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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. it's not really a bandwagon. just yesterday there was a guy on NPR talking about how some animals get very fat eating just fruit. surgar turns into fat if you don't burn it off right away. might as well eat candy. in fact a bowl of special k cereal is the same as a can of soda. sure you get more nutrients but you also get the sugars. not good if you need to lose weight. that's what I've read anyway.
  2. well since I can't edit a post past like 2 min ago. my diet is easy for me to stick too. I stay away from fatty foods, carbs and anything with lots of sugar(this means most fruits too). that means no more beloved pasta. at least for a little while. I read that eating whole grain pasta is better because it takes a lot longer to break down in your gut. unlike the regular stuff which instantly turns into fat and increases your blood sugar levels. so I eat whole grain pasta and sauce once a week. I mainly eat chicken, green beans, tuna, corn, salads with fat free thousand island (kraft is good) beans, chicken fajitas with 98% fat free tortillas. eggs, lentil soup, minestrone soup, tomato soup, granola bars, veg soup, wild rice and chicken soup, a few others I forget right now. some olives, 2% cheese. skim milk. lots of water, grapefruit juice (no sugar added). there's things I'm leaving out but that's the main stuff for the most part. I'm not someone that needs fine dining so this food is fine with me. people sit and eat pizza and burgers in front of me and my cravings for it is pretty much gone. I don't even feel like I want some.
  3. that's about what I do. 8-10 miles a day on my bike or 3 miles walk. endomondo on my phone shows calories burned. walking burns way more in less time than biking. sat mornings me and the dog hit the park wooded hiking trails. one takes about 45 min to walk and it burns damn close to 1000 cal in less than 2 miles. it's just been too stormy and hot to do it. so I do the other 2 with less elevation changes they're about 2.4 miles combined and it says I burn about 600 cal on those. way better than walking flat ground for sure. it took a good 3 weeks before the scale started to move. but once it did it was like I lost 20lbs in a few days. maybe my fat ass broke the scale lol.
  4. what do you expect from min wage high school drop outs?
  5. I always like how demanding some of these folks are. as if you're supposed to jump through all the hoops for them. lol just tell him you need his bank account number and routing number and pin and you'll get it squared away.
  6. I started about 6 weeks ago when I couldn't fit in my suit. started eating less fatty foods and taking in less calories. I eat about 1700 cal a day and either walk 3 miles or ride my bike for 8-10. started out at 240 I'm currently at 214. suit is now big on me. had to buy smaller shirts too. will keep going till I'm around175. the weather has fucked my work outs but my diet is easy to stay on. just going to take a lot longer.
  7. real gps units are still best. lose cell phone reception and its over for you. and no data useage. works in a pinch but i prefere my garmin. it works a lot better too. i actually disabled maps on my phone. it always had 3 processes running sucking up 70-80 mb of ram
  8. the spring time is the best. oh and nicer neighborhoods lol
  9. I could have sorn the last track day I did they said the nov group can only pass on the straights. and slower riders should stay off the racing line in the straights to allow faster riders to pass. I got stuffed up the inside on my entrance to corners plenty of times. lol the first time startled me the rest I kind of had fun with it and tried to hang with them to learn a little. in the end my balls were grapes to their mellons lol
  10. most of the time guys don't mean to do it so close. they just run out of time/space to do it better. passing on the inside is always more sketchy. you never know if the guy on the outside is going to tip in fast or not. that's why its important to do it as quickly as possible. but passing is part of being on the track. something you need to learn to handle.
  11. come to think of it I did see some white number plates mixed in with the novice. i didn't know wtf was going on.
  12. not sure if ped(my brother) is on this forum but you know him brian from assfaultjunkies and localriders I think. he's pretty talented to get around a track at the pace he does on a FZ6. if he had the right bike he'd do well I think. we put a ohlins rear shock and some racetech valving in the forks and he said it made the bike handle a lot better. still no sportbike but at least he can get on the power a lot sooner on exits. he passes guys in this corner all the time.
  13. pretty sure this is you? all the ones I have of you are kind of out of focus. the camera was set on auto focus. I don't know how to properly work a DSLR. it was just a canon rebel xti witha 300mm lens. I'm not sure why more photographers don't sit in turn 1. it's a great place in my opinion.
  14. I see a lot of negative reviews of those boots. but they're quite possibly the most comfortable boot I've ever seen
  15. I was only there friday through monday.
  16. I recall that and didn't he still end up passing a few guys? that's Fing bad ass riding!
  17. I know I have a few of you desmo. looked like you were not taking it serious in turn 1.
  18. that's all I have of ya. I must of missed you in turn 1 where I took the most pics. if you were always bunched up with guys only one of ya got a shot lol
  19. I want to know who this guy is. he kept doing this to guys and looking straight at me at times.
  20. I might have a few pics of you guys I took with a dslr. I'm not a pro just borrowing my brother's camera. I took 600 pictures lol. give me a bit to dig through them. I'm going by your avatars. if you have something for me to look for that stands out as you let me know. I'll post all the pics I can find
  21. ok then we'll line them up wing tip to wing tip and see how many my buggy can clear.
  22. just don't get off track. it takes years to do one right. most guys end up wanting to drive it right away and try to get it road worthy and never complete it properly. when I say properly it looks like a well taken care of vehicle not something someone wants to take pics of. here are a bunch from last summer at a park that has a car show every year. I took pics of only the good stuff. stuff I think of when I think of a car that is worthy to show off.
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