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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. eh... once I pay her off I will get something new. I will drive my 8 until it coughs up its apex seals My next car will be something american for sure... I really like the Mustang atm. newer ones are not half bad for autox and i'm there to have fun, not set records... ya know? I still need to come say hi to you Mojoe... is that invitation still open to come hang out, talk cars, and drink beer? I might take you up on that this year btw.
  2. I could not agree with this more. The game is extremely fun to mess around in. They have a level you can load that is a sort of "torture chamber" for cars with crazy loops and crushers... fuck up your car? Not to worry... hit one button and it is instantly repaired. If only real life worked that way, haha. On side note Clay, Something I was going to throw out there is that I am used to building decent gaming systems off a budget. If you ever want me to build you a system I have done work for Kevan and Trina on both their rigs. You can build a decent gaming system for cheeper than you think. Feel free to PM me if you ever want a system built or want to know more information. I am more then happy to help
  3. I typically tell people I want to do a full year of autoX then only show up to a few of them... All joking aside, the 8 hit 100k miles in December and I have to start taking it easy on the engine seeing as she is my DD as well as the autoX car #Apexseals I will 100% be going to the Buckeye Miata Driver School on Sunday, April 30 to learn a bit more about driving fast. Outside of that I plan on attending anything that I am invited to on Facebook :eyes:
  4. Anytime man, Let me know how that goes, haha
  5. As for similar games out there... Not many games like BeamNG Drive exist. The ONLY other game I can even think of would be "Next Car Game: Wreckfest". I can't get to any system requirements sites for this game as most are blocked here at work, however I can guess that since it is a similar title that the requirements would be about the same. Most modern games will ask for a quad core processor, 4GB of RAM, and a DirectX 12 based Graphics card with at least 2GB of V-RAM... If you have these things then you should be good to go. Hope this all helps
  6. It's really fun to play and mess around in. It's more of a CPU intensive game when you jack the settings up based of the Maximum settings only asking for a GTX 780, which is a graphics card that is getting up there in age. Having said that, according to their website the game is NOT Mac compatible, so you will need to install Windows via Bootcamp or find a decent gaming desktop running at least Windows 7 or higher. https://wiki.beamng.com/Requirements The system requirements are as follows: Max Settings CPU: High-end Intel i5/i7 or High-end AMD 6 Core or better RAM: 8GB DDR3 GPU: GTX 780 or better Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (64 bit) or newer Med Settings CPU: Mid-end Intel i5 or equivalent RAM: 4GB DDR3 GPU: GTX 560 or equivalent Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (64 bit) or newer Min Settings CPU: Desktop i3 or equivalent RAM: 4GB GPU: GTS450 or equivalent DirectX11 compatible card Windows 7/8 (32bit or 64bit)
  7. ShowHBK

