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Everything posted by AJ

  1. AJ

    my new toy

    since i traded my last dirt bike in december on my pit bike i have been kinda sad and needed a little something in my life....so i got this 2005 KTM SX250F. this was Willards bike he raced at the SanFransico supercross, has brand new 2006 forks, a works shock and 2006 engine with 05' cams. it runs like a raped ape. plus i got a ton of extra parts and it was dirt cheep http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c80/CamaroAJ/bike002.jpg
  2. sounds like a fuel pump going out or a pluged fuel filter, i've seen that happen of alot of cars.
  3. if you run a diesel oil in your bikes try Mobil 1 delvac, good shit. in my bike i run Mobil 1 only.
  4. well from a racers standpoint you would have had to race both and compair lap times from one bike to the next. also you see more suzuki at races because they have a better race contingcy pay back out of the other brands. the guy at the yamaha shop i get my stuff from races Ducati but he said that the R1 is an awesome bike over his Ducati and has since rebuilt a wrecked one for his weekend track days. just get the one you like the best, i've ridden about all of them and i'll stick to my yamaha
  5. i have an 04' (they didn't change anything for 05') and love it! its fast as fuck and with the suspension set up it handles like alot better than stock even with shitty tires.
  6. AJ

    Picture for Tinman

    this would be a good open road race http://www.bigredcamaro.com vs. your car. he gets over 220 MPH with a 4 speed. battle of the small vs. big chevy power plants
  7. my dad has one he is trying to sell, i think its a 14' V bottom. he is wanting $600 for it is the lowest he'll go. has a trailer and a few other things that go with it.
  8. i rebuilt a transmission today at work that was out on time and miles but since it falls under the 4 year 60,000 it was goodwilled. call GM cust. assistance and they will have it taken care of for you.
  9. i got a 4k loan for my second car when i was in high school so i could keep the camaro in the garage in the winter. i went through Telhio and since have gotten 2 new trucks and my R6 i had through there. i plan on moving my checking account there soon since i have never had a problem getting a loan from them.
  10. if your useing race gas to get in the the 14's put the keys down and step away. i also was in the 12's on sunoco 94.
  11. i was only throwing that out there because for a "car guy" and trying to make someone else look dumb he forgot those cars.
  12. citgo on 37 out by trails and the sunoco on 37 across from the TA truck stop
  13. you forgot the 1980 turbo ta's
  14. www.spdexhaust.com www.stainlessworks.net other than burns these are the only 2 good ones that i can remember. i'll look at work tomorrow and see if i can find the other.
  15. AJ

    Explain this

    YES!! i'm the new high bider
  16. he was suposed to be on a slow run to get his NHRA license. i wonder if they'll let him try again
  17. yamaha calls it shift red. counting mine and that bike i have only seen 3 of them around ohio so far
  18. My 04' R1 http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c80/CamaroAJ/R1.jpg
  19. don't use it to weld roll cage tube, i had one like it and i found out fast 2 things 1) not hot enough for good penatration 2) duty cycle, i couldn't do alot of welding at 1 time. i got a new miller DVI, it was $1300 but weld quility went through the roof compaired to what i had. i always took stuff to work and used there welder if i had anything important to weld.
  20. 04 R1 its under $900/year through progressive
  21. the demand is not that big around here yet, i've been looking around for a few years and haven't found anything i like yet or that will hire someone with a few years work experencs and in your own shop doesn't count.
  22. its legal, word to the wise, don't back it up. it won't work so well. in michigan you see towing like this alot.
  23. what would be an even better joke is if they made you take it back lol. still cool of her though.
  24. i'd be intrested in going as well, my sunday plans changed and i have nothing to do now
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