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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. The TA owner also said he was spinning till 110 lol


    I'm sure the civic was spinning even harder.


    It looks like he made ZERO corrections to steering input, so if he was spinning he was not spinning hard. V8 guys for some reason call even one rotation of the tire at the line while cutting a 1.1 60 ft "spinning". If he was really "spinning" he'd also be "driving". If that civic makes 650whp, its a 145mph car depending on weight. If I was the Civic guy I'd turn it up a few PSI and push his shit in.


    If I'm making 1100 hp and putting one car on a 650 whp Civic I'd be Evil Knieveling the motherfucker into Lake Eire.

  2. AND they announced the 2017 Raptor with an EcoBoost V6 FINALLY! This is the Raptor they should have been selling since the engine came out.




    Does Ford have any mic's left to drop today?


    I don't think they dropped anything yet? Tossing turbos on a V6 is not revolutionary.


    The interior is a straight kick in the dick for what the MSRP will be.


    No man pedal? That is just not F'in American.










    Would not buy.

  3. Drive by appraisal...:lol:. Is it 2006?


    It is if your a credit until and you make your own rules :p


    Only if they pay in cash. At the end of the day you can only get a mortgage for what it appraises for.


    Yes but in a hot market people are willing to pay more than asking, and in some cases more than appraised value. I never recommend it, but when someone falls in love with a house its hard for them to think logically.

  4. I just used that chase estimator. The address I typed in gave me a $266,050--$359,950 Est. Value. That's a wide range. Zillow was 334k a month ago now zillow says 320k My realtor wants to list this home for 329-339k This home is in Dublin with 2318 sqft. Prices are all over the place. No one way to pin point it down the way I see it.


    Grandview real estate is high $$$


    That nuts about Grandview. We have a similar effect with Independence where I live, but its still selling 120-140 a square (which is high for the Cleveland area) and actually has better schools than Grandview. Maybe you guys should come up north and get a better deal? ;)






    And whatever school this is seems the be the best in Cbus




    Yeah Chase uses comps but it has no ability to consider intangibles like school district, waterfront, or substantially different size and scope properties that would not be considered in a regular appraisal. The nice thing about Chase is ti gives you the comps, and you can look though them to see what is a best fit to compare to your property.

  5. 1) Selling at near $200 a square foot? Is there gold in your water?


    2) the best "free" estimator is https://www.chase.com/mortgage/mortgage-resources/home-value-estimator which is loosely biased on comps. But, by best I mean they are all bad and I could only comment on accuracy on a case by case basis.


    3)"improvements" rarely significantly effect value. Adding bedrooms/bathrooms or square footage is the only sure fire way to make a significant increase in property value.


    As a note, I just applied for a HELOC with my CU, Chase was at 245k, Zillow was 202k Drive by appraisal came out at 249k.



    At the end of the day, if you not selling your house, or taking out a mortgage, don't worry about it! ;)

  6. pray for the innocent family members of these nut-job terrorists,.


    F that-you think their "innocent" cons will grow up to love America?


    I pray they all get taken out-every single one of them. Mom, grandma, baby, lay waste to them all. Do them the favor, get them to Ala and their promised virgins already.


    I'd pay double of the already outrageous taxes I pay to fund an ICBM with their name on it.


    We're ok with the counter for now. Its not great but at least is not laminated particle board. Have quite a few other expenses coming in the next year or so, specially the shop/lift. Counter can wait, but backsplash could be easy.


    We are on city water, which is very nice! We were pleasantly surprised.


    Shop at the house?! Jelly going through the roof!



    City water on a house like that is all but unheard of out here. Awesome!

  8. Awesome car :)


    We've had quite a few in but can't remember seeing a white one yet.


    Here is one we had in right before Christmas with just upgraded exhaust and tune:


    16188554956_0e63b0d083_b.jpg2014 M by JMYphotography, on Flickr



    Like I said Tilley-I would have done this DAY ONE.


