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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. wow someone came up with a pretty good crock of crap. I bet it sells for double of what they give you for it. that site isn't about doing shit for free. you can believe that. like going to a car dealer and trying to sell them your car. yeah they'll buy it, but turn around and sell it for a few thousand more than they gave you for it. and use the gimmick "we're recycling" it for you..it's the green thing do to bla bla bla.. if you want to get what your stuff is actually worth sell it on ebay or something. you're still shipping the shit to gazelle anyway, no different than sending to someone else.
  2. what's legal? if you are thinking the $20 fee still applies to motorcycles you're what I think about you....a dumbass. since I posted the answer in a giant picture.
  3. you can do a hand grind valve job. but it's way better to have new seats put in the head and use a new valve. seeing how that valve you have need replaced anyway. they make valve lapping compound for hand grinding and a $9 tool for holding the valve as you spin it. or you can put the stem of the valve in a drill and lap it that way. you can get the grinding compound it at any auto parts store. http://www.permatex.com/products/Automotive/specialized_maintenance_repair/rebuilder_aids/Permatex_Valve_Grinding_Compound.htm
  4. just ignore it...what's the chance of you getting pulled over in KY again..
  5. well that's because as advanced of a society we think we are, we can't even cure some diseases still. so any new developments are big breakthroughs.
  6. keep your tongue out of their women's butts and you'll be fine. furthermore, have you ever been to miami florida??? it's already 70% haitian.
  7. seriously, my finances are none of your business. matt. I can afford my bike and track addiction just fine. plus I don't ride the street that often to really care about getting the registration on time. it's not really about the cost. it's about having to get them when I don't want to. now that I know I don't "have to" I'm happy.
  8. http://news.discovery.com/tech/aids-hiv-vaccine.html accidental, http://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2008-11/cure-aids
  9. well for one, I don't want to pay for something that's not in use. second, they pro rate the cost. third, I just can't afford to get them at the same time as my other vehicles. winter is our slow time at work so my hours are always cut back.
  10. you sound like a picky nicky and a complainer. for one it's a 2003..not a 2009 from the showroom floor. it's been ridden. for 12K miles there's no way the rear rotor is fucked up to the point it's grooved already. thin brake pads...are you really complaining about that??? it's got 12k miles. it's going to have thin brake pads. do you even know how thin they can be before you need to replace them? usually so thing the back plate almost touching the rotor. have a look at your owners manual sometime.. buy some new ones. as they say, I guess it's not the bike for you.
  11. mine are $64.50 regularly. don't complain too much, other states make you pay based on the value of your car. I've heard of people paying more than $100 and some close to $200.
  12. "I" know. I think dude is one of those idiots that go out and buy all the new stuff the day it comes out. and trys to make fun of people who still uses the old stuff.
  13. more than 7 days past, you get a $20 fine. it's not bs, people need to stop being lazy and using any bs excuse they can come up with for having expired registrations and license. I only care about the bike. I'm glad whoever came up with this law decided a bike should be exempt. they obviously know that would be really low since you can't ride it in the winter for the most part. someone seen a money making opportunity and went for it. maybe in the long run it will lower state taxes
  14. what really gets under my skin these days is companies looking to hire that start out in entry level positions, minimum wage, and expect an associate or bachelors and at least a year or two experience. who's to blame? fucking idiots that go apply to these places...they keep feeding the beast. I don't know about some of you but I didn't go to college for 4 years to work for less than $30/hr. just sayin.
  15. hyper inflation, that isn't because of $8/hr workers dude. that's from CEO's making 10 million a year and 2 million in a bonus. don't blame the little guys. they don't make the rules. don't hate the players, hate the game.
  16. that's the problem....everyone wants to be rich. college degrees don't mean you will be rich or have/keep your jobs either.
  17. from the sounds of the whole thing, if you can show them proof or have a good reason you didn't it's up to the bmv to waive the fee. I didn't read the law entirely, just enough to see it doesn't say anything about motorcycles. in your specific case, I bet you are the perfect candidate to get it waived.
  18. yeah there has been times I wanted to go out too. but it's not often enough for me to really care. march 1st is when my insurance picks back up..and it's a hell of a lot cheaper with the 3 month layover option.
  19. all I had to do is read the first sentence. I know exactly what you mean. companies wonder why everyone doesn't care for the most part... why would anyone care about a company that has the reputation of such practices? I feel more for the people who got hired. they are destined for the same thing but have never been in that situation before. so it's going to seem like the end of the world is coming down on them when they get let go. the people who got laid off are all the wiser now thanks to this experience. companies are all about #1, you HAVE to be the same way. in the last few years I only been in a walmart maybe 3 times. bought nothing. people need to stop supporting companies that move over seas, sell china products, don't buy as much products from other countries and quit bitching about the price of american products. things cost less at walmart etc because the workers from china etc are paid a day what most americans make in 30 min. if all the jobs keep moving away...who the fuck is going to be able to keep buying the stuff they make? it just doesn't make any damn sense to me.
  20. I edited my original post to address that. some of us with birthdays in the winter usually wait till spring to get them...they are pro-rated too. so we usually save a few bucks. mine are usually $10 cheaper.
  21. many of us with birthdays in the winter usually wait till spring to renew our registration, the new law has us all confused and a little pissed. and since there seems to be a lot of confusion to whether or not the new law applies to motorcycles, and a few people have called local BMV's and got many different answers, I took the bull by the horns and contacted OHIO plates.com live help. here is the answer to the million dollar question,
  22. mobil broadband is way better. anywhere you get cell phone reception, you get broadband internet. we use this at our car lot on our laptop using cincinnati bell mobil broadband and it works almost as fast as road runner and zoomtown from cincinnati bell http://www.option.com/en/products/products/usb-modems/icon452/
  23. really I mean they haven't used ddr2 since like 2008...
  24. ok it looks like the rita stuff is for certain areas that let ohio handle it's local taxes. jesus christ they make this shit worse every year..
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