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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. I did an upgrade on my old phone wanting the new latest greatest android os for it and it made my phone a complete pos. that's why I have a new one. I will never ever upgrade the os like that again. bug fixes or security patches maybe but the os, fuck no
  2. I didn't mean anyone in this thread. anyone that reads it will know who they are. they'll probably still come up with some kind of off the wall defense of it though
  3. do one favor for yourself when you go to buy one. DO NOT let the idiot salesteam talk you into a phone they recommend etc. they'll tell you it does everything great and come to find out it's a lousy ass phone with medocre capabilities. this is the most annoying part about buying a phone that I came to find out. did the research myself and I'm glad I did. I went with a HTC one
  4. I have a ringer fork seal driver and a fork oil height guage. I'm not a big fan of digital pressure guages. too many batteries to keep up with as it is. plus I just smashed the POS craftsman digital one I had because it was fine one day and dead the next all the time. I've been seeing pressure guages with built in temp and pressure compensation. looking for one that does that. supposed to be highly accurate. not that it really matters I guess. I'm not a motogp team.
  5. it's going to happen and I hope it does. a mandate all phones text features lock up while the phone is moving more than 15. i'd even support one that the phone completely locks up. if you like the seatbelt mandate this is right up your alley
  6. no one complained about the patriot act when it was 911 time. so STFU now that the ramifications are coming to real life as they excersise their freedom stripping powers on you. you gave your rights up for a bit of security and some of you I recall defended it tooth and nail. recall anyone ever saying "its ok with me, If youre not doing something illegal you have nothing to worry about"?
  7. is this a brand new? because lemon laws only apply to new not used. and not sure motorcycles are included. I think they're classified as a recreational vehicle.
  8. haha. I dont know the area too well where that house is. Id have to see it. I do know it's a bit of a drive from where I work and that is a deal breaker. I'd be spending too much going to work. now if I worked in mason or lebenon etc that could work. I'm not married to my job I have right now. I'm basically using it to ride out the shit storm. I'm down 12K a year from where I used to work because of the slow economy. they're picking up I hear but I don't like the new owners. so I will never be going back unless the sell it. mason is loaded with job ads. so I could possibly find something out that way easy. a 42k house payment isn't shit. I pay $800 for a condo right now and that's nothing for me to come up with. I would love a place like that and pay half what I do in rent right now.
  9. would you be interested in helping me out?
  10. see this is why I hate talking to some people. I wonder if it had anything to do with his loan because he was a first time home buyer and I do believe it was with fannie mae.
  11. talked to someone from that site about that place today. basically a bank will not touch that place since it is a hud owned property and under what they are willing to lend for a mortgage. so unless you have 42k in cash you aint getting a loan for it. I don't understand a bank's though process. here is what a guy at work was telling happened to him, the lenders told him if you qualify for a 150k home, you can only choose a 150k home (in that ballpark) you cant use it to pick a 100k. it's 150k or nothing. does that make a bit of sense? this was coming from a guy that bought a home about 8 months ago. its like they are purposly putting people in over their heads.
  12. oh and they also said to change your workout that can stimulate other muscle groups and the weight loss will start up again,.
  13. they were just talking to a doctor on NPR this morning about that as to why most people stop. it's common to happen. he talked about a few reasons it happens. 1. a thinner person to burn less calories. now that you lost some you need to cut out more calories in your diet. 2. your body has gone into starvation mode and it burns less calories. he said the only way to keep your diet going it to cut out a few hundred more calories a day and excersise more. and they've seen a lot of people change the foods in their diet and that worked for them. I still think if you stick with it maybe cut out a few more things or find some other kinds of foods to replace what you are eating now will work in the long run. I think there was 1 or 2 more but I forget. also something about lean healthy muscle that you tend to build doing small workouts don't need many calories too. don't quote me on that but I thought he said something to that effect. I was still half asleep
  14. very. our homeless in america have it better than some people in 3rd world countries. we complain about shit a lot of people in the rest of the world could never afford much less complain about it in any way. we just take all of this stuff for granted.
  15. errr can't edit post. I use endomondo. it's limited but free. I think the full version is $3 or something. it works well and has a lot of other kinds of workouts it can keep track of. plus the full version has a heart rate monitor
  16. the shittiest part of this whole thing is healthy food is almost twice as expensive. my food bill has doubled and I eat less of it. it's bullshit that the food industry has made it this way. and they wonder why so many people struggle with their weight and so many of us have diet related diseases
  17. wow I figured you guys were hip. lol it's a new thing to say if a privilaged person has issues that are related to being privileged. you know, first world people problems. while other people are starving and being murdered in their sleep for just being alive. it's just a sarcastic joke.
  18. wow check this place out for only 42k http://allcincyhomes.com/a/sa/search?s_garage=&ob=&s_acres_max=0&submit_by=page_next&s_acres_min=0&lp=3&rgu=1&domain_id=7377&s_price_min=0&s_types[]=2333&s_types[]=2334&sort_order=&search_name=&s_ca=0&s_yb_min=&s_yb_max=&show_sf=&map_on=&go=go&s_baths=2&s_price_max=50000&email_notification_frequency=168&s_br=2&scroll_to_top=&s_query=#/?mls_listing_id=1000015993405
  19. they said natural gas is cheaper than coal. that's the reason why. remember when the coal miners were blamming obama that they were being laid off? that's when this story came out. they're finding large deposits of natural gas in the states. I believe they said we are the saudi arabia of natural gas
  20. Weighed myself this morning. Lost about 30 lbs so far.
  21. that's not what they were saying on the news a few months ago. they said the majority of electric co now use natural gas. duke energy in cincy is begining the swtich
  22. if you guys didn't finally realize what sets prices is market speculators. that's why gasoline is so expensive and that's what will eventually make natural gas expensive. and if you didn't already know, most electric companies now use natural gas instead of coal. so when natural gas prices sky rocket so some wall street asshole can get rich, you'll be paying more for electric also. we can have everyone living comfortably with their wage they make. it's a nice way to control all you middle class scum.
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