    No brainier! Nice purchase :)



    I drove a buddies up here, and the most notable thing was the "thrust". I would not call it acceleration, its more like a fast boat if that makes sense-it never pulls harder in one gear than another-its always just about the same. 40-60, fell likes 100-120, which oddly feels like 160-180. Its just always thrusting. :p


    Only things I have planned is a trip to key west for a day,


    Biggest mistake-its way too far for a one day trip. Stay a few-if your looking to relax you may never leave!


    Also if your already in town, you can pick up a 3 day 2 night, or even a 2 day one night cruise to the Bahamas from Lauderdale for basically free. Just call the port-the boats already leaving and they want to entice people to spend money so they will let anyone on LOL

  10. Nice house/property. I'd start plans for a shop ASAP if I had the land!


    Only suggestions-


    A modern (Granite/Quartz/etc) counter top and back splash in the kitchen would do wonders for appeal. Also I would find a way to better define the space between the kitchen and what looks like the living room. Super jelly of the property! Are there fish in that pond? Well water?

  11. I would certainly like to be enlightened on how you magically engineered your turbo kit to be low in torque figures. Since the last time I checked hp is a simple function of torque, always intersecting at 5250 rpm. The one way I see overcoming this is to spin the engine way north of the 6500 rpm range, and with a stock cam and springs is pretty interesting.


    Jordan covered the math since neither of us are rocket scientist. :)


    Its not magic. Big turbo or turbo(s) hit late- the later they come in, the less torque you will make. I mean, this is turbo 101 Bro. ;)



    Here are a few other LS based examples with larger turbos that come on later than some would like.....






    Or this-



    (on lower boost this run)



    And one Example of a turbo set up that would send a rod out the block first pull. Similar HP to whats above, just smaller turbine/ar that hits like a freight train. Same power, much different torque curve.





    Soak it in, because knowledge is power!

    • Confused 1
  12. Ok so what rpm did you spin the motor to? And what's all done to the motor?


    And got a pic of the Dyno graph


    Lol what's up tire spin. Put 4-500 pounds in the back of the car and just make a normal pull without pedaling it up and down and get back to me.


    Also I would like to see a detailed boost and hp graph from the Dyno.


    And Jp don't think I'm trying to prove your stuff wrong. I just would like to see a good graph with detailed boost. I'm just curious why the torque is so much lower then the hp.



    Luv U 2 Sammy :)


    Trust me I get it-before I started on this I tried to get as much info as I could too!! My goal was as little torque as possible-so I know I was going to need more turbo than I could use so they could come on late, but not too late as to never see full boost. A pair of 6766's seemed to be the best fit- with people seeing full boost anywhere from 4400-4800rpm and Chad's turbo fit that mold about perfectly!


    Here is one of the later pulls-14 deg timing and pretty think. He tweaked the fuel and threw another click or two of advance in it to get to 736, but boost was unchanged. (Sorry about it being sideways not sure how to change it)




    I am not sure if I can or Erik would be willing to post the log of the log that showed KPA-he is super finicky about it as he has had info.tunes stolen before. Again, not sure how HP tuners works int hat reguard, but I could ask him to do so. I may have it on a in car go-pro vid though


    Motor is a 100% stock from GM 99 Camaro LS Juan. The Cam sensor is bad so I will have to remove the intake to replace it-and that will be the first time I have removed anything from this long block!



    The bigger the turbo, the later the hit, the less torque you will have for a given HP number. Here are a few other LS based examples with a wholoota turbo






    Or this-



    (On lower boost this run)



    And one Example of a turbo set up that would send a rod otu the block first pull. Similar power to whats above, just smaller turbine/ar that hits like a freight train.



  13. 736 @ 14psi???? What size turbo is on this thing. It took me over 20psi to get 703. Granted it was on a auto but I still find that hard to believe?????


    Twin Billet 67's


    In all fairness it was closer to 15 than 14, I am just quoting the KPA on the log.


    You are running a dinosaur tech turbo through an Auto- it is what it is! Call Chad back if you want a pair of much more efficient options :)

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