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Casper last won the day on March 17

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About Casper

  • Birthday 06/30/1981

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2017 Mustang GT

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  1. Hey everyone! @Ringo is throwing a grand opening party at his new shop, Exotics of Ohio, in Granville. We will be having a meet and greet there as well. Afterwards, we can rollout for lunch somewhere (working out those details). Should be a good mix of cars and bikes. It's been entirely too long since we've hung out. Hope to see y'all out there! October 13th, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm Exotics of Ohio 3825 Columbus Rd Granville, Ohio 43023 https://www.facebook.com/events/831826129099389
  2. https://www.facebook.com/events/831826129099389
  3. Nope, but partly why I did updates and some cleaning up today.
  4. Updated a ton of stuff today. I see the formatting for the search box isn't working well, but I can worry about that another day. Let me know if you find anything else not working correctly.
  5. Casper

    Damn it.

    More accurately it was about you sticking things in your ass, but I know you Clevelanders don't have great reading comprehension skills.
  6. Casper

    Damn it.

    In your case, I think you mean a proper pegging. No judgement though. Definitely not kink-shaming.
  7. I was curious so had to look it up. https://www.diavel-forum.com/threads/max-wrist-got-two-years-in-prison-for-sodomy.87377/ https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2017/05/12/army-releases-verdicts-of-march-courts-martial/
  8. I haven’t used a gpx file in a looong time. I usually just map out on Google then download offline maps. I also have the TomTom app for when I don’t have signal or offline maps. I mostly wanted Waze. And the Bluetooth connection between the Zumo, my phone, and my Sena has been a constant pain in my ass. This just works.
  9. It is wireless. Links works for me. Here’s the non-shortened link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CF1T7DDC
  10. I replaced my Zumo with a Carpuride Apple CarPlay unit. Digging it so far. It’s this: https://a.co/d/0QDax3N
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