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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. ShowHBK


  2. So, I had some free time at work and I was playing around with Squarespace and came up with an interesting concept for a new CC&C website. This is just a concept and the site is not live or anything, I was just experimenting on what it could look like. What do you guys think? I went with a clean design and layout with all navigation buttons on the bottom and a home button built into the top. The site has Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube integration and is tablet and mobile friendly. Squarespace has custom CSS options as well and Ashley is looking into them to see if we could improve the site with that. I can add other assets as needed, but I mainly just wanted to show what is possible. Feedback welcome http://i.imgur.com/1N28YkU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/686I2Qm.jpg http://i.imgur.com/l3zz8Dw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Bjs5WfN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KLVtbtV.jpg
  3. ShowHBK

    Miata RF

    In addition to this, the flying buttress fits the KODO design language perfectly . It is really quite clever how Mazda was able to fit the retractable portion in the same form factor. the design really looks good and embodies KODO very well.
  4. Hey Clay, i'll ask Ashley about it. She does a lot of this sort of thing. if you PM me your email I can have her get in contact with you np
  5. ShowHBK

    Miata RF

    It was love at first sight! <3 :leghump:
  6. Anyone ever use the Slingshot in a movie chase? I feel like after watching that video I would want to see a bunch of bad guys chase someone in an army of those things.
  7. yea, I'll keep high speed stuff on the track thanks...
  8. it does say "text STOP" to stop receiving text messages from them, so i'm good. Free food is free food. I'm not going to complain.
  9. Welcome to CR! Could you elaborate on your intro post a little bit more? What types of mods did you put on your Mini? how many hours how you put into it? Do you track it? Race? Autocross? And finally... lets see some pictures of your ride!!!
  10. I know I know... I'm not blind to whats going on in the world or world history... I just feel like, where does it all end? ya know?
  11. Damn shame... Just saw the news this morning. If we could stop killing each other for like two seconds, We could be living on Mars by now. I really wish we could all just get along. Very sad.
  12. can you lie about the information and still get the free food? or do they text you a coupon?
  13. forget buying online or in person... Car vending machines are where its at.
  14. this guy knows whats up :thumbup:
  15. Remember, headphones do not have EVERYTHING to do with the quality. If your audio bit rate is shit then the audio is going to sound like shit on everything. I used to own a pair of these and they always sounded great: http://www.amazon.com/Klipsch-R6i-Black-Headphone-Patented/dp/B00JPK9T1W/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1458585166&sr=1-5&keywords=klipsch+earbuds
  16. Welcome to CR Lets see some pictures of your C6! Have you done any modifications to it? Do you track it?
  17. ShowHBK

    Apple Vs. FBI

    Well, I get where you are coming from with the whole "do anything for justice" mentality and I would agree with you that justice is important in any case whether it be a terrorist attack or a murder. I think what Apple is trying to say here is that all their customers are people, real people with personal data that is theirs and theirs alone. Apple has worked hard over the years to keep their customer's data safe by introducing great encryption measures and security features to keep data from falling into the wrong hands. I almost feel like this falls under the same guidelines as "freedom of speech" in a sense that if I ever saw someone shouting racist remarks in public I would think that person is down right awful and has no place in modern society, but at the same time I would fight for the right of every person to say whatever the hell they want on public ground. In turn, Apple is fighting for the right of privacy and security no mater what the case or person. your data is privet and belongs to you. Also, the FBI is literally ordering Apple to comply to a request that is unjust given the situation. This would not be just a "one time thing" once a backdoor, weakness, exploit, or any other form of tampering is created then that would open up a whole new world for other departments/people to take advantage of it. Security is important whether you are watching stupid cat videos on your phone or you are a CIA agent with classified documents. It would be a nightmare if someone out there had the power to backdoor into your phone whenever they wanted to... Hello NSA!!!
  18. To many grandparents worldwide thought it was way too much HP for them, so they scrapped it. Kappa
  19. I'v been looking for one as well... rainiertamayo does not have it yet which is disappointing. Though, anything out right now is going to be a shitty cam version... I'll wait for a digital version to hit the scene.
  20. Buick Does it come with free tickets to Bingo night at my local church?
  21. that's actually really awesome for the money...assuming it works... I love the stolen League of Legends and Marvel artwork.
  22. ShowHBK

    Apple Vs. FBI

    best TL;DR reply 2016
  23. If you really wanted to go crazy, I have always wanted to use one of these bad boys, but I'v never taken the plunge. http://www.amazon.com/Compute-Windows10-Version-Android4-4-Computer/dp/B01B2LYP3I/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1458220270&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=intel+compute+stick&psc=1 It's an HDMI stick made by Intel that runs full Windows 10. The reviews on these things are crazy and they have bluetooth and WiFi built in. pair this thing with a bluetooth keyboard with a mouse and plug it in behind your TV and forget about it. BOOM! you have a full Windows 10 PC attached to your TV that you can attach a USB drive with media on it for playback. Very handy
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