    Windows 7

    A cracked version of Windows 7? if you don't mind my asking... why Windows 7? Windows 8 and 10 both have great compatibility mode support for older programs... hell, I run Roller Coaster Tycoon fine on mine. Why not just use your Windows 10 ISO? Windows 10 can run without a key forever... it will just run in single app mode after a while.
  8. Wireless companies throttle the shit out of you once you hit a certain data usage. There is no hard data to confirm "when" you get throttled... but my one buddy has had Verizon Unlimited since he was in middle school and he claims they throttle him at 7GB where as some say they get throttled at 8-9GB per month. I know ATT will throttle us all the time and we have 10GB on 4 lines.
  9. unless something has changed with AT&T's hardware and service, it completely blows ass. We had Uverse for a short time and to make a long story short. When people watched HD TV in the house our internet lagged HARD. When people went to watch more then two things on YouTube at 1080p the TV quality would go down. The Wireless boxes would lag or have reduced quality through 2 walls, 25 feed from the main box. Technicians were ass hats and would treat you like you knew nothing. The final nail in the coffin was that the hardware they provided would not let us use our own wireless AP and the worst problem was that the box they provided was still using G band wireless. We were getting the speeds we paid for when I ran speed tests... but since EVERYTHING goes through the same wire it fucks up the entire system when you do more then 2 things at once... we switched back to WoW... WoW is better in every way.
  10. I was going to post agreeing with how the instructor was talking to much... but You make a good point... TOO MUCH information is never a bad thing.
  11. Owls at night are scary AF man... I was trying to get with a girl in college who did these 2:00 AM Nature walks for owls and she would play sounds to attract them. Sure enough, these big ass owls were flying over us within a few feet... NEVER AGAIN! Our friendship did not last long >_<
  12. To me, that's crazy! I know that Mid-Ohio has a 3 day racing program you can enroll in, but they provide you with the Acura ILX with just over ~200 and some odd HP. Yes I know they are modified, but to think that for ~$100 USD and in just 45 minutes Jim Bob from Idaho can drive a Lamborghini at over 150 MPH is just insane to me. Why not more instruction time? or why not more emphasis on the fundamentals or technique? Yes, Everyone wants to go fast... I get it... but I feel these places should force you to pass a test or work at low speed for free before paying to go really fast. I remember about a year or two ago Motor Trend let the Roadkill guys do a competition with a bunch of normal people and one of the last challenges was to run an autocross course with a Viper ACR. They were given a choice to do three laps with a professional and learn the car with an instructor... or hop in the driver seat blind with no training, but in compensation be allowed to do as many burn outs as they wanted after the shooting... NOT A SINGLE PERSON choose to drive with the instructor.... I guess going fast with always win, haha
  13. Very sad to hear news like this. I often wonder how much classroom time is spent with these people before they handle supercars with insane amounts of horsepower. Much is up to speculation, but I would be interested to know if this incident was caused by driver error, instructor error, or mechanical fault... No mater how you slice it, it's very sad to hear. Having never been instructed by a "professional", I would always be scared to punch the throttle in any of these cars without plenty of instruction and track time. http://www.reviewjournal.com/local/2-die-fiery-crash-speedvegas-racetrack http://jalopnik.com/racing-instructor-and-student-killed-in-fiery-track-day-1792294047 Read an article last week about a young kid driving a McLaren with an instructor. He lost control, popped a curve, and destroyed the suspension on all 4 sides. The instructor was 100% to blame in my opinion after watching the video. He let the kid drive with one hand at high speeds and then tells him "gas gas gas, it's your last chance" on the last corner and the kid lost control as a result. You have to boost the audio a little bit... but you can hear him tell the kid to give it more gas before the crash.
  14. I 100% despise AT&T... I typed 4 paragraphs of why I hated them and then threw my keyboard out the window in frustration just remembering all the horrors. I typed this on my phone... Brb... I need to buy a new keyboard.
  15. I don't know if he still sells them, But Tom at Cars and Coffee was selling watches for a little while. Seemed to be very enthusiastic about them and might know where to point you if you are looking for something specific. He has the "Gotta Have it Green" Boss 302 Mustang. You can usually find him near the back in his car. Really great guy Only problem is... I don't know if he is on CR or really how to contact him outside CC&C.
  16. I use this at work all the time. literally the best at cloning a drive I paid for the $50 version and have never had any regrets. A+ software! http://www.acronis.com/en-us/personal/buy-backup/
  17. Cleaned and washed the 8... she looks nice and clean... no more Bukkake effect all over the car from the salt and chemicals they spray on the road.
  18. wrestled in middle-school all the way to the end of High school... never did anything special or won anything interesting. My crowning achievement was wrestling at the State Duals against the 3rd best wrestler in the nation at the time. I survived long enough to get the first coin toss and I chose down, I shot up as hard as I could and socked him right in the nose to cause him to bleed a little bit... I was like "fuck this guy!" then he picked me up and slammed me on the mat and pinned me about 10 seconds later after a warning from the ref... other then that... I have no special achievements to my name... haha
  19. I thought this might be a fun question to ask CR after looking at concept cars all morning... What is the most beautiful car ever made? Opinion based, but I am wondering what people enjoy in terms of just looks. Forget whats under the skin and tell me about face value. So, what does this CR think "good" car design looks like? This also could apply to one aspect of a car such as the interior or a button someplace. Maybe, how a door opens or how the seat is placed. Big fenders? low wings? curves? what makes a car look beautiful in your opinion. For me, I have a special love for Deco cars from the 40's and 50's. the design of cars back then was so much more pleasing to the eyes. I love how the cars from that era feel like they are in motion even when standing still, which (in my opinion) you don't see much in today's cars. the "feeling" of speed and design was captured so well in that day and age. the sweeping curves scream elegance to me, Truly I feel like this is art on wheels. I would daily the hell out of something like this. But i'm only one piece of the puzzle... Someone could think these cars are rubbish and that something else looks or is designed much better. I am very interested to know people's tastes.
  20. ShowHBK


    I agree, the DJI Phantom 3 is a great starter Drone. I did a shit load of research before making my purchase last summer and the Phantom 3 "Advanced" and "Pro" versions are the ones to get. A Phantom 3 Advanced is not to crazy expensive for what it does. Things like Waypoints, circle a target, and follow target are awesome when they work in an open field. my BIG WARNING would be to only use OEM add-ons and batteries for your drone. I got a few OEM spec batteries off Amazon for half the price of the DJI ones and they caused my first drone to fall out of the sky. I was very lucky that DJI replaced mine. I have never actually been asked to show my FAA card, but I have never wanted to risk it. In a day and age when ANYONE can get "offended" that you are flying a drone and call the cops, it's always safe to air on the side of caution. it was only $5 when I did it and mine says its good until 2019. I saw a video on Youtube a while back where a guy was flying his Phantom 2 in a soccer field where no one was playing. About 400-500 yards away there was a group a girls practicing and one of their parents drove over and started ti question the guy as to what he was doing. Keep in mind, he was nowhere near the other folks and his drone's camera was not even pointed at them. This dad comes hard in the paint asking all these questions trying to get the guy to admit he was "filming" his daughter and then he called the cops on him. Lucky for the drone pilot, all his GPS and video data was logged to the foot on Google Maps. He explained things to the officer and was on his way... The best part was that most cops don't know that drones have to be registered so the one in his video never asked for his card. I'm no expert, but I have ~98 flight hours under my belt. If you ever need info feel free to let me know
  21. ShowHBK


    I have a DJI Phantom 3 Advanced. Technically you need to register your drone and yourself on the FAA website and get a ID number which MUST be visible on your drone. you also technically need to follow all these guidelines. https://www.faa.gov/uas/media/Part_107_Summary.pdf The typical things they say is that your aircraft will be in line of sight all the time, not over large groups of people and some other stuff. I have never really followed these rules to a T, but I have never had any issues. The only advice I would really say is that you should ALWAYS have your FAA ID card on you when flying... even on your own property just in case someone decides to be offended that your flying and call the cops. The DJI drones (most of them) have invisible fences on "No Fly Zones" and the drone will warn you before takeoff if you should or should not be flying in that area. If its something small like houses or businesses you can disregard the warning and fly... but if you are near an Airport or government building then the thing will not even move.
  22. I know they plug into the wall and the pixies dance around inside and do things.
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