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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. lol...there's no such thing as a $75 speeding ticket any longer. well, not in cincinnati. my brother got one like 5 years ago and the starting price was $130 or something like that. plus 2 pts. that was for 5 over. see the part about this law is it allows a cop with a personal vendeta against someone they know or have arrested before (don't act like this doesn't happen because they do it on the tv show cops all the damn time) the power to be judge, juror, and executioner right there on the spot. spin your tires in the rain or snow...you'll get pulled over and car is searched. this law will allow the cop to call that racing and thus the cops are never wrong..so at the min it will be towed/impounded and you pay a fee to retrieve it, loose a day of work to go to court only to have the ticket dropped but you are stuck with court fee's....it's a win win for the system once again. it's only about the $$ to them. and it always will be about the $$.
  2. it's also who you know... CINCINNATI (AP) -- A criminal count has been dismissed against a Cincinnati city councilman's daughter charged after an incident in which she was tased by police. A judge said Wednesday that Celeste Thomas should not have been charged with possessing an open container because officers had no right to search the vehicle she was riding in. Police said she had a bottle of vodka during an Aug. 23 traffic stop. you and I would have been slapped with the max penalty. loss of our driving privileges, max $$ fine, and probably the most jail time you can get. if your daddy works for the city council..you can do anything you want and get away with it.
  3. anyone notice how some of the other drivers actually got out of the left lane????? ahh if only american drivers would get their heads out of their asses...
  4. serpentracer

    No caption

    that should be the other way around...oh no he didn't.
  5. I know cops that know of cops who have taken part in illegal activities on duty and off duty. cops= people like everyone else.
  6. ohio is 10.5% as of nov 20, 2009. 618,000 jobless. the us total is only 10.2%. good ol red state voters....thanks for your votes 5 years ago..
  7. better? btw, it's the mayoclinics website...you've heard of the mayo clinic right? http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/health-savings-accounts/GA00053
  8. http://blog.healthcareforamericanow.org/2008/08/02/health-savings-accounts-are-a-scam/
  9. Funds can be withdrawn for any reason, but withdrawals that are not for documented qualified medical expenses are subject to income taxes and a 10% penalty. funds are not subject to income taxation if made for qualified medical expenses. some key words...qualified. that means it has to fall under what they considered qualified. just like I said. the other key words... tax penalty. use if for anything else they slap you with a 10% tax.
  10. quote the rest of the details.... you missed some of the bs about the taxation of your withdraws etc. I thought it's "your" money? if it was you'd be able to withdraw it without penalties.
  11. now that I found the paperwork it's not humaha's hsa. it's through a bank called UMB. why the fuck would I even want an account with a bank that isn't even local to me?
  12. I used to have some of the best insurance around. I paid $0 for it and it covered everything 100% with a $200 deductable. the new owner decided to go the cheap route on us. now we have to pay and have a lousy $1500 deductable with a scam HSA account. the only good thing about it is everything is 100% coverage.
  13. none of that about the HSA is right. that might be how yours works but mine isn't anything like that. first of all, I have to put 100% of the money into it. thats up to your company if they match you or not. like how a 401k works. I dont know where you get that you can get that money back. mine doesn't work that way. once it's in, it's there for life and you cannot withdraw it. they give you a debit card but you can only use it for medical stuff. doctor visits, perscriptions etc etc. the only thing that would make it worth while is if your company matches what you put in. it just wasn't even worth it. only 2 of 20 of us bothered with it.
  14. I'm not confusing anything...we had a rep come talk to us about it. a HSA account is a fucking scam. I'm not putting money in something (min a $1k) for some bank in iowa tell me what I can use it on and I can never have that money back. it can only be used for medical expenses at their discretion. my Health insurance is Humana.
  15. everytime I use firefox it slows way down on me. and loads pages where some of the words are overlapping etc. it sucks. IE8 seems to work so much better and has a better layout of all the open tabs. and google likes to install hidden background services that can't be stopped from starting. that's why I got rid of the toolbar. I spent about a full 4 hrs trying to get rid of the 4 updater services from my computer that were using up about 8 mb of memory.
  16. those are a huge scam and a waste of your money. first off, you can't get that money you put into it back. it becomes "theirs" and they tell you if you can use it or not. yes it stays with you if you leave the company or they get rid of you, but the fact still remains, you don't get the money and they tell you what you can use it for. they make it sound like you can use it for all medical expenses but that isn't true. my plan had a very basic list of what they "allowed". which was bullshit. they try to lure everyone into it by claiming you get all these tax breaks etc. whoptie fucking do. I think you might get a $5 tax credit. second, you don't earn interest on the money you put in. it's much smarter to put money in a savings account of your own. all that thing is is a scam insurnace companies came up with so they can get people on these huge deductable plans. which they like because they know the higher the deductable the less likely you are going to use it.
  17. that plan has been scrapped. got to keep up with the news there sam. it's just going to be a government insurnace option.
  18. if I want to add a wife and one child to mine it goes up to $430 a month extra. (humana) at least with humana you can go to a doctor once a year for free. otherwise I'd have to pay my deductable. I wonder if the obama plan is going to be any less $? highly doubt it.
  19. I don't know, I think I'd ask for a super hot chick laying nakid in front of me
  20. you're the kind of guy that buys the bud light aren't you... real beer doesn't taste like budwiser.
  21. my post had 0 bearing on those girls in the video. it was all about your misguided ideals of what healthy is. again you have this misconception a skinny person = healthy. fat person = unhealthy. you are absolutely totally wrong. my mother is a pediatrician. I think I know a lot more about this subject than a 20 something smart ass.
  22. what's your definition of healthy? being too skinny is more dangerous than being a little over weight. and I'm not making that up. it's a medical fact. when you are super thin your organs and muscles arent getting the proper nutrition. take an emaciated dog into a medical clinic and see how worried the vets become. take a fat dog in there and they don't much care about it's health. because it's not in any immediate danger of dying. to be honest with you, you are the one with the misconceptions about being skinny is healthy. there is no medical proof showing skinny people live longer than overweight people. I said over weight. I didn't say morbidly obese. that is way out there in the overweight spectrum. and lets face it, there are way more people that are underweight than morbidly obese.
  23. you're not supposed to use any kind of silicone on leather. it doesn't let it breath and you will feel like you are wearing saran wrap.
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