Symantec Endpoint Encryption. the Symantec option is $180 a year, but its worth every penny if you are willing to pay.
  5. Sorry I did not see this sooner Clay, let me know for next time and I could bring the drone to take some 4K still shots of the cars. You know where to find me
  6. Denied by SoFi and Lendkey today after doing all their applications. Very rage inducing making a person fill out 4 pages of information only to deny them in the end. What I don't understand is why I can't find a solution? none of my major credit scores are below 750, I make decent money at a full time job, and I am trying to make improvements. No explanation was given as to WHY my applications were denied, and My answer was given instantly despite the reply saying "AFTER CLOSE EXAMINATION", what a joke... I need a drink...
  7. It is possible that the links you are copying are ONLY for your account or for you as a user. I have seen instances where an image is not public or "shared" then the URL will not work when shared or posted. Check to see if you have made your albums public or shared and see if that fixes things. Shameless plug #2 for Google Photos All joking aside, I have been a Amazon Prime member for 7 years and I have honestly never used their photo storage because I personally find it to be rubbish. just an opinion, but I know some people like it.
  8. Sounds great guys, Happy to help I hope you both enjoy the new systems.
  9. I did 4 years at Otterbein and my B.A. is in Art Education. I originally had big plans to be a teacher. **insert pointless life changing event here**. I ended up working for McGraw Hill and Pearson Publishing for a while before landing my job at the High School I work at now. I am basically IT for the school right now with priority to the data systems, grade book, and school statistics. My official "title" is SIS Administrator. I don't currently have a State Teaching license, but I have documentation to walk down and take the tests anytime I want to get the license, though it would not change my pay scale. I am Google Educator certified, and I am currently studying to get my Google Admin cert and a few others.
  10. Class act by Sam. Much respect!
  11. +1 to this for sure. I called last night to get some information and they were really chill about my inquiry. They recommended that I start the process online and then call them after I enter all my information. According to them, getting a quote is relatively fast and easy. Anyone here have much luck with SoFi? I hear they are top rated, but some of the reviews i'v read talk of hidden fees and jacked up rates... can anyone confirm this? I was feeling the Bern... *Sigh*. You also mispelled Lucifer in the name before Bernie, weird. (it's a joke... my poor humor) =P
  12. I can get exact numbers of the loans at a later date, But I currently have 4 private loans all at different rates. Two are with Discover, one is with Great Lakes, and the forth is with Wells Fargo. Two of the loans have variable rates witch fluctuate and are annoying as hell to deal with. This was last months hit to me... Please note, two of these numbers change from month to month. The total is between $810-$880 a month. Discover = $229.26 Discover = $227.71 Great Lakes = $121.28 Wells Fargo = $236.44 Grand Total = $814.69 This is all before you factor in Car payment, Insurance, 93 Gas, Rent, Food, Etc. If I can save even $200 of this to save each month, that would be HUGE for me... But i'm not sure if that's even possible.
  13. thanks for the tip. is the process complicated? any hassles? I attempted to consolidate through Discover at one point and they were extremely frustrating to just get a quote out of them. I will investigate Lendkey tonight after work.
  14. I have been doing a good chunk of research into consolidating my student loans from college and I have hit a bit of a road block and I was wondering what kind of advice CR can give on my situation. I currently have 4 private loans out from College that I am paying each month and a bunch of Federal loans that are in forbearance that I have never made a payment on yet. I am doing my best to keep up with things, but currently ~$884 a month go to pay just my student loans (two of them have variable rates which fluctuate each month). I am doing my best to come up with a solution which would allow me to pay less each month, but not jack up the interest over time but I can't currently find a solution. Every website I go to suggests that I should actually pay MORE money and make extra payments to get rid of my loans, which I understand, but in my case that would bankrupt me within a year. My goal is to lower my payments so that I can get a decent savings going for real world things, but it feels like an impossible goal. Does anyone on CR know of a good starting place for me to get these damn loans under control? My federal loans SHOULD be forgiven if I continue to work at my current job for 4 more years because it's a high school, but what can be done about private loans? What options are there for recent grad students? Any advice or direction would be appreciated.
