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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. Everything I wanted and more! I could not be happier.
  2. God Bless America! this website is tits!
  3. For a annual fee of $999.99 per year I would be happy to remote in and delete your system 32 folder for you. for an extra $15.99 Ill even talk with a thick Indian accent. Maybe even throw in some copy and paste into your command prompt to make you think you have a virus. All joking aside, I am happy to help as well. I always enjoy side work for $$$ or car shit.
  4. New 3DS XL is going to be $99... Enough said!!! I want to upgrade so bad... but its tough for me to justify at this point. My FX-8350 is overclocked to 4.3ghz and i'm not sure if Skylake would be much of an upgrade. You happy with your purchase so far?
  5. Most of the EDM I listen to on Youtube is uploaded in 1080p, so the audio is good quality. Google Music is 320kpbs audio is the same is spotify, but I have to admit that Spotify sounds a lot better for some odd reason. I am not a "hardcore" audiophile, but I honestly just prefer Google Music at the end of the day. My entire collection is uploaded to google, so I guess i'm pot committed at this point. It would take a LOT to get me to move my 1TB+ music collection off google's servers.
  6. Humor me... Buy Youtube Red above all else. Here is Why... Youtube Red gives you the following- 1. Advertisement free Youtube 2. Downloading of ANY Youtube Video 3. Advertisement free Youtube "Music" (App for iOS and Android) 4. Background playback on iOS and Android 5. Access to (Very shitty and unwatchable) Youtube exclusive videos. 6. Free Google Music subscription with free downloads of all their music. Honestly, If you are an Android user this is a no brainer for $9.99 a month. I decided to tack on an extra $1.99 a month for 100GB of google drive space. I dump all my music in the cloud and listen ad-free. =)
  7. "RAUH-Welt Begriff" Looks like you pulled a fish out of a pond and let it flap around on the keyboard...
  8. Many people out there would be willing to admit that the lack of a headphone jack is inconvenient, but many of them don't know any better. Sure, You would agree that a car dealership ripping you off is wrong, but if I take you in the back, pop the hood of your car, and point at things and say some fancy words, then how are you going to argue with me? The new iPhone is no different and a USB-C to 3.5mm adaptor is included in the box which most people will get along just fine with. The problem here is that you COULD walk into an Apple store right now and buy a brand new Macbook Pro and an iPhone and NOT be able to connect the two out of the box... that is down just ridiculous. The point of my rant is that even though Apple has really fallen behind the curve with its products, the mass population could honestly give two shits because the brand is so well established that people will just buy their products because they have Apple's name on them. When I purchase a product or electronic device I normally look at what the best device is for the dollar to performance value. *sigh* and don't even get me started on the new Macbooks... I could rant about that for dayzzzzzzz Anyways... Sorry OP... I got nothing
  9. GG EZ, NO RE N00BLORD9000
  10. I would recommend Linus Tech Tips for this. They do frequent system builds and and they do a great job of explaining things. if you happen to have $30,000 laying around then he could easily replicate these builds. Linus Tech Tips:
  11. Buy him a junker off craigslist and let him learn about it... If you want, I would be more then happy to come over sometime and teach him a few things about the internal components and how they work. A lot of that stuff though is learned through experience and time. Socket types, PCI slots, clock speed, GPU types, etc... are all learned out in the real world. I would lose my damn mind if I were in a classroom learning about computer hardware. Places like Toms hardware LINK and Linus Tech Tips LINK are great places to learn and test on your own stuff. Check to see if his school will let him hang out after school with one of the IT workers if he really wants to get serious... thats how I got started. The high school I work at currently is talking to me about teaching a hardware class for seniors where they learn for two quarters about hardware, then the final is to build a Micro-ATX system and install Linux. The students would keep the systems and take them to college as basic systems. Give me an AMD FX-9590 and some liquid nitrogen.... and i'll show you a good time, haha.
  12. i'm willing to make compromises, the glass roof is not a mandatory thing... really, the color and trim are the most important IMO. I feel like if i'm going to pay the money for a car, I should get what I want... ya know?
  13. I have been doing quite a bit of research lately on Mustangs because I am thinking of becoming an owner in the not to distant future. Every forum I have looked at says to find a GT premium if possible, though many people seem to enjoy the regular GTs. I know it's more of an aesthetic choice, but I always liked the glass roof ones over the verts. If I could find a glass roof GT in copper/maroon with a sand/white interior I would be so happy. I fear I might have to make compromises when it comes time to purchase *sigh*
  14. I threw up in my mouth a little... http://img.pandawhale.com/77775-I-just-threw-up-in-my-mouth-a-y6Da.gif
  15. ShowHBK


