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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. A 1000 will probably be fun. I've only ridden one once, and it was a demo R1 on a street ride... I'm sure you know it will burn through tires, but if you're not riding it all that often (on the track), no big deal. ...but if learning is really a priority, the 1000 can be counterproductive in that department. You WILL use the throttle to make up for lost speed elsewhere. As long as you're cool with that, don't let anyone talk you out of a good deal. And you still have the 100 to force you to learn corner-speed.
  2. I have always been of the belief that FOOD sales are a break-even proposition after cost of the raw food, then paying someone to prepare it - drinks are where establishments should be making up money and profiting. that is why McDonald's has a dollar menu. The cheeseburger costs them $3 to produce, but the dollar drink you buy along with it only costs them $.05 to fill... The cup is literally more expensive than what they're filling it with.
  3. fair enough, I just struggle to find any other product where the markup is 300%, but it's hard to turn a profit.
  4. I'm not trying to dispute the majority of what you're saying, but I disagree that the cost and margin on beer is the problem. You're citing labor and insurance costs as the profit-killer. Your example of liquor being more profitable doesn't diminish the profitability of beer. The cost of labor to transport it and serve it aren't expenses that are inherent in selling/serving/re-selling beer, that's just the cost of running a bar. Like I said, any time you want to pay me $3 for a 16 oz. PBR, I'll be happy to sell you one and pocket my $2 profit. I understand that BARS and restaurants are not magic money machines, but that would be the case even if you're not serving alcohol. I have run the numbers on opening a bar a few times (with friends who were also interested in the proposition of 'investing.') The bottom line was that we would have to do the grunt work ourselves to avoid paying employees we didn't trust and losing our shirts. Rent, liquor license, and insurance were killer - the margin on the product was not the issue.
  5. Is there confirmation that this is the same frame as the gladius? I've never really paid attention to those.
  6. You demonstrated how insurance is expensive, not beer. I pay $.60/can for beer by the 30 pack. You're welcome to buy as much as you want from me for $3/can.
  7. acquired by a new company doesn't mean they'll re-brand the chain. Probably quite the opposite. They'll just change up the menu and cut operating costs. Bike night will still be a thing. It's pure profit for them. Draws thousands of people and sells beers at 400% markup.
  8. it's a 2006 and it uses the F3 engine from '98?? I believe you, that is just surprising.
  9. redkow97


    I hope the Internet is distorting your sarcasm.
  10. I don't hate all small dogs, but I'd feel silly owning one. Henry is only 35 lbs., but we were afraid of having a big dog as our first. 20 foster dogs later, a 70 lbs dog is no big deal.
  11. Watch them come out with an "R" model like I suggested. Gotta leave something for 2018
  12. How does anyone still have 68% iPhone battery left by 6:40 PM??????
  13. how much/month would people throw at a bike co-op?
  14. Here's Suzuki's PDF sales sheet http://www.motorcycledaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2017-Suzuki-SV650.pdf They claim 75hp from the new model (at least that's what the internet tells me 56 kilowatts converts too...)
  15. http://www.motorcycledaily.com/2015/11/suzuki-brings-back-the-sv650-with-more-power-and-less-weight/ New frame and updated engine. They're claiming 15 lbs. weight reduction, while increasing power (didn't say by how much) and efficiency. The presser only shows a naked model with ABS and standard forks. I'm wondering if they won't introduce a fully-faired "S" or "F" or "R" model with inverted forks and an upgraded shock at some point - they acknowledge several times that it's a club racing favorite...
  16. didn't you just buy the Honda recently? Go get yourself a cheaper bike that you don't mind having sit in the garage, man! Then you don't have to be buying and selling once or twice a year, and you can still enjoy it when the mood strikes.
  17. I was just surprised to see two bucks so close to each other without any conflict. Maybe they were grunting at each other and I just didn't hear. Our dogs don't know what to make of deer. We see them very routinely in our neighborhood, and even more often if we walk them in the park. They eye them like they're large dogs, whereas if they see a squirrel, they go into full-on predator mode and pull like crazy on the leash.
  18. redkow97


  19. What is the deal with bucks anyway? I saw 2 with a doe near my house on Sunday. The largest bucks I've ever seen in person (not that that's saying much), and one clearly had a larger rack. I expected them to be fighting over the female, but the smaller one ran from us (wife, me, both dogs, and our toddler), not from the larger buck. The larger buck didn't seem too bothered by us. He kept his distance, but never raised his tail the way the smaller one did. The doe was further off and never noticed us. The smaller buck had returned by the time we were done playing on the swings and took the path back through the woods to our neighborhood.
  20. redkow97


    Because fleeing to another country is easier and safer. If everyone stopped accepting refugees, this would be the only choice - but that's not compassionate.
  21. redkow97


    intelligence sources admit (speculate) there are probably more attacks coming http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/15/politics/isis-us-threat-paris-attacks/index.html Without putting a timeframe on that statement, it's not exactly a bold call to say "terrorism isn't over." <eyeroll> ...I wonder if the price of ammo will go up. I bought a few boxes of 9mm and a brick of 22lr two weeks ago when it went on sale locally. Wish I'd bought more now.
  22. damn you for making me look this up... I like most of the stuff Kel-Tec makes. I realize that they're not making the highest quality firearm, and that to some extent, they are "disposable," but for what I paid for my PF9, I don't have any complaints. I may pick up their 9mm carbine if i can talk myself out of the Hi-Point carbine. /threadjack
  23. redkow97


    We're posing questions which have no perfect answer. I've been taking the "let Syria deal with its own problems" stance, and react when it directly and imminently threatens the US. But the refugees are just fleeing a bad situation the same way many of us would.
  24. no one else near Portsmouth wants access for a $50 buy-in?
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