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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Aside from being much funnier, how is Amy Shumer any different than your neighbors?
  2. ...but I suspect they're still just going to walk that owner through the lost title application process. When he says "I didn't get a title with it when I bought it," then what? They need the name of the prior seller, and they will keep hunting until you get back to a recorded (registered) owner. Tracking those people down is a huge pain.
  3. If it's a great deal, you could still buy it and then find another titled frame to swap everything over to - but that is almost never a cheap process. Titled frames go for $400+ on eBay, and shipping them isn't cheap.
  4. Still funny, but was a lot funnier 10 years ago. My father-in-law's Optima is a nice place to be. pretty legit car.
  5. The last registered owner can apply for a lost title, not just anyone. Ohio makes changing off-road to on-road titles easy, but it's nearly impossible to get a title re-issued to anyone other than the last owner the state has on record.
  6. Lots to be thankful for this year. New house. Wife's new title (and raise). Awesome toddler. 2 running bikes. 2 good dogs. Etc. Friends are in town for the weekend. We're hosting tomorrow night, and then Thankskegging is Saturday.
  7. aren't we all just splitting hairs and definitions here? Of course religion (nearly all of them) has been used to rationalize a billion different horrible acts. I think religions are dangerous because people follow them so blindly, and the founders they hold in such high regard are not around to correct or qualify past statements or writings. Hell, 90% of christianity is 'the inspired word of god.' That's the polite way of saying some dude made it up, and then the church endorsed it as the word of god later. The other 10% is (supposedly) first-hand observations written down by apostles, and then I guess technically the 10 commandments were literally etched in stone by 'god' as he appeared to moses as a burning bush. (totally rational and legit) My knowledge of basic islamic tenants is lacking, but my guess is that allah doesn't have a whole lot to say, and the 'prophet mohamed' got to make up whatever he wanted. When those words were recorded is anybody's guess. God may not be bullshit. I'm not prepared to completely dismiss the possibility of a higher power - but religion is pure and utter shit. Religion is men scaring other men into an ideology using god as a tool of fear. I do not lack faith in 'god,' i lack faith in man. People who place their faith in the wrong men will always be dangerous.
  8. redkow97


    So Russia is going to hold the US responsible for this. awesome.
  9. one more thing to charge people for, i suppose. "land of the free." <eyeroll>
  10. redkow97


    This kind of shit irritates me to no end... and The fact that the U.S. 'backing moderate rebel groups' is just poor strategy. I'll give the U.S. the benefit of the doubt and assume that the aircraft were purchased directly from the manufacturer, and not supplied to Turkey by our own military, but we're tangentially tangled in a conflict with Russia now. It could be the start of a modern cold-war...
  11. Nice. I'll throw liberal generator gas money your way in exchange for all-night heat that won't deplete the oxygen in my car and kill me... I woke up at 4:00 this morning and couldn't fall back asleep. Spent a fair amount of time planning the best way to transport bikes without getting slush and salt all over them. I think I've got that handled. given how chilly it's likely to be, I thinkj I'll leave the tent at home and just plan on sleeping in the car. I can fit a twin air mattress in the back quite comfortably with the seats folded down - and they'll be down for transporting gear, etc. anyway...
  12. I admit that this area of law is not my expertise, but is there such a thing as a "Sunday beer license" anymore? I was under the impression that Ohio repealed any and all "blue laws." There are still plenty of chains who haven't bothered to updated their register restrictions, and thus can't ring beer/wine before noon on Sunday, but that is NOT a law any longer. He may just be looking for a convenient excuse to take Sunday off.
  13. So he needs adjustable rearsets or multiple bikes. There's going to have to be some compromise here, either with the bike, or body position.
  14. I referred to the route by the way I begin it, but yes, 71 down to 75 through Atlanta. As for the weather, I know it won't be warm, but 50 will feel a lot warmer in January than it does now. A sweatshirt over my leathers should be about all I need. I have a propane heater to get the car up to temp before bed, then I can run the car for a couple of hours before waking up. If I'm really lucky, I can plug an electric heater into someone's rv and keep it on low all night.
  15. if you shit-talked your boss, even if you were right, how would that go for you? Bench the idiot and tell him he can put his sorrys in a sack.
  16. For you columbus folks, I will probably be driving through relatively early in the morning on Friday 1/15/16. Based on where I live, I can take 71 down through Atlanta (no tolls), or take 77 through Charlotte (portions of 77 are toll roads in Southern Ohio). It feels like a toss-up... I don't want to hit Atlanta at rush hour, but I also don't want to pay through the nose for tolls just for having an additional axle with 200 lbs. of motorcycle and canopy... I guess I could always stop and nap through rush hour.
  17. The Monday after this race weekend is MLK Jr. day, so I have it off. I'm using that to either drive home, or ride more. I will be taking off Friday 1/15/16 to make the 12 hour drive down. Unless I acquire and prep a spare bike between now and then, I will have room on my trailer for one more. PM me if you're interested in riding. I'll likely camp. It's January, but it's January in Georgia - that's not to say it won't be cold. I'll bring a tent, but I'm going to be prepared to sleep in my car if necessary. I would consider splitting a hotel room if someone wants to come with.
  18. No argument - but it's stupid and shitty to publicly bash your coach. Did he think it needed to be said? No one who watched that game needed to be made aware of the poor coaching decisions.
  19. I hang off of bikes like crazy. Probably way too much. that said, I'll 'defend' jschaf a bit and remind everyone that the Ninja 1000 is already a modified ZX10 chassis, rearranged for comfort. They probably lowered the pegs a good 2-3" from the position they were in when it was badged as a ZX10. Maybe look at older ZX10 rearsets instead of trying to raise the whole bike up?
  20. I have gone to Point Blank a couple of times at lunch. It's very nice and very clean. Their pricing reflects that. It's not unreasonable, but it adds up. That said, they're also not charging you $4 for cardboard or $2.50 per target. I believe their entire target rack is $.89 per sheet. I haven't seen anything like what you're describing, but I've only shot there twice.
  21. Perhaps i'm just spiteful, petty, and full of shit, but if I'm Urban, I would seriously consider telling Zeke, "you don't like the play calling, you come talk to ME about it - not the media." And then I would bench him for their remaining 2 games and wish him luck in the NFL draft. Who the hell does he think he is? I don't care if he's right about the play-calling, throwing coaches under the bus to the media is uncalled for.
  22. if the internet is showing me the proper linkage setup, I think you do want shorter "dog bones" to achieve a rise in the rear. This is an extremely simple DIY mod if you have proper strength plate-steel. a 1/2" decrease should raise the rear at least an inch. Just get the proper material and drill 2 holes 1/2" closer together than the existing suspension links, then cut them out, and smooth the edges.
  23. I raised the rear on my EX500 by using shorter suspension links. I'm sure the EX has almost nothing in common with the Zx10, but I'm sure you could accomplish the same thing with a similar mod. Just watch that you don't upset the geometry too much. You're decreasing rake on a bike that can hit 180mph...
  24. 90% of the Ohio state fans on this site attended some other university anyway. If you love OSU so much, go to school there. I was entertained by the game. That's all I wanted.
  25. I can't see the "my bikes" section while using the mobile app. What do you have now?
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