  15. At the very essence of social media "likes" or "follows" is the desire for a person to feel liked or appreciated instantly. Many of the people out there that do the "follow for follow" bullshit are only interested in growing their own ego into thinking that millions of people "like" their content. The VERY VERY VERY few people who actually make a living of social media (yes, it is possible) are sponsered out the ass to create the content that they do. Many of them don't even publish or edit their content, they have other people do that for them. Here is my favorite video which looks into what "buying" likes is like in the real world. It's not just Facebook that does this. Other websites like Twitter, INstagram, and so on are guilty of this same practice. You can pay money to get Sri Lanka folks to like your page and never participate or show your tits a little and get guys to fap to you... your call
  16. As a more constructive piece of feedback... I would fully endorse Imgur. Quick, fast, and no stress. Look into them for sure my friend. Just as a shameless plug... I would also like to say that Google Photos is kick ass for me. Google Photos gives you unlimited storage space and the ability to share and create albums with people. As long as your images are under 16 megapixels and your videos are under 1080p they will not count against your Google Drive space. I have always been a Google Photos user, but some people don't like the whole Google eco system, just thought I would throw it out there.
  17. Every hear of Adblock Plus? sounds like you have no ad-blocking extensions.
  18. Surface Pro 4 i5 6300U 8 GB RAM 256 GB SSD Intel HD 520 Free Extras Red Type Cover Cover/sleve
  19. in my research, I found this website... HOLY CRAP is this cool! http://www.productchart.com/laptops/
  20. Yes, an SSD is a big deal in my opinion. Think of an SSD as a supercharger for your computers load times. Below is a simple graph for transfer speeds of the average spinning hard drive against an SSD and RAM disk. Let me try and see what I can find you with a number pad and 15" of screen for your porn. http://www.laptopmag.com/images/wp/purch-api/incontent/2012/07/ramdisk-charts.jpg
  21. Well, to be honest... At that price you really should look into a Chromebook if you are much of a Google fan. for <$300 you can get a brand new VERY fast chromebook if you are willing to explore the ChromeOS eco system. Chromebooks are designed to be simple systems for web browsing, office applications, and a few apps here and there. If you like Google and want simple, theses are the way to go at that price point when buying new. Lenovo IdeaPad 100s HP 11-v020nr If you are willing to buy refurbished units, then Microcenter has you covered with some legacy systems. Dell Latitude E6420 HP ProBook 6470b These are two systems in your budget that come with a licensed copy of Windows 7 which is not an extreme departure from XP in terms of look and feel. I like to think of Windows 7 as a more polished version of XP, but thats just me. Both these options have SSD on them and should load fast and easy. Let me know what you think and I can keep searching if this is more up your alley.
  22. If you ask me... I would get a Windows 10 "signature" system from Microsoft's store directly (Link to store) These systems are free of any bloatware and bullshit from the manufactuers and they are growing in popularity. Windows 10 is (factually) what Windows 8 should have been in the first place and cleans up the update bullshit from Windows 8. Make sure the system you get has an SSD (Solid State Drive. These have no moving parts and are fast) and you will be happy. What kinda budget are we looking at? What is cheep to you? $300, $500, or like $700 range? Let me know and I can find you a good system for what you are asking. As for XP based systems. I fully understand your desire for an OS that you are comfortable with and I respect that you want that experience. Something like a Dell Latitude D620 can be purchased off Amazon for $72 right now (Link) With a dual core processor and 2GB of RAM, this is all XP will ever need. Spend a little bit more and buy an SSD for this thing and install an OEM copy of Windows XP would put you in good shape. Now, I should also take a moment to note that an SSD will not be as fast as you think on XP because certain things are not supported to make that happen in XP. I know this laptop lacks the number pad you want, but this is just an idea of what is possible. Let me know a little bit more about what you are looking for and I will do my best to provide options.
  23. Made me laugh more then I would like to admit. I dodge near death experiences almost daily in the Northland area going to and from work. Not that I am trying to stereotype or be racist, but there are WAY to many foreign/immigrant folks who clearly don't have a licence and nearly slam into you all the time on the Northland side. Glad your ok though man... Hope the person pays deep for hitting you.
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