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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. she's 100 xs hotter than miss kansas you dorks were going nuts over.
  2. where she fucked up is actually going to the police. she should of faked her death and cashed in on the 1.2m with her hubby.
  3. there's an eagle somewhere by me. I hear it all the time. I've yet to see it. but the screech is very distinctive to those so I know it's one. thought this was him but it's just a vulture giving me a show.
  4. His is a third gen. It won't work in a 2nd gen
  5. the lawsuit is pointless. they've been banned already by the house. not sure anyone is paying attention
  6. when I visit the middle east I want to park my car where syria used to be.
  7. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2013/06/26/House-passes-red-light-camera-ban.html
  8. pretty sure ohio just passed a law making them illegal to use in ohio. there was something about it on the news a few months ago because of the speed camera in a local village in cincy. the place issuing the ticket wasn't even from ohio for one.
  9. I remember when dell used to make their power supplies in the desktops different than every other manufacture in the world. what cluster fuck they created. if you had one you were the exception for things but they didn't tell you this until you blew shit up with it because all the wire colors were different than every other power supply made.
  10. that computer is way too new to be running xp anyway. vista probably came on that new. it's no wonder you're having a hard time installing windows. 1/2 of the drivers are missing more than likely thanks to the way dell likes to do their shit. which is why any real computer person never buys dells.
  11. sweet I got some old eggs I was going to throw in the trash but now.....
  12. your bios should detect the drive on it's own and use the correct settings. but dell is a company that likes to do things their way and they stray away from the norm in the computer world. if it had a sata drive in it and you put a sata drive in it there shouldn't be any problems. you could have a bad drive right out of the box. I have before. It could be rejecting the drive without the correct settings but usually a bios detects the drive without any input from the user. but I'd have to be able to see the menu to know for sure. it would be way over your head to try and explain it over the internet without pics etc. dells website might have some info about your computer to look at. most of them put how to change out a drive ect on their site. it might have some info about the settings.
  13. they're not more stable. I see on the net they fail a lot. a lot more than a standard drive.
  14. is windows already installed at this point or no?
  15. dynabeads stick to the inside of the tire. I seen one pulled off a bike they had to scrape the tire with a screwdriver to remove them. plus the laws of physics prove they don't seek the light spot in a tire. they simply spread out and stay there. no balancing takes place. they're not some magical balancing wizardry. you're wasting your time with it.
  16. it's the devil. oh wait, computer= check, windows movie maker= check, video camera= check, downloaded sound clips=check. upload fake video to youtube as a hoax...done. next time I hear church bells I'm going to record it and make a video on youtube for 1m hits to generate myself money....you guys do realize this is why people are doing these right? you can make money on your youtube video hits.
  17. I so thought you took a pic of a dead cat you hit
  18. I hope you see me as a quality tool such as starrett http://www.starrett.com/ not some cheap shit like craftsman
  19. probably a local hospital. in cincy UC has hoxworth http://www.hoxworth.org/ why do we have to go through a dumb ass round about way to post links?
  20. why not get normal hour jobs? my first job was 2nd shift. from like 3 to 11. I really liked it at first but grew tired of it in less than a year. never will I do 2nd or 3rd. I'd rather remain unemployed than take one
  21. ^up load link fail? Says can't find that when I click on it
  22. boo hoo I hold a grudge like a 5 year old.. that's me mocking you.
  23. do they pay you? no one's gettin my shit without cash
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