    I have always thought that there is a missed opportunity with our current cars and coffee on Youtube. We see so many interesting cars come by each week with equally interesting people and their stories. I have always wanted to conduct similar interviews that Clay used to do with people from time to time, but this time do things a little different. Interview the owner with decent quality audio/microphone and then ask them to drive their car over to the side lot about 50 feet away to film some "Car Porn" shots, maybe do some driving along side of them in the parking lot while filming, and top it off with some sexy drone footage. All the while in the background you can hear the audio with the occasional shot back to Clay and the Owner. My only moral problem with this would be to monetize or to not monetize this content. On one hand, I feel like we could do something different and new while at the same time tell people's stories. On the other hand, I never want to make CC&C a profit type thing... Not that I think the idea will make crazy money... I just feel like it detracts from what (I personally) think the group is all about... i'm torn, but it could be a cool idea =/
  16. ShowHBK


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  17. ShowHBK


    In all honesty, many Youtubers don't make much money off their videos... or at least as much as you might think. Subscribers, comments, and views are a huge factor in if you make any money at all. You have to enable whats called "YouTube Ad Sense" on your account which puts the advertisements at the beginning of their videos. The numbers are rough and I have little to go off, but the last official report I saw was that ~100,000 views nets you $500. Another option is adding "Affiliate" links in your videos to products or services. If people buy that product or service then you net a percentage of that profit. Donations or flat fees are also given to a lot of people if they use a product in their videos or maybe wear a certain shirt. This is also known as a sponsorship. The final way I know of is to join a network on youtube or broadcasting company to pay for and sponsor your videos. One of the largest groups on Youtube is known as the "Polaris" group which is primarily made up of gamers such as PewDiePie who grosses 12 million a year playing games, screaming like a little girl, and occasionally crossdressing in Harlem Shake videos. In the end... Making lots of money of Youtube is next to impossible anymore unless you are an old man with a Hydraulic Press who crushes things. This guy made it to one million subscribers faster then anyone in the history of Youtube.
  18. TBH if the hardware is there for Windows CE to use, then It is actually not that shit. I had an old Windows CE laptop and a RT device with decent hardware and I was fine... Now, I have to admit though that 95% of all CE and RT devices are complete shit. Stay away if you don't know much about hardware.
  19. This has decent reviews on Amazon and I was tempted to buy one at some point. Runs Windows CE OS...which would be its only real drawback. https://www.amazon.com/Upgarde-Version-Bluetooth-Navigation-Digital/dp/B01CU9OD4C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477499372&sr=8-1&keywords=2din+android+car+stereo+with+bluetooth Here is the Android version of that unit: https://www.amazon.com/Volsmart-Lollipop-Navigation-Bluetooth-internal/dp/B01FU4VNGK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1477499714&sr=8-2&keywords=2din+android+car+stereo+with+bluetooth
  20. I would participate in a few. Sounds fun
  21. I would find some land out in the middle of nowhere Provo, Utah. Build a log cabin home from this company. Then add on this (Gambrel Garage ). Get Google Fiber and forget about the world. This all is assuming money is no problem
  22. Any recent horror stories from local CarMax in Columbus? I was under the impression that the local places were not "that bad"
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